What types of problems, complaints or issues are handled by the IG?

The IG handles complaints regarding fraud, waste and abuse; violations of regulations or procedures; complaints not resolved by your supervisor(s).

What types of complaints are NOT handled by the IG?

  • Personnel/Employment issues: Civilians experiencing personnel actions such as reductions-in-force, removals, disciplinary measures, and similar actions should contact their Civilian Personnel Officer. If you are a member of a recognized bargaining unit and there is a negotiated grievance procedure, you must follow that procedure.
  • Discrimination/harassment issues: Complaints about discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or handicap condition are handled by the Equal Employment Opportunity Counselor/Officer or Equal Opportunity Officer.
  • Safety violations: Report complaints about hazardous (unsafe or unhealthy) working conditions by using the procedures in AR 385-10, Army Safety Program.

How do I submit a complaint to an Inspector General (IG)?

A complaint, allegation and/or request for assistance via DA Form 1559 can be presented to an IG in person, by telephone, or regular mail.

Soldiers do not have to present their concerns to their chain of command before visiting the Inspector General. However, you must obtain permission to be absent from your duties if you wish to visit the IG during your duty hours. You do not have to tell anyone why you want to visit the Inspector General.

What is an IGAR?

An IGAR is an Inspector General Action Request, DA Form 1559. A complaintant completes the IGAR, presents it to an IG, who in turn initiates the appropriate action. When completing an IGAR, please include as much DETAIL as possible (who, what, when, where, how, etc.) This enables the IG to conduct a thorough inquiry.

Who can submit an IGAR?

Anyone can submit an IGAR as long as it concerns an activity of the U.S. government, specifically the U.S. Army and/or its members.

Can I submit to an IG outside Fort Hunter Liggett?

If you believe the results obtained from FHL IG's response to you has not been fair, complete or in accordance with law and regulation; or if you believe your interests will be jeopardized by making a complaint to the FHL IG, you may write or call:


  1. Inspector General, 63d Readiness Division, 685 Vernon Ave, Room 9, Mountain View, CA 94043, (719) 317-5930
  2. The Inspector General, Office of the Inspector General, 1700 Army Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20130-1700, DSN 225-1500/commercial (703) 695-1500
  3. Inspector General, Department of Defense, Room 1000, 400 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202-4704, DSN 664-8300/commercial (703) 604-8300/(800)-424-9098


  1. Inspector General, Department of Defense, Room 1000, 400 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202-4704
  2. Call Department of the Army Inspector General (DAIG) (800)-752-9747 or (703) 695-1578; DSN 225-1578
  3. Call the Inspector General, Department of Defense (IG, DOD) Hotline: (800)-424-9098 or (703)693-5080; DSN 223-5080

Filling out DA Form 1559 Inspector General Action Request

  • What do you want the IG to do for you?
  • Do you have supporting documentation such as emails, text messages, memos, etc.?
  • Have you asked any other agency to assist you? If so, who? Provide contact information.
  • Is your chain of command aware of the problem? If so, who? Provide contact information. What date was the issue brought to your supervisor?
  • What is your status? (AGR, TPU, spouse, etc.)
  • Email the DA-1559 in encrypted format to usarmy.usarc.63-rd.mbx.ig@army.mil