There is no single address for every office or person at Fort Huachuca. Addresses for individual offices can be found on their respective pages on this website.
Address formats for all Soldiers assigned to Fort Huachuca who are currently living in the barracks are listed below. DO NOT use 47 Arizona Street for any mail sent to Fort Huachuca. That is the address for the U.S. Post Office on Fort Huachuca, and all personal mail will be returned to sender.
Mailing address for all 111th Military Intelligence Brigade Soldiers, including 304th, 305th and 309th Military Intelligence Battalion Soldiers:
<Rank, Name>
<Company AND Battalion>
2520 Healy Avenue
Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-7002
Mailing address for all 2-13th Aviation Regiment Soldiers:
<Rank, Name>
<Company AND Battalion>
80405 Hatfield Street
Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613
Mailing address for 40th Expeditionary Signal Battalion Soldiers:
<Rank, Name>
<Company AND Battalion>
2420 Cushing Street
Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613
Mailing address for MEDDAC Soldiers:
<Rank, Name>
<Company AND Battalion>
2240 Winrow Avenue
Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613