Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

Total Time: 60 minutes
Everyone has intelligences waiting to be tapped. This course will help you to tap into your religious education classroom’s faith-full potential.


Module 1: Introduction (2:52 min)  

Module 2: What are Multiple Intelligences (2:19 min)  

Module 3: Historical Background (3:38 min)  

Module 4: How to Teach (6:00 min)  

Module 5: The MI Quiz (2:07 min)  

Module 6: An Epiphany (8:41 min)  

Module 7: Practical Application – Submit your responses to the activities below as an email attachment to:

You will receive a certificate of completion from the Chaplaincy Academy for Religious Education.

Activity: Choose one of the biblical passages below. Make a list of the multiple intelligences. Next to each intelligence, briefly describe an intelligence-appropriate learning activity you would use to teach this passage.

Joshua 3:1-17 Mark 8:1-10