Religious Support Office

The U. S. Army is blessed with thousands of talented, dedicated and faithful Soldiers, Civilians and Family members who daily answer our Nation's call to service. Where the Army goes the Chaplain Corps is there striving to provide Spiritual support which is shown by their commitment to; Nurture the Living, Care for the Wounded, and Honor the Fallen- Pro Deo et Patria (for God and Country).

The Continental Congress established chaplains as an integral part of the Continental Army on July 29th, 1775. Over the centuries, more than 25,000 chaplains have served in the US Army as spiritual leaders for Soldiers, Family members, and Civilians. From military installations to deployed combat units, chaplains and chaplain assistants serve in the most religiously diverse organization in the world.
Always present with Soldiers in war and in peace, Army chaplains have served in all of America's major wars and combat engagements from the colonial era through the present day. Nearly 300 Army chaplains have laid down their lives in their service and seven members of the Chaplain Corps have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Currently, more than 3,000 chaplains serve the Army representing 140 different religious organizations.

Weddings on West Point
Are you looking to plan a wedding at one of our Chapels? Please call the Religious Activity Assistant at 845-938-3874 first to ensure you are authorized to plan a wedding on West Point. If you are authorized and are Jewish or Catholic, please call the Jewish or Catholic Chapel office listed below. Jewish and Catholic weddings must be approved and processed through these offices.
If you find you are not authorized to hold a wedding in one of West Point's Chapels, you may still hold your wedding in our West Point Club. Contact our West Point Club here » West Point Club.

Tithe and Donate with Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund (CTOF) Digital Giving

Donate to the West Point Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund here. Whether you are deployed, unable to attend services in person due to illness or Public Health conditions or would like to support West Point after you have PCSd, their secure digital page provides a contactless option to contribute to our spiritual community.

Religious Services on West Point

Please visit the USMA Website for current information about religious services and schedules. 

Download the Chapel Activities Trifold 


Cadet Chapel

Catholic Chapel

Jewish Chapel