Media Relations

Fort Carson is a non-public news gathering forum and as such, all civilian media must have approval and an escort prior to entering the installation. The Media Relations section typically makes arrangements to meet civilian media prior to their arrival at the Main Gate of Fort Carson.

Mailing Address

Public Affairs Office
ATTN: Media Relations
1676 Evans Street
Building 1220
Fort Carson, CO 80913


Commercial: 719-526-4143 | 719-526-7525
DSN: 691-4143/7525


Click here to email the Media Relations Chief.

The media are reminded that security precautions and federal regulations prohibited unlimited access to military installations and media representatives found unescorted by a representative of the Public Affairs Office are subject to confiscation of cameras and recorders and may be subject to prosecution by the federal court system.

Current security regulations require all vehicles entering Fort Carson to present current vehicle registration and proof of insurance as well as being subject to a complete inspection. All passengers must have photo identification. Vehicles that arrive at the gate without the proper documentation will be denied entry.

Media interested in covering Fort Carson activities should call the Media Relations Office at 719-526-7525 or 719-526-4143 or e-mail the Media Relations Chief to arrange in advance for an escort and to obtain detailed information regarding upcoming media opportunities. After hours call the Emergency Operations Center at 719-526-3400 or 719-526-5500 and ask for the on-call PAO.