DPW Recycling Program

The DPW Operations and Maintenance Division maintains an active Recycle Program to help with the installation’s goal to reduce waste.

Fort Carson maintains a full-service recycle drop-off location at the southeast corner of the Exchange on Sheridan Avenue. The Exchange recycle location is open Monday-Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Exchange recycle location is closed holidays and during inclement weather. An attendant is available to provide recycling assistance."

The Exchange site accepts cardboard, mixed paper (white paper, newspaper, magazines, shredded paper, junk mail, etc.), aluminum, tin, plastic, glass, non-accountable/expendable metals and ink and laser printer cartridges. Customers can also bring the following nontraditional items for recycling:

  • Electronics, including computers, cellphones, DVD players, TVs and other devices. There is a limit of one CRT TV or one flat screen TV accepted per family. (Only personal, non-government, electronics will be accepted.)
  • Porcelain (remove hardware and rubber gaskets)
  • Batteries

There are also two primary recycle collection points for cardboard, mixed paper (white paper, newspaper, magazines, shredded paper, junk mail, etc.) aluminum, tin, glass and plastic at the following locations:

  • Wolf Ivy Warrior Restaurant parking lot (location also accepts glass)
  • Commissary parking lot

The Exchange recycle location also accepts household hazardous waste from Fort Carson community members (ID card holders) who live in El Paso County, Colorado. Only household, non-military, products can be dropped off and containers must be labeled with the contents and have lids. The Exchange recycle location will not accept mixed products due to safety concerns. Attendants are on duty at the site to assist customers with their household hazardous waste. Likewise, residents of El Paso County can dispose of household chemicals at the El Paso County Household Hazardous Waste Facility. – See Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility section under Programs and Services.

Note that recycle locations cannot be used to dispose of household trash. Active-duty members within 30 days of PCS or ETS and have orders can dispose of a limited amount of furniture at the Exchange recycle drop-off location. Provide a copy of the orders to the on-site attendant to dispose of furniture. No one else is authorized to bring trash items onto Fort Carson, only recyclable items. If customers are unsure about what is accepted at recycle locations, call 719-491-0218.

The Fort Carson Recycle Program also accepts unit scrap metal and wood products, including pallets, packing and crating and clean construction lumber. Painted, varnished or treated lumber, rail ties, stumps, tree trimmings or furniture of any type cannot be recycled; however, units can contact the DPW Recycle and Refuse manager at 719-491-0218 for assistance with disposing of these items as trash.

Fort Carson conducts single stream recycling operations to barracks and motor pools to increase recycling user friendliness. Single stream recycling refers to commingling recyclables in one collection container for separation later. Once the totes are full, Soldiers empty the contents into large single stream dumpsters positioned outside of unit barracks and motor pool buildings for ease of collection by the Recycle Program staff. To request single stream totes or an outside dumpster, call 719-491-0218.

Civilian administrative facilities have source separate recycling in place, which refers to separating recyclable materials by commodity type, such as plastic, metal, paper, glass and cardboard for collection by the Recycle Program staff. Collection containers in civilian organizations are serviced by recycle staff on a recurring basis. To request a recycle station for a building, or for individual office recycle collection bins, call 719-491-0218.

For questions concerning recycling at Fort Carson, call 719-491-0218.

Recycling in Family Housing

On-post housing residents receive 96-gallon, single-stream recycling totes as well as a waste disposal bin for home use. Residents can call Fort Carson Family Homes at 719-579-1606, Ext. 1, for waste disposal assistance.