No matter how many times you've completed a PCS move, or even if you've been assigned to U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz before, you need to make contact with your sponsor to make sure you're aware of the latest in-processing policies and requirements BEFORE arrival. o Sponsorship is necessary for all personnel in the USAREUR/USAG R-P footprint for optimal integration and stability.”
Your sponsor is the key to your successful PCS. He or she will save you valuable time and hassle before, during, and after your arrival. To assist Soldiers sponsoring inbound Families, we have established Youth and Spouse Sponsorship programs. These programs work with your Soldier sponsor to provide a comprehensive sponsorship experience, and ensure the entire Family is welcomed appropriately. Talk to your Soldier sponsor about the Youth and Spouse Sponsorship programs today!
Your gaining unit will appoint a sponsor to assist you with in-processing and acculturation. You will need to log on to the ARMY CAREER TRACKER (ACT), Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) Module from a CAC enabled computer and complete the required information in order to help your unit assign an appropriate sponsor.
If your sponsor hasn't contacted you within a week after your online request, please email the SPONSORSHIP LIAISON OFFICE, or call 0611-143-541-1011/1010.