Ivy Warrior Restaurants & Kiosks

Monthly schedules are posted below.

Fort Carson has four Warrior Restaurants and three kiosks.

Warrior Restaurants

  • James R. Wolf Ivy Warrior Restaurant, located in building 1444, near Specker Avenue and Nelson Street. 
    ​​​​​​​Click here for breakfast menu

  • Robert C. Stack Ivy Warrior Restaurant, located in building 2330, near Titus Boulevard and Specker Avenue.
  • Warfighter Ivy Warrior Restaurant, located in building 9439, near Wilderness and Warfighter roads.
  • LaRochelle Warrior Restaurant (currently closed), located in building 7481, near Devens Street and Jedburgh Drive


Open Monday-Fridays from 4-6 p.m. and weekends and holidays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Click here for more information about the Kiosks.

  • Ivy Kiosk, located in building 2061 off Magrath Avenue
  • Ready Kiosk, located in building 1456, near Nelson Boulevard and Iron Fighter Drive
  • Warfighter Kiosk, located inside Warfighter IWR in building 9439, near Wilderness and Warfighter roads 

Meal Rates

Ivy Warrior Restaurants

Standard Rate

Discount Rate*



Holiday Meals







KiosksA la carte pricing

* - Applies to Family members of E-1s to E-4s.

IWR January Schedule
Kiosk January Schedule
IWR February Schedule
Kiosk February Schedule
IWR March Schedule
Kiosk March Schedule