Fort Dix, NJ - Gate Hours & Status
As part of the Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, Fort Dix has several access points. The Main Dix Gate is the Route 68 Gate, which along with Main Gate McGuire, Main Gate Lakehurst, Bolling Housing and Browns Mills/Texas Gates, is open 24 hours. Pemberton Gate is open twice a day, during the Pemberton School year, M-F: mornings 0700-0900 and afternoons 1400-1600. Wrightstown Gate hours are 0600-1700, M-F. Checkpoint-9 is the McGuire/Dix Commercial Gate, and hours are M-F, 0600-1400; Sat, 0600-1200 and closed Sundays. The Lakehurst Commercial Gate is open M-F, 0600-1400.
Installation Access
Security Forces provides installation access control, force protection, resource protection and police response 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Personnel can coordinate all types of visitor access at the McGuire Welcome Center. This facility is opened from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday. The Welcome Center is located immediately outside of the McGuire Main Gate. The telephone number is (609) 754-3003/3938.
Special events where a large number of visitors are expected for a base function and require one-time access to the installation and other requirements can be coordinated through the McGuire Welcome Center at (609) 754-754-3003/3938.
SFS can be reached in person at the Emergency Communications Center (ECC) at Building 2301 Vandenberg Ave on the McGuire side of JB MDL. The telephone numbers are (609) 754-1730/1731/1732 and (609) 562-6001.