Welcome to Installation Management Command Directorate-Europe director


IMCOM-Europe supports Army garrisons in Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Poland, as well as forward locations in Bulgaria and Romania. With responsibility for eight garrisons, our mission is to provide the best possible training facilities, power projection platforms, family housing and base operations support services.


With services ranging from child care to force projection, we enable tactical units in Europe to focus on operations, training and deployments. 


We believe our support for families is a primary readiness function, enabling Soldiers to deploy with the assurance that their loved ones are

well cared for.


We are fully engaged in providing world-class support for America's premier fighting force through standardized base operations, streamlined procedures and service excellence.


Please use this website and its many links as your primary entrance to Army installations, services, facilities and people. We stand ready to answer

your questions and connect you with a team of professionals dedicated to supporting America's Army. We also invite any suggestions you may have to make the IMCOM-Europe site more informative and user-friendly.


Tommy R. Mize


Installation Management Command Directorate-Europe