A: Effective 01 January 2023 through 31 December 2023, RA Soldiers may submit voluntary retirement requests at least 9 months, but no more than 24 months, before their requested retirement date. Soldiers requesting voluntary retirement must have 18 or more years of active federal service (AFS) at the time the request is submitted and meet all other retirement eligibility requirements or have an approved waiver prior to the requested retirement date. Retirement approval authority remains unchanged.
Yes. If you have 19 years and 6 months at the time of notification of the assignment instructions, you can submit your request to retire and that request must be approved within 30 days of the official notification of your permanent change of station. The retirement date will not be later than six months from the date of notification, or the first day of the month following the month in which 20 years of active federal service is completed, whichever is later. All service obligations must be fulfilled not later than the approve retirement date.
Yes. The examination will be accomplished not earlier than four months prior to the anticipated date of commencement of permissive temporary duty (PTDY) or transitional leave (TL) and not later than one before the scheduled date of retirement.
Yes. Your retirement date will be after you have completed the prescribed four-year Service Remaining Requirement (SRR) from the date of the TEB submission. The SRR starts on the date the Soldier requests to transfer in the milConnect/TEB web page and is otherwise eligible (to include meeting the four-year SSR as of the date of the TEB submission).
A: No, All requests must be submitted via IPPS-A, no exceptions.
Need More Help?
Contact the Retirement Services Officer at (571) 801-3267
or the Asst. Retirement Services Officer at (571) 801-3263
Primary: 571-801-3333
Secondary:571-801-3331Secondary: 571-801-3331
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 9:00am-11:00am / 1:00pm-3:30pm |
Tuesday | 1:00pm-3:30pm |
Wednesday | 9:00am-11:00am / 1:00pm-3:30pm |
Thursday | 1:00pm-3:30pm |
Friday | 9:00am-11:00am / 1:00pm-3:30pm |
Saturday | Closed |
BLDG 253 Room:2037
55 Pony Soldier Rd
Fort Stewart GA 31314
NOTICE: Mon, Wed, Fri, Mornings Appointments Only - Afternoons Customer Services
***2025 RAD information coming soon!***
VISIT VA.GOV or call (912) 368-6950
Retired Soldier Advisory Council Meeting
- Ceremonies are generally the last Friday of every month with a few exceptions due to holiday schedules at Club Stewart.
- Ceremonies begin at 1400/2:00 pm
- G-1 point of contact information: Ms Sasha Sween (912)435-1565 or email:
Here's the sequence of events:
1. Announcer does introductory remarks
2. Invocation (prayer) please stand
3. Nation Anthem - please stand and hold your right hand over your heart.
4. More remarks by the announcer
5. Retirees and their spouses will be recognized. Families, please feel free to clap, cheer, everything for your Soldier. Also, don't hesitate to take a family photo with your Soldier in front of the stage when they are called.
6. Retreat - please stand.
7. Division song - remain standing.
8. Army song - remain standing.
9. Retirement Medley - remain standing.
10. Ceremony concludes
Retirees will be in their dress uniform.
Spouses and families should wear business casual.
Soldiers attending ceremony but not retiring do not need to wear dress uniforms. The duty uniform of the day is appropriate.
If you don’t have a Military ID, you'll need to stop at the Visitor Control Center which is right outside of Gate 1.
They'll have to do a background check on you before they can grant you a pass. You, and everyone in your vehicle, will need government-issued identification (such as drivers licenses or passports).
Note: you can also use a DD1173 or DD2 as identification.
This process doesn't take long unless there is something that comes up in your background check.
Don't forget your vehicle registration and insurance.
If you have a Dependent ID:
No need to stop at the Visitor Control Center. You’re dependent military ID gets you on post without the need for a pass. Everyone over 18 in your car will need to show identification at the gate though (if they don’t need a military ID, drivers licenses will suffice).
Everyone is welcome to take photos!
Also, there will always be a professional photographer there to take your family photos as well.
These professional photos will be mailed to Retirees after the ceremony.