COL. Yolanda D. Gore

COL Gore is an experienced servant leader, serving over 22 years in the U.S. Army. She is a proven leader who has led complex organizations in leadership, manpower, training, human resources, finance, and safety. She is a native of Estill, South Carolina and immediately after graduating high school, she joined the South Carolina National Guard, serving her state for five years until her commission in 2002. She graduated and earned her Army commission from South Carolina State University (SCSU). Her journey as a Signal Officer was short lived and she found her true passion in the Adjutant General Corps taking care of people. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Family and Consumer Science Business, a Master of Arts in Leadership and Management from Webster University, and a Master of Arts in Strategic Studies from the Army War College.            

COL Gore's pursuit of knowledge is as diverse as her military career. Her military education includes the Signal Officers Basic Course, the Adjutant General Advanced Course, the United States Army Command and General Staff College, the Army War College, the Postal School Operations and Supervisory Course, Brigade Pre-command Courses, and Airborne School

She has had the honor of serving as the Chief of Strategic Initiatives Group, HQDA, DCS, G-1, Pentagon; Chief of Strategy, Army Resilience Directorate, HQDA DCS G-1 (currently known as Directorate of Prevention Resilience and Readiness); 1st Infantry Division G-1, Fort Riley Kansas; Joint Manpower Analyst, CJCS JS/J1, Pentagon, Washington DC; Board Member and Quality Control Officer, Army Review Board Agency, Arlington, VA; S1, USASOC, 4th Military Information Special Operation Group, Fort Liberty, NC; Readiness Officer, 1st Infantry Division, G-1 Operations Officer, Fort Riley KS; Battalion S1 and Postal Officer, 1st Sustainment BDE, (OEF) Camp Taji, Iraq; Executive and Interoperability Officer, 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Fort Bliss, TX; and Platoon Leader, 208th Signal Company, 108th ADA BDE, Fort Bliss TX and Camp New York, Kuwait (OIF).

Her awards and decorations include Defense Meritorious Service Medal,  Meritorious Service Medal (4OLC); Army Commendation Medal (6OLC); Army Achievement Medal (3OLC); National Defense Service Medal (1 Bronze Star); Iraqi Campaign Medal (1 Bronze Star); Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary and Service Medals; Presidential Unit Citation; Meritorious Unit Citation; Army Service Ribbon; Armed Forces Service Medal; Army Overseas Service Ribbon (2 tours); Parachutist Badge; the Joint Staff Identification Badge and Army Staff Identification Badge.

COL Gore is married to LTC (P) Michael Gore of Loris, SC for 21 years.  They are the blessed and proud parents of Shantell, a graduate of East Carolina University, and Morygn, a rising industrial engineer sophomore at Virginia Tech University.