The Inspector General operates in accordance with Army Regulation 20-1, Inspector General Activities and Procedures. The IG conducts investigations/inquiries, and teaches and trains to enhance mission readiness and improve the effectiveness, efficiency, discipline and morale of units in its area of responsibility.
The FHL IG is an extension of the 63rd Readiness Division Inspector General Office, supporting the FHL Garrison, Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks), and Camp Roberts.
All Civilian and Military employees have the right to present complaints, allegations, or requests for assistance to the Inspector General. This may include any matters concerning issues that the Army has an interest in. Before contacting the IG, determine if your concerns can be handled more quickly and simply by referring them first to your immediate supervisor or chain of command.
Department of the Army personnel are prohibited from taking any action that restricts you from filing a complaint, seeking assistance, or cooperating with the IG. They are also prohibited from taking any disciplinary or adverse action against you for filing a complaint, seeking assistance, or cooperating with the IG. However, if you lie or knowingly make false accusations to the IG, you are subject to disciplinary action.
Per AR 20-1, paragraph 1-11, the IG has a duty to protect confidentiality to the maximum extent possible. This is particularly true when specifically requested by persons who ask the IG for help, make a complaint, give evidence, contact, or assist an IG during an inspection or investigation or otherwise interact with an IG.