Camp Zama has a very limited capability to service exceptional family members. The EFMP manager will assist eligible family members by locating community support services. An informed and concerned counselor will provide family members with information, referral,crisis intervention and assistance to meet their individual needs. Please receive a screening at your local installation AND contact the EFMP manager BEFORE coming to Japan.

Medical and Educational services throughout mainland Japan are very limited. If you or your family members have medical or special educational concerns, please contact the hiring agency prior to accepting a job.

For specifics contact the USAMEDDAC, Japan POC at 315-263-8206.

It is strongly recommended that prospective employees have adequate overseas health insurance, should care beyond the scope of DoD health care services be sought from host nation hospitals. The Point of Contact for this information is the ACS Exceptional Family Member Program manager, 315-263-4782.

Helpful Websites: Military Installation Website
Helpful Numbers: Army Community Service: DSN 315-263-4357 (Social Services Support) MEDDAC-Japan:DSN 315-263-4121 (Enrollment/Updates/Status of EFMP)