DPW Programs and Services
The DPW is located in building 1219, 1626 Evans Street, between Specker Avenue and Wetzel Street near the intersection of Ellis Street. DPW programs operating out of a different location are listed by building number and street name.
Select entry from below and scroll down to view information.
Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST)
Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST), 719-726-8941, terry.j.eberle.civ@army.mil. The DPW Environmental Division AST Program staff manages all convaults that store used oil, diesel and gas on the installation. The program’s responsibilities include monthly inspections and tracking ullage records. Operators/users are responsible for all operations and maintenance activities on ASTs.
Air Quality Program
Air Quality Program, 719-217-3148, jessica.m.cooper53.civ@army.mil or brooke.n.weston.civ@army.mil. The DPW Environmental Division Air Quality Program aims to achieve flexible Colorado permitting conditions to sustain the military mission without compromising air quality for the region. This is achieved by assisting Soldiers and civilians in acquiring new products that do not negatively impact the local air quality, as well as constantly reassessing ways to reduce overall air emissions. Key to the program are management plans that are required for use by internal/external contractors and government employees working on Fort Carson. These include the Fugitive Dust Control Plan and Refrigerant/Ozone Depleting Chemical (ODC) Management Plan. Soldiers and civilians are also encouraged to refer to the Fort Carson Environmental Battle Book in order to mitigate air pollutants and other negative impacts to the environment.
Arms Room Inspections
Arms Room Inspections, 719-725-8364, rickey.l.crozier.civ@army.mil. Contact the DPW Engineering Division to schedule an arms room inspection. All inspection requests must be submitted via email and be accompanied by the previous inspection attached to the request. Inspections will be scheduled for and conducted the second and fourth Friday of each month. Please ensure requests are made at least 60 days prior to expiration.
Army Family Housing (on post)
Army Family Housing (on post) Fort Carson Family Homes (FCFH), a Balfour Beatty Communities (BBC) company. Army Family housing on Fort Carson is owned and operated by FCFH, which is located at 6800 Prussman Blvd. in the Joel Hefley Community Center. For information on applying for on-post housing, contact FCFH at 719-579-1606 or http://www.fortcarsonfamilyhomes.com.
Asbestos, Lead and Toxics Program
Asbestos, Lead and Toxics Program, 719-726-8957, david.a.martin1.civ@army.mil. The DPW Environmental Division manages the Asbestos, Lead and Toxics Program. There are asbestos-containing building materials throughout most of the older buildings on Fort Carson and Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site. Additionally, some facilities may have lead-based paint, naturally occurring radon and polychlorinated biphenyls. The DPW protects the environment while ensuring that there are no exposures to Soldiers, dependents or civilians.
Balfour Beatty Communities (BBC)
Balfour Beatty Communities (BBC) is the parent company of Fort Carson Family Homes, which owns and operates all on-post Family housing. FCFH is located at 6800 Prussman Boulevard in the Joel Hefley Community Center. For information on applying for on-post housing, contact the FCFH Management Office at 719-579-1606 or http://www.fortcarsonfamilyhomes.com.
Central Vehicle Wash Facility (CVWF)
Central Vehicle Wash Facility (CVWF), located at the south end of the cantonment area off Magrath Avenue, 719-526-3820 or 719-896-6237. Units are required to use the CVWF to wash vehicles rather than motor pool wash racks unless the CVWF is not operational or closed. Fort Carson saves an estimated 60 to 70 million gallons of water a year by the use of the CVWF through the filtration and reuse of water in the system. Only minor additions of water are needed to make up for evaporation. The use of tactical equipment maintenance facility wash racks is for maintenance cleaning only and requires hoses with a positive shutoff nozzle. Operating hours for the CVWF are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., year-round. Contact the CVWF in order to set up a time to wash vehicles, by calling 719-526-3820 or 719-896-6237. (Note: If a unit wash rack is leaking, submit a service order through the Army Maintenance Application https://www.armymaintenance.com/arma. (See Service Order Section for details.)
Certificates of Non-availability (CNA)/Exceptions to Policy (ETPs)
Certificates of Non-availability (CNA)/Exceptions to Policy (ETPs), building 1225, room 189, Evans Street. The DPW Housing Services Office (HSO) is responsible for and manages requests for CNAs and ETPs for Fort Carson. Soldiers can contact the HSO to obtain CNA and ETP information. For more information, contact Shelbi Getz, 719-725-8096, shelbi.l.getz.civ@army.mil; or Keisha Layton, 719-238-6458, keisha.m.layton.civ@army.mil.
Cultural Resources Program
Cultural Resources Program, 719-722-9321, benjamin.a.zandarski.civ@army.mil, for Fort Carson or 719-503-6136, kari.m.pittman2.civ@army.mil, for Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site. The DPW Environmental Division Cultural Resources Program ensures compliance with historic preservation laws, mandates and regulations, while simultaneously facilitating the garrison support missions.
Custodial Services
Custodial Services, 719-725-8083, bryan.s.dorcey.civ@army.mil. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division manages the custodial services contract. Contact the DPW contracting officer representative at 719-725-8083 or 719-526-6670 for questions about custodial services.
Dig permits
Dig permits, See Utilities section.
DPW Housing Services Office (HSO)
Housing Services Office (HSO), building 1225, room 189, Evans Street. The DPW Housing Division HSO office provides Soldiers and Families the following services:
- Quality information for customers pertaining to all aspects of military relocation.
- A Volunteer Realtor Program (VRP) which provides one-on-one support in locating adequate, affordable and available housing, rentals and for sale listings.
- Mediating disputes, counseling customers, education and providing guidance on local housing needs.
- Provides welcome packets that supply basic information about local communities, provide the local Base Allowance for Housing (BAH) rates, school information, maps and other housing-related information.
For more information:
Contact Shelbi Getz, 719-725-8096, shelbi.l.getz.civ@army.mil.
Contact Keisha Layton, 719-238-6458, keisha.m.layton.civ@army.mil.
Dumpster Services
Dumpster Services, 719-491-0218. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division manages the refuse dumpster services contract. Contact the DPW contracting officer representative at 719-491-0218 for questions about ordering, size, etc., of dumpsters.
Energy and Water Conservation
Energy and Water Conservation, 719-726-8824, sean.t.bogren.civ@army.mil.T he DPW Operations and Maintenance Division manages the energy efficiency and water conservation programs. Areas of emphasis include building metering and automation, education and facility courtesy audits.
Environmental Compliance Assessment Team (ECAT)
Environmental Compliance Assessment Team (ECAT), 719-725-8364, david.nino.civ@army.mil. The DPW Environmental Division ECAT mission is to provide support to units, garrison directorates and tenants as they relate to environmental compliance and management. The ECAT assesses all facilities in concert with unit Environmental Protection Officers (EPOs) to protect the installation from unnecessary fines and environmental violations by assessing facilities on an annual, biannual, quarterly and monthly basis.
Environmental Information Line
Environmental Information Line, 719-526-0973. The DPW Environmental Division manages environmental training, pollution prevention, pest control oversight, water quality testing, environmental compliance, installation restoration cleanup efforts and natural and cultural resources programs. For questions relating to environmental matters on Fort Carson, call 719-526-0973.
Environmental Protection Officer (EPO) Certification Training
Environmental Protection Officer (EPO) Certification Training, 719-960-1719, tyler.g.wendtland.civ@army.mil. The DPW Environmental Division provides training on environmental awareness to comply with environmental regulations to individuals assigned to areas where programs are inspected for compliance with environmental standards in accordance with AR 200-1.
Enterprise Environmental Safety and Occupational Health - Management Information System
Enterprise Environmental Safety and Occupational Health - Management Information System (EESOH-MIS) Program, 719-726-9087, paul.m.trygstad.civ@army.mil. The EESOH-MIS is used to track installation hazardous material and waste. The DPW EESOH-MIS Program handles all Fort Carson EESOH-MIS related inquiries - including new user authorization, data reporting and material orders. The DPW offers training for all new EESOH-MIS users. To schedule training, email paul.m.trygstad.civ@army.mil.
Facility Assignments and Transfers
Facility Assignments and Transfers, by appointment only, 719-960-1716, gerardo.torresvalle.civ@army.mil and 719-726-8806, edward.m.zezlina.civ@army.mil. The DPW Master Planning Division has a step-by-step process in place for the assignment of facility space on Fort Carson, in accordance with Fort Carson Regulation 420-14. To download the DPW Facility Clearance Worksheet, click here.
Facility Management Program
Facility Management Program, 719-725-4938, susan.c.galentine.civ@army.mil. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division staff trains Soldiers and civilians on all aspects of facility management. Registration for the DPW Facility Management Class is scheduled through the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security - Individual Military Training (Troop Schools), 520-942-2336, john.p.obrien50.civ@army.mil.
Forestry Program
Forestry Program, 719-725-4707, jeffrey.b.mclemore.civ@army.mil. The DPW maintains the urban forest (cantonment area). The installation forester provides guidance to the DPW operations and maintenance contractor to manage the urban forest for the benefit of the Fort Carson Community. The Forestry Program also manages downrange forest resources to sustain healthy and resilient forests guided by an ecosystem-based management approach. Low-cost firewood is available to the local community through the Forestry Program. (Contact for availability.)
Grounds Maintenance
Grounds Maintenance, 719-726-9001, robert.m.pease.civ@army.mil.The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division operations and maintenance contractor manages grounds maintenance efforts. Grounds maintenance operations are based on command guidance and available resources. Any improvements to a unit's or organization’s landscape needs to be accomplished through a Facilities Engineering Work Request, DA Form 4283. (See Work Requests section for details.)
Hazardous Waste Storage Facility
Hazardous Waste Storage Facility, off Butts Road, 719-526-0980, donald.l.sullivan22.civ@army.mil. The DPW Environmental Division manages a Hazardous Waste Storage Facility, which handles hazardous waste for units and activities on Fort Carson. Call for an appointment if a large quantity is expected for turn in.
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility (El Paso County), 719-520-7878. 3255 Akers Drive, Colorado Springs, Colo., 80922. The DPW Environmental Division manages a Hazardous Waste Storage Facility, which handles hazardous waste for units and activities on Fort Carson. Call for an appointment if a large quantity is expected for turn in. For more information, click here.
Installation Restoration Program
Installation Restoration Program, 719-726-8949. The DPW Environmental Division Installation Restoration Program has an ongoing commitment to the cleanup and restoration of past and present contaminated sites on Fort Carson and Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site. Such sites include impacts from formerly leaking underground storage tanks, various releases of contaminants and non-active landfills that all require remediation. Prior to conducting any digging activity, submit a dig permit. (See Utilities section)
Invasive Species
Invasive Species, 719-217-4887. The DPW Environmental Division is responsible for an integrated management approach to invasive species (including noxious weeds) and pest management at Fort Carson and the Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site. This program provides coordination, education, mapping, control and monitoring of invasive species. For issues with common weeds such as dandelions and weeds in the managed turf areas, red rock, xeriscape ornamental and rights of way areas, see the Weeds section. On the installation, herbicides can only be applied by DOD registered licensed applicators or personnel trained through the DPW operations and maintenance contractor weed supervisor who can be reached at 719-896-6864.
Keys and Locks
Keys and Locks, 719-360-4441, jason.r.williams42.civ@army.mil. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division oversees the operations and maintenance contract, which handles all requests for key replacements and issues relating to locks for unit and civilian real property facilities. Lockouts and key card failures are considered Priority 1/Emergency service orders and should be called in immediately to the operations and maintenance contractor at 719-526-5345, which is staffed 24/7. For information about barracks and unit building key replacements, email jason.r.williams42.civ@army.mil.
Latrines, Portable
Latrines, Portable, 719-491-8921, aaron.m.greenwood2.civ@army.mil. The DPW manages the portable latrine contract, which supports military training and Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation functions by providing latrines at Fort Carson and down range. This contract does not pertain to Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site areas, grey water removal or hand washing stations. For more information about requesting portable latrines or access to the portable latrine SharePoint site, email the contracting officer representative at aaron.m.greenwood2.civ@army.mil or call 719-491-8921.
Lost Pets/Stray Animal Control Facility
Lost Pets/Stray Animal Control Facility, Lost pets recovered on Fort Carson can be retrieved from the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region during their five-day stray hold period, 610 Abbot Lane, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905. Individuals looking for pets lost on Fort Carson may contact the facility by calling 719-473-1741 or visit https://www.hsppr.org/lost-your-pet/. The stray animal control facility contracting officer representative is Jason Willliams, 719-360-4441, jason.r.williams42.civ@army.mil. To report feral or stray dogs and cats present on the installation, contact the Provost Marshal Office dispatch by calling 719-526-2333.
Mapping, Floor Plan Services and GPS
Mapping, Floor Plan Services and GPS, 719-526-9906, usarmy.carson.imcom-central.list.dpw-mapping-support@army.mil. The DPW Operations and Integration Division Installation Geospatial Information Systems (IGIS) Office provides installation mapping, utility mapping, facility floor plans and surveying services. These services include standard or custom Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping, Computer Aided Design (CAD) support or Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Customers are asked to allow three business days for the completion of a mapping or floor plan request. For more information, visit building 1219, room 165 or email requests to usarmy.carson.imcom-central.list.dpw-mapping-support@army.mil.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 719-370-9152, victoria.n.ferrara.civ@army.mil. The NEPA requires all federal agencies to assess environmental impacts of proposed activities. The DPW Environmental Division manages NEPA actions for Fort Carson and Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site. To assist with determining documentation requirements and coordination necessary to go forward with any new training or construction activity, contact the NEPA Program Manager.
Pest Control
Pest Control, 719-526-5141, https://www.sorensen-pest.com. Facility pest control at Fort Carson is performed under contract in barracks, office spaces and motor pools. Occupants may request pest control by calling 719-526-5141 or visiting https://www.sorensen-pest.com and providing a detailed message, including contact information. The contractor has five business days to respond. The pest control contracting officer representative is Robert Pease, 719-726-9001, robert.m.pease.civ@army.mil.
The DPW operations and maintenance contractor provides a Self-help Wasp Control Program 719-896-6864. Feral or stray dogs and cats can be directed to the Provost Marshal Office by calling 719-526-2333. If there is an urgent pest issue, call the Installation Pest Management Coordinator Rusty Oliver at 719-217-4887 or email melvin.r.oliver4.civ@army.mil. On the installation, pesticides can only be applied by licensed applicators or personnel trained through the Weed Control Self-help Program (see Weeds section).
Pollution Prevention
Pollution Prevention, 719-725-8072, robert.d.cavanaugh2.civ@army.mil. The DPW Environmental Division Pollution Prevention (P2) Program can provide assistance with parts washers, P2 project suggestions, environmental training and program assistance.
Propane Services
Propane Services, 719-726-9001, robert.m.pease.civ@army.mil. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division manages the propane services contract. Contact the DPW contracting officer representative for questions about propane requirements and refills.
Recycling Program
Recycling Program, click here.
Refuse Services
Refuse Services, 719-491-0218. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division require every effort to be made to divert recyclable materials from the waste stream. For refuse service or container requests, call 719-491-0218.
Self-Help Program
Self-Help Program, 719-725-4938, susan.c.galentine.civ@army.mil. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division provides training to unit and civilian facility managers. Once trained, facility mangers can draw self-help supplies to conduct minor improvements in their assigned buildings. (See the Facility Management Program section for information about registering for the Facility Management Class.) Housing area residents can visit the Fort Carson Family Homes Self-help Store, 6271 Mekong Street, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday for housing self-help items. For more information, call 719-579-1605.
Self-help Supply Warehouse
Self-help Supply Warehouse, 719-526-3989, salina.overton@THTBC.com. Building 8100 at the intersection of O’Connell Boulevard and Bennett Street. The DPW operations and maintenance contractor maintains a supply warehouse for trained military and civilian facility managers to access materials for self-help repairs and projects. (See Facility Management Program section for training details). The supply warehouse also provides ice melt (limit two boxes per building) and snow removal items to facility occupants. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Service Contracts
Service Contracts. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division provides a multitude of services by contract, including custodial services, refuse collection, portable latrines, etc. The points of contact for Fort Carson and Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site are listed below.
- Portable latrines: 719-491-8921
- Custodial: 719-725-8083
- Pest management: 719-526-5141
- Elevator repairs: Submit service orders for elevator repairs through the Army Maintenance Application unless someone is trapped inside the elevator, then call 911 first. (See Service Order section for details,)
- Propane: 719-725-8083
- Refuse/recycle: 719-491-0218
- PCMS propane: 719-726-9001
- PCMS refuse: 719-503-6526
The DPW operations and maintenance contract, contracting officer representative can be reached by calling, 719-524-0191.
Service Orders
Service Orders, https://www.armymaintenance.com/arma. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division’s primary responsibility is the maintenance and repair of permanent, fixed structures, called real property, such as buildings, roads, sidewalks, streetlights, grounding points and utility distribution systems. Service orders are processed for the routine maintenance or repair of real property through the DPW operations and maintenance contractor. Fort Carson customers placing service orders for maintenance and repairs in their on-post facilities (barracks, garrison and unit facilities) can use the Army Maintenance Application (ArMA) at https://www.armymaintenance.com/arma, to submit requests. New customers will need to complete a registration process first on the website before submitting service orders. Customers must call in Priority 1/emergency service orders to the DPW operations and maintenance contractor at 719-526-5345, which is staffed 24/7. Emergency work orders include: overflowing drains, broken water or steam pipes, gas leaks, major utilities service failures, broken electrical components that may cause fire or shock, stopped-up toilets (when only one is available for use), and key card failures. The normal response time to emergency work is within one hour, day or night, with completion of the emergency within 24 hours. If there is a true emergency, including events like gas leaks, fires or flooding, call 911 first and then call in a service order.
Signs, 719-491-8921, aaron.m.greenwood2.civ@army.mil. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division operations and maintenance contractor handles all installation facility signage requests (for example, building identification and building numbers), including parking signs and regulatory traffic signs. All signs not provided by DPW are the responsibility of the customer. Submit a service order for sign changes or repairs through the Army Maintenance Application. (See Service Order Section for details.) For more information about Fort Carson’s signage policy, email aaron.m.greenwood2.civ@army.mil or call 719-491-8921.
Single Soldier Housing Office
Single Soldier Housing Office (Unaccompanied Housing), Debra Lamb, 719-726-8956, debra.i.lamb.civ@army.mil, building 1225, Evans Street, room 161; or Cesare Bueno, 719-725-4476, cesar.bueno.civ@army.mil, building 1354, Barkeley Avenue. The DPW Housing Division oversees 9,000 permanent party barracks spaces in 67 barracks buildings. The Single Soldier Housing Office manages the Army Barracks Management Program, which has three basic principles:
- Provide commanders effective oversight, training, assistance and support to ensure Soldiers are afforded world-class living arrangements.
- Ensure Soldiers receive the Army’s standard for quality accommodations and furnishings while enabling good order and discipline as well as unit readiness.
- Ensure effective, efficient and equitable use of unaccompanied housing.
Spill Control Line/Environmental Information Line
Spill Control Line, 719-526-0973. The DPW Environmental Division Spill Coordinator is responsible for coordinating management of all spills that occur on post to ensure environmental compliance. As the first spill responder, the Fort Carson Fire Department relies on the expertise of the Environmental Division compliance team. The Environmental Division augments the Fort Carson Fire Department efforts. The team helps in mitigation and advising units and activities on cleanup procedures and reporting requirements for spills.
Snow Removal
Snow Removal, 719-725-8083, bryan.s.dorcey.civ@army.mil. The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division, operations and maintenance contractor manages snow removal efforts. Snow removal and deicing operations are based on command guidance and available resources.
Stormwater Management Program
Stormwater Management Program, 719-725-8073, andrew.s.rippe.civ@army.mil.The DPW Environmental Division is responsible for ensuring compliance with stormwater permit requirements. Analysis conducted by the program also assists in determining flood hazards to personnel and buildings on Fort Carson and is a quantitative reference for required permitting and regulation compliance in the management of Fort Carson’s surface water resources. For more information about the Fort Carson Stormwater Program, click here.
Traffic Engineering
Traffic Engineering, 719-499-9931, richard.j.orphan.civ@army.mil. The DPW Engineering Division manages on-post traffic project planning, traffic signal operations and traffic sign management. Traffic Engineering also serves as a liaison between Fort Carson and various civilian transportation agencies for off-post traffic projects and issues affecting the installation.
Trash - See Refuse Services section.
Underground Storage Tanks
Underground Storage Tanks (UST), 719-726-8941, terry.j.eberle.civ@army.mil. The DPW Environmental Division UST Program manages all underground storage tanks, which supply Fort Carson with fuel from the AAFES service stations on post. This process includes, but is not limited to, the paying of fees, compliance management, inspection and training on all aspects of UST management.
Unit Sponsorship Program
Unit Sponsorship Program, building 1225 room 189, usarmy.carson.imcom-central.list.dpw-housing@army.mil. The DPW Housing Division provides Community Life NCOs/Housing NCOs guidance under the Commanding General’s Unit Sponsorship Program. Under the program, various installation units — brigades and separate battalions — sponsor an on-post housing village and partner with a Fort Cason Family Homes. For more information contact the Housing Division by emailing usarmy.carson.imcom-central.list.dpw-housing@army.mil.
Utilities Contacts
Utilities Contacts:
- Water distribution/collection systems, natural gas, sewage treatment plant, interior plumbing and fire suppression systems, 719-722-5935, christopher.w.markins.civ@army.mil.
- Electrical distribution, interior electric, generators and power outages, 719-963-6735, chad.e.weatherly.civ@army.mil.
- Permits for construction water and fire hydrant use can be obtained in building 1219, room 213, 719-520-9191, jacqueline.l.james7.civ@army.mil.
The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division’s operations and maintenance contractor provides permits supporting all utility outages, utility locates and traffic diversions. The dig permit office is located in building 8010 and can be reached by calling 719-302-0157. The dig permit office is “one stop shopping” for obtaining dig permits and outages requests. Prior to submitting a dig permit, a Work Request (DA Form 4283) must be completed and approved through the DPW Business Operations and Integration Division Work Management Branch. (See Work Request section.)
Water Quality Program
Water Quality Program, 719-725-8094, jeffery.b.farmer.civ@army.mil. The DPW Environmental Division manages the Water Quality Program for the installation. Fort Carson receives its drinking water from Colorado Springs Utilities. Colorado Springs Utilities maintains an extensive testing program that assures full compliance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. In addition, the DPW operations and maintenance contractor performs routine supplementary testing for chlorine levels, total coliform/e coli contamination and chlorination byproducts on the drinking water distribution system with the goal of providing water that is safe to drink for all Fort Carson consumers. Lead and copper testing is conducted on water samples collected from family housing and facilities throughout the installation every three years. Schools and child development centers are tested for lead on a five-year schedule.
Weeds. Weed control at Fort Carson is performed under contract by the DPW operations and maintenance contractor or through the Weed Control Self-help Program at 719-896-6864. Contracted weed control is generally limited to the managed turf areas, red rock, xeriscape, ornamental and rights of way areas. Occupants may request weed control service by submitting a service order through the Army Maintenance Application. (See Service Order Section for details.) Most other areas are not covered are controlled through use of the Weed Control Self-help Program or the DPW Environmental Division. On the installation, herbicides can only be applied by licensed applicators or personnel trained through the Self-Help Program. For information on this program, call the Installation Pest Management Coordinator at 719-217-4887.
Wildlife Program
Wildlife Program, 719-646-9065, 719-725-4682, danny.r.follett.civ@army.mil for Fort Carson and 719-503-6538, richard.r.riddle.civ@army.mil for Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS). The DPW Environmental Division Wildlife Program at Fort Carson and PCMS works to maximize access to Army land, air and water resources for military training while ensuring that the biological diversity of natural resources entrusted to the Army is sustained for training, education, recreation and other compatible uses. This sustainability is achieved by way of inventory and monitoring, scientific research and adaptive management. The Wildlife Program also manages and seeks to improve wildlife recreational opportunities, including hunting and fishing, for Soldiers, their families and the public.
Work Requests
Work Requests (Facilities Engineering Work Requests, DA Form 4283), 719-526-2900, usarmy.carson.id-readiness.list.dpw-boid-workorders@army.mil. Work Requests are processed through the DPW Business Operations and Integration Division Work Management Branch. Work Orders are typically for maintenance and repair projects over the limits of a service order or for any new construction requirements.