All non-DoD ID card holders who request access to a U.S. military installation are required to either be escorted by a DoD ID card holder at all times, be on an approved access roster or be issued an installation pass.

  • All installation passes must be requested on an Army Europe Form 190-16A by a DoD ID card holder appointed in writing as an authorized sponsor.
  • All pass requests need to be submitted to the appropriate IACS office distro list (Ansbach or Illesheim) via encrypted email from an official email address (, .gov, .mil, .NATO). Authorized sponsors unable to send encrypted emails may use the AMRDEC SAFE site to submit application packets.
  • The application packet needs to include the application and all supporting documents.
  • Packets must be received a minimum of three business days prior to the applicant coming by the IACS office.

The U.S. Army has 19 separate applicant categories for installation passes. Please contact your nearest IACS office for information on what documents are required for each category.

Applicants will need to bring the following original documents with them to the IACS office when they come in to be issued a pass: Ausweis or passport, PGCC (Führungszeugnis), residency permit (if required). Any documents that are not in English or German must be translated into English and notarized as a true translation.


In accordance with AE Regulation 190-16, family members visiting DoD ID card holders stationed in U.S. Army Europe may only be issued an installation pass for unescorted access under the following conditions:

  • The visitor is an immediate family member. Immediate family members consist of the requester's sons, daughters, parents, brothers, sisters, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, grandparents and grandparents-in-law.
  • The DoD ID card holder resides on an access controlled installation.
  • The visitor (age 18 and older) presents a valid Fuehrungszeugnis issued within the last year, from the visitors country of residence (must be translated into English or German).
  • U.S. visitors (age 18 and older) must present a U.S security check. This can be obtained at the visitor's local courthouse (Clerk of the Court) in their state of residence. U.S. visitors that arrive in country without a security check will be required to have a local Military Police check conducted (AE Form 190-45D) prior to being issued a pass. This form will be completed and submitted to the Provost Marshal Office by the local IACS office. Processing time is between one to two business days for the background check.
  • U.S. visitors need to provide a copy of their flight itinerary or Visa.

Visitors who do not meet the above requirements may be signed-in at the gate and escorted by a DoD ID card holder.


DoD ID card holders age 18 or over who are registered in IACS and have sign-in privileges, may sign in up to four visitors at the installation gates. Visitors must be able to provide a state-issued ID card (European Union members) or passport and are required to be escorted at all times while on the installation. Minors age 10 and under do not require a paper pass, but must be accompanied at all times.


All government sponsors must be appointed in writing by a GS-13/LTC or above in the chain of command of an organization using DD Form 577 and have completed the sponsor training in ALMS. The DD Form 577 and training certificate must be sent to the appropriate IACS office via e-mail.

Appointed individuals are authorized to sponsor at the U.S. Army Europe, garrison or installation levels based on their grade/rank. Contracting officers (KOs), Contracting Officers Representatives (COR/ACOR/SCOR) may sponsor at the USAREUR level regardless of their rank. CORs must submit a copy of the COR appointment letter showing the date of their appointment along with the DD Form 577 and training certificate.​​​​​​​


  • USAREUR: Supervisors in the grade/rank of GS-13/LTC/NF-5/C-8 or above.
  • Local Garrison (Garrison sponsor assigned to): Supervisors in the grade/rank of CPT/1SG/MSG (E-8)/CW3/GS-11/NF-4/C-7 or above
  • Single Installation (Installation sponsor assigned to): Supervisors in the grade/rank of LT/SFC/CW2/GS-9/NF-3/C6A or above​​​​​​​


Access rosters are used to provide access when issuing a paper pass or installation pass is impractical or not authorized. Access rosters may be submitted by a DoD ID card holder registered in IACS with sign in privileges.

  • Access roster requests (AE Form 190-16F) must be sent via encrypted e-mail from an official e-mail account (,, .gov, .mil, .NATO) at least three business days prior to the date of requested access.
  • Contractors and vendors must submit a copy of their passport or European Union (EU) ID and, if required, a visa or work permit along with a copy of a current (less than 12 months old) Good Conduct Certificate (GCC) or their country's equivalent. A certified translation is required if the GCC is not in English, German, or Italian.
  • In Germany, U.S.-based contractors in country for more than four days must submit a copy of an approved BACO-90 "Request for confirmation of exemption from a requirement to obtain a work permit." For more information about the BACO-90 process, call the access control office.


Parents and legal guardians with children under the age of 10 who do not have DoD ID cards may register their children in the IACS using Identi-Kid. Identi-Kid provides a way to collect a current photograph, fingerprints, vital statistics, and contact information. This information is used to help locate missing children. A parent or guardian in possession of a DoD ID card must be present to register a child.


