The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL voluntary non-clinical program available to all DA Civilians, including Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) employees, that offer short-term counseling, community referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems. Services are also available to Reservists, Guardsmen, Retirees and Family members ages 18 and older.
Title | Date Posted | Extension | Size |
EAP Resiliency Newsletter (September 2024) | 9/3/24 | 757.29 KB | |
EAP Resiliency Newsletter (October 2024).pdf | 10/6/24 | 764.66 KB | |
EAP Resiliency Newsletter (November 2024).pdf | 10/30/24 | 807.01 KB |
Non-Clinical Counseling: Short-term solution focused to address any life issue impacting performance or well-being (1-6 sessions/issue).
Training/Education: Offering education/training on various topics including, but not limited to, stress management, effective communication, conflict-resolution, self-care, etc.
Resources/Referrals: EAP connects clients with additional supports/referrals as needed. EAP also maintains a community resource list to support resilience and readiness. See the Community Resources Tab below for information on available supports for all dimensions of wellness/resilience).
Consultation Services: EAP provides consultation to supervisors on addressing performance or conduct issues in the workplace.
Facilitated Conversations/Group Counseling: EAP does not offer formal mediation services but can provide group counseling or facilitated conversations to resolve conflict in the workplace or in families.
Any eligible DA Civilian over the age of 18 can self-refer to EAP and schedule an appointment by calling DSN: 755-1086 or 0503-355-1086.
Supervisors can informally discuss and encourage employees to seek EAP services before formal counseling or written reprimands.
If conduct, attendance or performance issues persist in the workplace or if there is a positive drug test, supervisors are required to refer employees to EAP IAW AR 600-85.
Please contact ASAP to inquire about available trainings for Civilians.
Non-Clinical Counseling
Please contact your USAG Humphreys EAP to schedule your individual or group non-clinical counseling sessions.
Community Resources
Resources to support RESILIENCE and HOLISTIC Health.
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | Employee Assistance Program: +82-50-3355-1086 (DSN 755-1086)
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) - Contact Army Community Services (ACS) to get the most current list of MFLCs: +82-50-3357-2363 (DSN 757-2363)
For books on resilience, self-care, and personal growth, please visit the SFC Ray E. Duke Memorial Library across the street from the Humphreys Central Elementary School.
Please use your insurance website to locate MH providers that are in-network with your insurance. Some services may require you to pay out of pocket and then submit your claim for reimbursement.
DISCLAIMER: The information listed on this site is for informational purposes only. The Department of Defense, USAG Humphreys, or its representatives in no way endorse, favor, or sponsor any of the activities or places mentioned.
A local concierge service to help you navigate the Korean Health Care System, staffed with registered nurses who can help you with all aspects of your care, to include help making appointments, translation services, transportation support for appointments and resolving billing/care issues with insurance companies and providers.
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-10-4833-0727
- E-MAIL | support@fedmedi.com
- EXTERNAL LINK | https://www.fedmedi.com
If appointments are not facilitated by FedMedi, there may be charges for transportation. Fees are lower than taxi fares and FedMedi will accompany and remain with you during your appointments.
Adaptable Human Solutions
Currently offering a 6-session support group for Substance Use Recovery.
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-2-749-7915
- E-MAIL | info@ahskorea.com
- E-MAIL | elizabeth@ahskorea.com (Main POC: Dr. Elizabeth Schnobrich)
- EXTERNAL LINK | https://ahskorea.com/
Hope & Wellness Services
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-31-647-4436
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-31-647-4437
- E-MAIL | info@hopeandwellness.co.kr
- EXTERNAL LINK | http://hopeandwellness.co.kr/pc/index.jsp
I Care Counseling Center
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-31-656-2273 (CARE)
- E-MAIL | info@icarecounseling.co
- EXTERNAL LINK | https://www.icareconseling.co
Integrated Counseling Services
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-31-662-7571
- E-MAIL | intake@integratedcounseling.net
- EXTERNAL LINK | https://integratedcounseling.net
Korea Psychological Group
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-10-6809-2234
- E-MAIL | hello@koreapsych.com
- EXTERNAL LINK | https://koreapsych.com
Mind Care Institute of Korea
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-70-8888-8277
- E-MAIL | assist@mindcarecenter.co.kr
- E-MAIL | mindcarecenter@gmail.com
- EXTERNAL LINK | http://www.mindcarecenter.co.kr/
Seoul Counseling Center
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-31-692-5556
- E-MAIL | support@seoulcounseling.com
- EXTERNAL LINK | https://seoulcounseling.com
The Tree Group (Located in Seoul)
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-2-557-8823
- E-MAIL | info@thetreeg.com
- EXTERNAL LINK | https://thetreeg.com/en/tgm/
You and Me Psychological and Consultation Services (YPCS)
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-2-6929-3014
- E-MAIL | admin@ypcskorea.com
- EXTERNAL LINK | http://www.ypcskorea.com
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings
Discussion Meetings (Hybrid): Face-to-face discussion and open reading at USAG Humphreys Freedom Chapel's Family Life Ministry Center (Bldg. 696 near Sentry Village) in room 120. These meetings are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6-7 p.m. This discussion is also held on Zoom at the following link:
Discussion Meetings (Online Only): Open reading and discussion. These meetings are held Tuesday and Thursday from 6-7 p.m. This discussion is also held on Zoom at the following link:
Point of Contacts:
Discussion Meetings (Face-to-Face): Open discussion at Osan Air Base Resiliency Center (Bldg. 769). These meetings are held Tuesday and Thursday from 5-6 p.m.
Point of Contacts:
Alcoholics Anonymous
American Addiction Centers
- PHONE CALL (US) | +1-866-692-5058
- EXTERNAL LINK | https://americanaddictioncenters.org/virtual-meetings
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Military One Source
Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Recovery
Soberistas (Women-only International Support Group)
Sober Recovery (For Friends and Family as well)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA)’s Treatment Locator
We Connect Recovery
Unit Recovery + WEconnect + Alano Club
USAG Humphreys is home to over 15 spiritual groups and has over 60 programs managed by its Religious Services Office (RSO). Spiritual engagement leads to improved Resilience.
For list of available spiritual activities, please visit the Religious Support Office Facebook page.
For sports/physical activity, please visit the DFMWR sports page for a list of current classes.
For free nutritional/fitness services, contact the Army Wellness Center.
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-50-3337-5758 (DSN 737-5758)
- EXTERNAL LINK | Humphreys Army Wellness Center Facebook Page
For financial readiness support, please contact the ACS Financial Readiness Program.
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-50-3357-2363 (DSN 757-2363)
- EXTERNAL LINK | Humphreys Army Community Service Facebook Page
For social activities, please visit the DFMWR page at:
For fun activities and volunteer opportunities, contact the BOSS program.
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-50-3357-1647 (DSN 757-1647)
- EXTERNAL LINK | Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) Facebook Page
To register as a volunteer, please visit the ACS Volunteer Coordinator.
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-50-3357-2363 (DSN 757-2363)
- EXTERNAL LINK | Army Community Service List of Programs/Offices
- EXTERNAL LINK | ACS Family Advocacy Program
Army Resilience Directorate (ARD)
Camp Humphreys/Area III Community Resource Guide (CRG)
Employee Resources
- CIVILIAN PERSONNEL ADVISORY CENTER (CPAC) | For all your HR questions or to reach your Labor Management Employee Relations representative.
- DIRECTORATE OF HUMAN RESOURCES (DHR) | For administrative and educational services, DEERS, ID cards, ration control, transition assistance and military personnel action.
- WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT | For onboarding, DPMAP, and other workforce development information.
Army Emergency Relief (AER) Program at Army Community Service (ACS)
For eligible service members and military families, emergency and hardship loans can be obtained from the Army Emergency Relief Program.
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-50-3357-2363 (DSN 757-2363)
- EXTERNAL LINK | ACS Army Emergency Relief Program
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Program at ACS
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-50-3357-2363 (DSN 757-2363)
- EXTERNAL LINK | ACS Exceptional Family Member Program
Financial Readiness Program at ACS
ADPAAS: Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System
- Eligibility:
- Army Service Members (Active and Reserve)
- Army Civilian Employees (both civil service and non-appropriated funds)
- Eligible family members of service members and employees
- At the Army's direction, family may also include other personnel such as other service members assigned to Army commands, tenants on Army installations, Army retirees and their families, and members of the individual ready reserve (IRR) and their families. In the case of deceased, injured or missing Army service members or civilians, the definition may also include certain extended family members (parents, parents-in-law, guardians, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law).
- If you or your family needs immediate help with basic necessities such as water, food, shelter or medical care, please call (US Number) +1-800-833-6622, option 6.
- EXTERNAL LINK | https://adpaas.army.mil
Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund
Programs include disaster relief, emergency hardship loans, education scholarships, childcare subsidies and additional resources.
Humphreys Red Cross
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | +82-50-3357-2348 (DSN 757-2348)
- PHONE CALL (KOREA) | Korean Red Cross: +82-1577-8179
- PHONE CALL (US) | Hero Center 24/7 Emergency Support: +1-877-272-7337
- E-MAIL | safhumphreys@redcross.org
- EXTERNAL LINK | Department of the Army Inspector General (IG)
- EXTERNAL LINK | Eighth Army Inspector General (IG)
- EXTERNAL LINK | Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
- EXTERNAL LINK | U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
- EXTERNAL LINK | U.S. Office of Special Counsel
Relevant Regulations/Policies
- AR 600-85
- DA PAM 600-85
DISCLAIMER: The information listed on this site is for informational purposes only. The Department of Defense, USAG Humphreys, or its representatives in no way endorse, favor, or sponsor any of the activities or places mentioned.