The Religious Support Office provides religious support and spiritual leadership to the command. The Joint Base Chaplain advises the Joint Base Commander on all things religion, ethics, morals, and morale, and how those areas might affect the Joint Base Community and supported agencies. The RSO provides the facilities and support for all Arlington National Cemetery Chapel funerals. The RSO also funds various Soldier and Family Programs throughout the National Capital Region in support of the Commander's religious support plan using the installation's Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund.
Religious Services
Services are held at Memorial Chapel (Building 480) and Old Post Chapel. Some services are also streamed virtually. LIKE and FOLLOW the RSO at: ⚠
- Catholic Mass - 5 p.m.
- Catholic Mass - 9 a.m.
- Protestant Service - 10:30 a.m.
- Gospel Service - noon
- In-person Samoan Service - 10 a.m. at Old Post Chapel (Building 335) the FIRST Sunday of the Month ONLY.
**Note: Seating capacity limitations apply to all in-person services! Please call or email to ensure that you are properly registered for the service you would like to attend!** Call 703-696-7672 / 6635 with questions, or send us an email at: