For your general legal assistance needs, contact the Joint Base MDL Legal Office at 609-754-2010.
Soldiers near Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JB-MDL) who are on active duty or mobilized for 29 or more consecutive days have two Legal Assistance Offices for service, depending upon their specific needs.  If seeking assistance with a non-criminal, adverse administrative action (e.g. adverse OER/NCOER, revoked or suspended security clearance, Line-of-Duty or FLIP Investigation, bar to re-enlistment, or written reprimand), you can schedule an appointment with the US ASA, Fort Dix, Legal Assistance Office at 609-562-3295.
ALL OTHERS seeking legal assistance for non-criminal matters, (e.g. Powers of Attorney, Wills, Notary services, tax return preparation, consumer law problems, landlord-tenant issues, marital/child custody/financial support matters) should contact the Joint Base MDL Legal Office at 609-754-2010.



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Legal Office Locations:

US Army Support Activity, Fort Dix: Legal Assistance (LIMITED*): (609-562-3295), Bldg. 5165A, Maryland Ave, JB-MDL
Joint Base MDL Legal Office:  (609-754-2010), 2901 Falcon Avenue, JB-MDL.
New Jersey National Guard Legal Office:  (609-562-0942), 3650 Saylors Pond Rd., JB-MDL


* - Limited to Soldiers on active duty or on orders for 29 or more consecutive days for services related to non-criminal adverse administrative actions that you are facing (e.g. adverse OER/NCOER, revoked or suspended security clearance, Line-of-Duty or FLIP Investigation, bar to re-enlistment, or written reprimand). All other services should call the JB-MDL Legal Office.