For emergencies or issues making an appointment online, please call 0611-143-541-1019 for Kaiserslautern and
0611-143-531-2429 for Baumholder for assistance.
EMail links are in the boxes on the right side. Look for the @ symbol.
DOD Common Access Card (CAC) holders can update their CAC email address via self-service on ID Card Office Online, https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/self_service. They do NOT have to visit the ID Card office. Instructions are available at https://www.cac.mil/Portals/53/Documents/cert-update-Cardholder-guide_final-detailed.pdf.
Some users have reported receiving errors but were able to proceed by reloading and continuing the update process.
When completed successfully, please visit the Army Enterprise Service Desk (AESD) – Europe and Africa portal at https://www.aesmp.army.mil/csm/ for instructions on how to send digitally signed or encrypted email, to open old encrypted email, etc.
- Common Access Card issuance and update
- Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System enrollment of newborns and updates
- Family member Department of Defense ID card issuance
- Assistance with dependency determination applications
- Assistance with member-of-household applications
- Per DoD policy during the COVID-19 pandemic and until further notice:- ID cards will not be reissued solely for the purpose of changing information printed on the card (e.g., promotion, name change). - ID cards will not be reissued prior to 30 days of the expiration date. The minimum age for all ID Card issuances is increased from age 10 to 14. DoD civilians transferring between components (i.e., Air Force to Army) will retain their existing CAC. This does not apply to initial OCONUS CAC issuances.
Walk-in Exceptions
- CAC lock/pin reset
- Lost or stolen ID card (must have military police report -- see details below)
- Military/civilian expiring ID/CAC prior to next available appointment
- Adding a new dependent
- In-processing civilian personnel (72 hours after in-processing at CPAC)
- Out-Processing
- BEFORE visiting the the ID Card & DEERS Office, please check the requirements HERE
Personnel can get new CAC cards up to 30 days prior to expiration
Lost/stolen ID card
Sponsor must be present or applicant must provide one of the following:
- DD Form 1172 (with notary seal) from sponsor
- DD Form 1172 verified by another verifying official from any ID card facility and signed by sponsor
- Valid power of attorney from sponsor
- Sponsor's deployment orders
Other mandatory requirements:
- MP memorandum confirming report of lost/stolen ID card
- Two forms of ID -- one must be a photo ID (not applicable to children under 10 years old)
- Passport, driver's license or national ID card
Why are waiting times occasionally long?
Occasionally, our customers will experience long waiting times due to reasons listed below. Strong, expedient efforts are made to eliminate delays immediately to prevent long waiting times and extension of work hours. Save time by making an appointment.
- Computer systems outages/troubleshooting
- Unique cases that require research
- Shortage of ID Cards/DEERS agents due to deployments, training or emergencies
Is a SSN or ITIN mandatory?
Family members must provide their Social Security Number when enrolling in DEERS. The only exceptions are those not eligible for a SSN; the sponsor must provide the ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) for these family members. If the SSN or ITIN is not provided within six months of being enrolled in DEERS, the family will not be eligible for treatment in the military medical treatment facilities.
Who are the Supporting Personnel Offices that can offer the mandatory verification of employment?
The following Supporting Personnel Offices verify customer's employment for issuance of ID cards to sponsors and their family members. The offices issue DD Form 1172-2 as appropriate. The verifying officials must have a signature memorandum signed by a COL/GS14 or higher on file at the ID Card/DEERS office.
- AAFES Personnel: AAFES Human Resources Office
- Contractors: DOCPER
- Contractors (Local): Local Contracting Office
- DoD Civilian Employees: Civilian Personnel Activity Center (CPAC)
- DoDEA Personnel: District Superintendent Office (DSO)
- NAF Employees: NAF Human Resources Office
- Uniformed Personnel: Human Resources Office