Yakima Training Center is a closed military installation. For security purposes, installation access rules require that a public affairs escort be present any time members of the media conduct news-gathering activities on post. For invited events, media should R.S.V.P. in accordance with the instructions provided in the invitation to coordinate an escort onto the installation.
For stories with limited official interest, it is encouraged that media conduct meetings and interviews off the installation where a public affairs escort is not required.
Possession of a military-issued identification card or visitor pass does not constitute permission to conduct news-gathering activities on any part of the installation.
Reaction Stories
Yakima Training Center does not facilitate "reaction stories" (stories seeking service member or military family member reactions to events or issues of current issue) or "person-on-the-street" interviews. Reporters may solicit service members and their family members via other means. Yakima Training Center will not use military resources to provide an escort onto the installation for these types of stories.
Public Appearance Requests
To request a guest speaker or other public appearance of a military unit, please submit a DD Form 2536 (click here) either electronically or through the mail using the addresses listed on the "Contacts" tab of this page.
Most requests require a legal review and direct coordination with units - please submit requests at least 60 days prior to your event.
Noise Complaints and Public Disturbances
Yakima Training Center and military units training at the base make every effort to minimize impact of military activities on the surrounding community. However, due to the nature of our training and operations, some disruptions are unavoidable.
To report noise, smoke, low-flying aircraft, or other disturbances caused by military activity please submit JBLM Form 761 (click here) either electronically or through the mail using the addresses listed on the "Contacts" tab of this page.
Contact Information
Address: Yakima Training Center 970 Firing Center Road, Building 140 Yakima, WA 98901