Do you take advance applications for housing?
We request you contact us via e-mail or by phone so we can provide you with information you will need to plan your PCS to Korea. For unaccompanied E6 and below, unit barracks are immediately available for housing. Unaccompanied E7 and above, command sponsored families, and joint domicile couples must in-process at the Housing Office to determine eligibility date to be placed on the appropriate waitlist.
What do I need to bring to register with Housing?
All your orders (PCS, Command Sponsored, Joint Domicile, Amendments, TDY en-route, etc.), your service specific leave and clearing form.
Does the Housing office accept advance applications for housing?
Yes, we will need a copy of your PCS orders and DD1746 to process your advanced application.
Can I live off-post?
Yes; however, the government will only pay if on post housing is not available.
How long does it take to find housing?
It normally takes two (2) weeks to find off-post housing. During PCS season (Jun, Jul, Aug), it can take about three (3) weeks.
What size are the houses (on-post, off-post) and where can I get/see the floor plan?
The average size of a house on post range from 1200SF to 2100SF depending on the number of bedrooms you need – the same applies for off post homes/apartments.
I’ve heard the electric systems are different in Germany/Japan/Korea, will my appliances work or will I have to buy new ones?
On post housing uses 110v and off post uses 220v. Some apartments off post are wired with both 110v and 220v. Most landlords will provide transformers.
Is housing overseas different from US homes?
Yes. Korea maximizes space by building vertically, so there are a lot of high-rises and apartment/condo-style homes. There are not many single family houses with garages or large yards. Closet/storage space can be limited. There are no central air conditioners used off-post; normally, the apartments come furnished with a single large stand-alone air-conditioner unit and one smaller wall unit. For the chilly winters, the homes are heated through heated floors; so many apartments have hardwood floors, marble tile, or linoleum instead of carpeting.
What should I bring and what should I put in storage or sell?
You are not authorized to bring your washer and dryer, as our Furnishings Management Branch (FMB) will provide those on a loaner basis. We also do not recommend that you bring oversized furniture, such as German shrunks, large entertainment units, oversized couches, etc.
Are there washer and dryer hook ups in housing?
There are washer and dryer hook ups in on-post quarters. Off-post quarters are responsible to pay initial hook-up and final disconnect fees. Replacement hook-up fees are covered by Government (FMB). You are not recommended to bring your washer and dryer; however, you can request government loaner washer and dryer to use for the duration of your tour.
Will military members still have the option to live off-post?
Yes; however the government will only pay if you are Command Sponsored and on post quarters are not available.
What are OHA and MIHA and am I entitled these allowances?
You are entitled to Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA), a separate Utilities allowance, and a one-time Move in Housing Allowance (MIHA).
OHA is the overseas equivalent to Stateside BAH in that it is used to pay your rent. However, unlike BAH, OHA is based on actual cost for rent.
Move In Housing Allowance (MIHA)
The Move-In Housing Allowance is a lump sum flat rate that you will receive upon moving in to a new off-post house. This allowance helps offset expenses incurred when first setting up your household.
Currency (Won) and is paid out in your LES like BAH. OHA is based on your pay grade and dependent status (with or without), and is paid based upon actual cost for rent. You can find your OHA rate using the OHA calculator and MIHA at “Location,” type in the “Locality Code” of KR045. Enter your pay grade and dependent status as appropriate, and another pop up screen will list your OHA rate, utilities rate, and MIHA.
How do I know if I have an accompanied or unaccompanied tour?
Your orders should state if you are accompanied or unaccompanied. Command Sponsorship and Joint Domicile orders are issued by IMCOM-Pacific; Command Sponsorship also has a required “T” number (i.e., T-1234). If you do not have either an IMCOM-Pacific Command Sponsored or Joint Domicile order, or no “T” number for command sponsorship, you are serving an unaccompanied tour.
I am on an unaccompanied tour. How can I change my tour?
You will need to contact your unit S1 to request command sponsorship.
When may I bring my family to Korea?
With approved "T-1234” command sponsored orders, you may bring your family to Korea as soon as possible.
How can I change my tour status from unaccompanied to accompanied?
You will need to submit a request for command sponsorship/change of tour through your unit S1/personnel office.
What is concurrent travel?
Concurrent travel allows you and your family to travel together to your next permanent duty station. All command sponsorship and joint domicile orders will be issued with “concurrent travel to Government-controlled or economy quarters.
What does deferred travel mean?
Deferred travel means that your family will not be traveling with you because there are no houses immediately available or you have approved delays for your family’s travel. You will have up to 120 days max to bring your family members to an Overseas location (BAH stops on the 121st day). TLA will not be authorized. Arrangements for assignment to quarters must be made prior to your family’s arrival, ensuring your family has a place to reside.
What if I just bring my family over on my own, without authorization for family travel?
You will still be entitled to OHA and utilities at the with-dependent rate, as well as the one time MIHA, and you will still need to in-process at the Housing Office for the off-post briefing. As a Non-Command Sponsored family, you will not be entitled to TLA, DLA or government furnishings.
How can I bring a dependent that is not on my orders to Korea?
You will need to contact your unit S1 to request command sponsorship. If you have already received command sponsorship, you will need to contact your unit S1 to request an amendment to your command sponsorship orders to add your dependent.
What do I need to do to claim TLA?
You will need to report to the Housing Office within 48-hrs of arrival to USAG Daegu. If you are going off-post, you will receive the off-post briefing that includes the “Housing Search List.” You must fill out this list with the realtor/landlord to show that you are aggressively seeking housing, and turn in that list either at your lease signing appointment or when you turn in your TLA receipt and copies of all your orders. If you are unaccompanied, you will need to report immediately to the Housing Office for verification that TLA will be authorized. TLA will only be authorized for SM who receives a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) from housing. All others will pay out of pocket expense for TLA.
Are there any restrictions on bringing our pets?
Yes; on-post there is a 2 pet limit and off-post the pet size and quantity varies with each landlord/owners.
Where are the DoDEA schools located?
DoDEA Schools are located on Camp Walker and Camp George. Students can be bused to these two locations.
- Daegu Middle/ High School is located on Camp Walker.
- Daegu Elementary school is located on Camp George
Restriction on the type of pet, i.e., “Can I have my pet snake/iguana/ferret/pot- bellied pig?”
Exotic animals are prohibited in Housing areas.
What is the Loaner Furniture program?
You are authorized loaner furniture to set up your home for the first 90 days of your assignment or when your HHG arrive and 60 days from your departure.
Can I receive government furniture for my quarters?
Those who have command sponsored orders, joint domicile orders, or are unaccompanied with a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA), will be authorized government furnishings support.
What about my electric appliances, TV and computer?
Yes, most of our quarters are equipped with dual voltage. Personal washers and dryers should be left Stateside in storage. All Government-controlled and eligible private rental quarters are authorized washers, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerator and ranges as needed for the length of your tour.
Are the Officer and Enlisted Quarters furnished?
Yes. The Officer and Enlisted Quarters are fully furnished. SM who do elect to have full JTR allowances shipped or ship furniture that will not fit in their assigned room will be required to locate non-temporary storage (NTS) and pay for the storage out-of-pocket (please note that storage facilities are very expensive in Korea). Bringing your full JTR HHG is not adequate justification for CNA approval.
We are a married couple on unaccompanied orders, do we have to reside in the barracks?
Yes. Unaccompanied Soldiers married to another service member on separate tours will be assigned housing on the same basis as unmarried personnel.
How long can Civilians keep the Government furniture once I sign for it?
Officially you may keep the Government loaner furnishings for up to 90 days before you are required to turn-in your loaner set. Issuance of loaner sets may be extended due to un-controllable circumstance. For example, scheduled delivery of household goods are delayed.
Do you issue furniture/appliances on a permanent basis?
All personnel assigned to USAG Daegu receive appliances for the duration of their tour.
How are the sizes of the bedrooms compared to bedrooms in the United States?
Typically, the bedrooms are smaller on upper floors because of slanted ceiling making it difficult to situate bulky and taller furniture in some rooms.
How long can I keep the government furniture once I sign for it?
You may keep the government loaner furnishings for the duration of your tour (this applies to military only). If you should change your status (ie, from unaccompanied to accompanied or Joint Domicile to Command Sponsored), you may return to the Main Housing Office for a different furnishings entitlement. Civilians are authorized appliances for the duration of their tour.
Where do I stay while I wait for housing?
On post lodging or if lodging is full, you will be issued a Certificate of Non-availability to stay in a hotel on the local economy.
Do I need renters insurance for on-post or private rental housing?
Yes. You want to make sure your personal items are covered just in case of fire, flooding, or theft. It’s also important to have insurance coverage for accidents resulting in property damage.
Who is eligible for Government Housing?
All Service members serving on the Command Sponsorship tour with Command Sponsorship Position Number (CSPN) T-XXXX are eligible for assignment to Government-controlled quarters. Service Members must have 12 months remaining on tour to apply for as well as 6 months remaining when signing for Government controlled quarters.
What is the waiting time for housing?
The waiting time varies, normally 2-3 weeks; however it can take up to 60 days depending on the bedroom size require and the date you apply.
Can I lose my original eligibility date?
Yes, applications must be made within 30 days of arrivals or receipt of command sponsorship to maintain your eligibility date of date departed last duty station or date of command sponsorship approval. Beyond 30 days, or Service Members making tour changes, the effective date on the waiting list will be date of application.
What determines the list I am placed on and my placement on the list?
AR 420-1, Chapter 3 determines how the waiting list is managed. Our computer data base will place you on the waiting list by bedroom requirements and the date you departed the US.
What is my eligibility date and how does that affect my place on the waiting list?
Your eligibility date is determined by the date departed last permanent duty. Service Members must sign-in at the new duty station before assignment will be made.) Your signed and approved service specific leave form (Request and Authority for Leave), and service specific Installation Clearance Record will indicate date departed last permanent duty station. Other methods in which an eligibility date may be established are the effective date of command sponsorship, date of application, or through an approved exception to policy. Families cannot jump on any waiting list however a Family can be displaced by a Family that has a higher eligibility date. Example: SFC Jones PCSs and signs out on leave on 1 May, he takes leave until 30 May and signs into his new unit. His eligibility date is 1 May. This is the date he will be placed on the respective waiting list. However, if SFC Smith PCSs and starts leave on 20 April and signs into new duty station on 4 June, IAW regulatory guidance, this family will be placed ahead of the family that arrived on 30 May if the two families are competing on the same waiting list with the same requirements.
When and will I be placed on the waiting list for housing?
When a copy of your PCS orders and DD 1746 are received by the Housing office your name may be added to the waiting list in a priority 3 status. You will not begin actively competing until you have physically arrived to USAG Daegu. Your signed and approved service specific leave form (Request and Authority for Leave), and service specific Installation Clearance Record are the only way of substantiating this requirement.
What happens if someone has the same eligibility date as me?
All other criteria being equal, the position on the waiting list will be determined by rank and date of rank with the senior member having the higher priority.
What does it mean if my wait list position moves up and down?
If someone arrives later than you with an earlier eligibility date or high assignment priority, your position moves down.
May I request placement on more than one wait list at one time?
Applicants may not be on more than one housing waiting list at a time.
How long will my application remain active once submitted?
We will accept your application when you arrive, we don’t accept advance applications as many Soldiers are sent to different areas once they arrive in Korea.
How long can a guest stay in my quarters?
Per calendar year a non-dependent guest may visit for a period no longer than 90 days. Requests are submitted through the garrison Housing Division. Housing Division Chief can approve for 30 days or less, Garrison Commander approve for 31 days or more.
How many pets can I bring if I reside in Government-controlled quarters?
In accordance with local policy as well as regulatory guidance, you may bring two pets; two dogs or two cats or a combination thereof. Request for additional pet authorization must be submitted through the Housing Division and approved by the Garrison Commander. Domestic pets are not authorized in Unaccompanied Personnel Housing.
Is there a Self-Help program?
Yes, occupants can pick up supplies for their quarters at the Self-Help office.
What are the requirements for vacating my home?
You must contact the Housing Office and give your landlord a 30-day notice to vacate.
When I move, do I have to clean?
Yes. You must clean to the standard IAW 420-1, Chapter 3. You must return your rental in the same condition or better than when you signed for it.
I have two children, one female and one male; how many bedrooms do I qualify for?
IAW 420-1 chapter 3, the age of the children will determine the bedroom size. However, normally you would be able to compete for a three bedroom.
I have a Family member enrolled in EFMP, how will that affect my on-post housing assignment and waiting time?
It may not affect assignment unless the EFMP requires special provision for assignment.
I have a dual military household and my wife is stationed at another installation. Can I apply for housing?
Yes, if you have one dependent living with you in the home. If not, you will be assigned to Unaccompanied Housing.
Can my spouse or someone else accept a home on my behalf?
Garrison commanders will allow spouses to sign for housing and furnishings in the absence of the sponsor.
I currently live on post but would like to move to a different house. Can we apply for another wait list?
No, once you accept on-post housing you are considered adequately housed.
Can I accept on-post housing before I sign into the installation?
No, you must in-process through the Housing Office before being offered on-post housing.
I am a single Service Member with one child, am I eligible for on-post housing?
Yes, if you are command sponsored.
I’m TDY en route, when can I be put on the housing list?
The spouse is authorized to apply for housing at the new duty station prior to the arrival of the sponsor. The effective date of the spouse’s signing for housing shall not be earlier than the PCS reporting date of the sponsor.
Does it start when I depart my permanent duty station, or when I finish the course or when I arrive at my new permanent duty station?
When you depart your permanent duty station.
My Family was assigned to a 4-bedroom home at my last duty station. Will I automatically qualify for a 4-bedroom home?
Only if housing is available and you qualify IAW AR 420-1, Chapter 3.
Once I am offered a home, how long do I have to accept/decline?
Once offered housing, you must accept it or your name will be taking off the list and you will not receive TLA.
Will my BAH/OHA cover my rent and utilities?
Yes, it will cover your rent, but it may not cover your utilities as it depends on the usage.
If I get married after I have been living off post with a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) do I have to apply for on post housing?
It depends on the availability of housing and your status – you must be command sponsored.
How much is the rent for off-post housing?
Rent is determined by the Housing Office Fair Market Value calculator. In the USAG Daegu area, rent can vary anywhere from $800 to $2000 depending on the size of the house/apartment and the amenities.
How do I get a list of available rentals in the area?
We will provide you with a list upon your arrival.
I just received Deployment Orders. Can I terminate my lease before I depart?
Yes, but you still have to give a 30-day notice.
I received notification that my Family can move on-post but I just renewed my lease. Can I break the lease and move?
Yes, if your lease reflects a Soldier’s clause in the agreement.
I’m unaccompanied; do I have to live on-post?
Yes, all E-6 and below will be assigned to Unaccompanied Housing and E-7 and above will be ssigned to Officer/Enlisted housing.
I qualify for UPH (E7 and above) housing. Do I have to sign up for it even if I want to live off post?
Yes. If you are unaccompanied, you will have to in-process at the Housing Office to determine your housing status. If occupancy falls below 95%, you will be assigned to BOQ/SOQ/BEQ. Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) will only be provided if occupancy exceeds 95%.
What do I need to bring when I sign up for UPH?
You will need to bring all of your orders (PCS, Pin Point, TDY En-route, Amendments, etc.) as well as your DA Form 31 (if you have more than one, please bring them all).
How do I place a work order?
You can place a work order by calling DSN 763-4825 or Commercial 0503-363-4825 or you may submit work request through the ArMA website, which goes directly to DPW Service Order Desk, where you find the routine service request submission area. Once registered in ArMA, tenants can submit maintenance request for most common repairs, including plumbing, electrical, HVAC, etc.