The Armed Forces Hostess Association (AFHA), located in the Pentagon, is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to serving the personal information needs of members of all branches of the armed forces, their families and government civilian personnel. Our volunteers (past and present) are spouses of Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard service members who take pride in maintaining the most complete source of non-classified information on base facilities and amenities available to our unique military family community.

Washington, DC can be a difficult transition for newcomers. AFHA accepts walk-in and call-in requests for immediate information assistance to handle issues while getting settled or sponsoring new arrivals. Our primary service is an AFHA Welcome Packet which includes our DC Handbook, Pentagon information, National Capital Region base maps and information, plus other publications, community maps and entertainment information. Questions pertaining to bases and communities in the District of Colombia, Virginia and Maryland can be answered from our extensive files. General information on military bases worldwide is available. We also display the five services’ Washington DC Spouses’ Clubs monthly newsletters, other military family periodicals and reference information for customers to read while visiting our office. AFHA serves all personnel, whether permanently assigned, arriving, departing, passing through on temporary duty or recovering in a Wounded Warrior program.

In 2010, AFHA assisted 2284 military/DoD civilian visitors, provided 2000 Welcome Packets, volunteered over 2500 hours and was recognized with a Military District of Washington Volunteer Recognition Award. Volunteers are on the Pentagon Access list to enter the building and work at least twice a month Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. AFHA members open the office, assist customers, assemble Welcome Packets, attend quarterly meetings and research new information that our customers request.

Under the Office of the Secretary of the Army, the Department of Defense recognizes AFHA as providing a valuable service. AFHA receives logistical support from the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army and financial support from all service branches and local military spouses clubs.

AFHA, originally known as the Army Hostess Association, was founded in March 1949 when General Omar Bradley asked General Hobart Gay, the Commanding General of the Military District of Washington, DC to assist three officers’ wives to establish a Pentagon office to assist incoming personnel to the nation’s capital. It became the Armed Forces Hostess Association three months later when other service wives joined the effort.

THE AFHA CREED: "If we don't know the answer, we will make every effort to find it."