MISSION: Perform or provide religious support services to the Rheinland-Pfalz military community to assist the commander in his obligation to facilitate the free exercise of religion.

Chapel Locations

Daenner Chapel 
Daenner Kaserne, Bldg. 3150

Pulaski Chapel
Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2869

Hilltop Chapel
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Bldg. 3773

Baumholder Rheinland Chapel
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8249

Baumholder Rock Chapel
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8308

Worship Opportunities


Sunday Mass 11:30 a.m. at Daenner Chapel
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Mass 12:00 p.m. Hilltop Chapel, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center

Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass at Rheinland Chapel
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 12 p.m. Mass at Rheinland Chapel


Contemporary Service

Sunday 10:00 a.m. at Rock Chapel Smith Barracks

Unplugged Service

Sunday 9 a.m. at Vogelweh Chapel

Traditional Protestant Service
10:30am Hilltop Chapel, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center


Buddhist Services
Third Thursday of each month at 12:00 p.m. at Landstuhl Chapel

Islamic Services
Friday 1:20pm at Daenner Chapel
Friday 1:15pm at Hilltop Chapel, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
Friday 12:00 p.m. at Rock Chapel

Protestant Women of the Chapel
KAISERSLAUTERN: Wednesday 10 a.m. at Pulaski Chapel
BAUMHOLDER: Wednesday 9:00 a.m. at Rock Chapel

Youth of the Chapel
Club Beyond is for middle and high school students
Club Beyond groups meet at Pulaski Chapel and Rock Chapel.
For more information, visit their Facebook pages at “Club Beyond at K-Town” and “Club Beyond at Baumholder”

Ramstein Air Base Religious Programs
Visit their website for the latest information. 

Pastoral Care and Counseling

The pastoral counseling team at the Chaplain Family Life Center provides a variety of free services to help develop and strengthen your most important relationships in life. Open to active duty military of all branches, retirees, family members and Department of Defense civilians. Email the FAMILY LIFE CHAPLAIN to set up an appointment.

We offer faith-based marriage, family and individual counseling. We have the highest level of confidentiality on- or off-base, unlimited sessions, convenient location and all services are free. No referral necessary.

Counseling topics

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Relationship problems
  • Pornography
  • Sexual addiction
  • Infidelity
  • Childhood sexual abuse
  • Parenting issues
  • Deployment related issues
  • PTSD and other traumatic life events
  • Spiritual issues

How do I know if I need counseling?

Most people think of therapy as a last resort. What many don't realize is that therapy can greatly enrich your life whether you're in crisis or not. Therapy may be fitting if you can relate to any of the following: the problem feels too big or complex to handle alone; others suggest you need to talk to someone or get some form of help; you've tried numerous strategies over the years but still seem to feel stuck in negative patterns of emotions, thoughts, behaviors or relationship patterns; or, you just don't seem to be reaching your full potential in your marriage, career, friendships or hobbies.

What can I expect on my first visit?

You should arrive 15 minutes early for your first appointment in order to complete the initial paperwork. The first session is a chance for you to get an idea of your therapist's approach and how they will work with you. During the first session your therapist will ask questions regarding your reasons for coming to counseling and try to gather a history about your life and past relationships. This is also a time for you to ask questions and get an idea of how treatment will look for you. It is common for people coming to counseling for the first time to feel some nervousness and apprehension. Your counselor will be aware of this and will try to make this initial process as comfortable as possible.

How long will counseling take?

This will be determined by you and your counselor based on your specific problems and issues. You and your counselor will build a treatment plan with goals for counseling, working to build skills, develop insights, and build new behaviors and ways of thinking that will help you manage your problems in more effective ways.

What if I'm not a religious person?

Pastoral counseling respects a person's spiritual beliefs, including those who espouse no religion. Pastoral counselors do not attempt to convert anyone to a particular set of beliefs but rather strive to meet each person's needs in a supportive manner.

Where are you located?

We have two Family Life Centers/Offices. One is on Rhine Ordinance Barracks, Bldg. 277. The other is on Smith Barracks (Baumholder), Bldg. 8681.

What is the contact information for the Family Life Chaplain?

ROB: +49 (0)631-3406-2204 (DSN 493)

Baumholder:+49 (0)611-143-531-3176 (DSN 531)

Cell:+49 (0)162-270-7971

Are my sessions confidential?

All information that is shared in counseling is completely confidential. No portion of any counseling conversation can be repeated without the express permission of the client.

How long are appointments?

Most appointments are 45-50 minutes long.

How often do we come to counseling?

The majority of clients are seen once a week, unless there is an immediate crisis or your counselor determines that you need to be seen more than once.

Are appointments available in the evenings or on weekends?

We do not offer evening, weekend, Federal or training holiday appointments. Our normal office hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Wednesday and Friday; and, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Thursday.

Can I bring my children? Do you provide childcare?

In order for you to get the most benefit out of your session, please arrange to come without your kids. We do not have childcare and we ask that children not be left unattended in our waiting room.

Do you provide counseling for children?

We provide counseling for dependent children.

Can I still come to counseling if my spouse is deployed?

We do offer individual counseling for both service members and dependents, so you could be seen for counseling without your spouse. We are not able to provide over the phone marriage counseling while the service member is deployed.

What if my spouse won't go to counseling?

Although couples counseling is most effective when both partners equally participate, individual counseling can also impact the quality of your marriage. When one person in the relationship begins to change or react differently, it potentially causes the other person to change as a result. Whether you come in as a couple or individually, counseling will likely impact your marriage in a positive manner.

What happens to the counseling file?

Files will be shredded:

  1. When a counselor leaves the Family Life Center-- The Family Life Center Chaplain is typically assigned to a three-year rotation. When that individual is reassigned, all of their client files are destroyed.
  2. When you depart Germany -- Whether you PCS, ETS, ERoD or retire, your file will be shredded upon your departure or after your DEROS date.

Will my command or any agency have access to my counseling file?

Because everything discussed in counseling is privileged communication, we will not discuss your case or share notes with anyone without your signed consent.

Can we come to counseling if we have a protection order/no contact order?

Protection orders and no contact orders can have different conditions depending on your case. To ensure that you are not violating your order please let the counselor know ahead of time that there is an order in place. The counselor may ask to see the paperwork before scheduling an appointment to ensure you are eligible for counseling.

Can you provide counseling over the phone?

We cannot provide counseling over the phone, however, Military One Source is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Their phone number is 1-800-342-9647.

We are not married. Can we receive couples counseling?

At this time we cannot offer couples counseling to unmarried couples. However, we do offer individual counseling to military ID card holders.