Prayer Stations

Total Time: 90 minutes

Interactive Prayer Stations are an excellent way for all ages and types of people to get fully engaged in prayer and/or meditation. Prayer Stations can be set up for particular religious faiths or for people of all faiths to gather and experience prayer practices together. This course will introduce you to the concept of Prayer Stations and give you some creative ideas for getting started in your own context.


Module 1: Prayer stations – an introduction (5:07 min)

Module 2: How To Use Prayer Stations With Your Youth Ministry (9:51 min)  

Module 3: The Way Into Christmas: Prayer and Reflection (7:37 min)  

Module 4: Life Youth Ministries: Prayer Stations (TSNBChurch) (3:10 min)

Module 5: Grief Prayer Stations (8:16 min)

Module 6: ElizabethART Video 1: Prayer Room / Prayer Stations: How to Create a Beautiful Prayer Room (17:54 min)

Module 7: Practical Application – Submit your responses to the activities below as an email attachment to:

You will receive a certificate of completion from the Chaplaincy Academy for Religious Education.

Activity: 1) Choose an audience for participation in a Prayer Station: Children, Youth, Adults, Congregation, Women, Young Soldiers, etc. 2) Choose a theme for a Prayer Station that would meet some need of that particular audience: a text from Scripture, an emotion, a Congregational season, etc. 3) Consider and choose what you would do in one, single area of the Prayer Station. 4) Write a set of directions that would describe for participants what they are expected to do at this one area.