Frequently Asked Questions
How big is Yakima Training Center?
Yakima Training Center is 327,000 acres, or 511 square miles. This equates to roughly have the size of Rhode Island. Yakima Training Center is bordered by I-90 to the north, the Columbia River to the east, Route 24 to the South, and I-82 to the west.
Where can I find some history on Yakima Training Center?
How do I report noise or other disturbances from training activities?
The public affairs office can handle all your concerns about noise or other disturbances. Please visit the Public Affairs page. There you will find JBLM Form 761 and instructions for it's completion, or you can contact the Public Affairs Office directly at (253) 967-0146, (253) 967-0604, or
How can I show my support for Deployed Service members
The Department of Defense (DoD)is responding to queries from thousands of Americans who are asking what they can do to show their support for Service Members, especially those serving overseas.
The following are some ways that you can show your support. Although Service Members do value and appreicate such expressions of support, the DoD does not endorse any specific method or organization.
- Make a donation to one of the military relief societies:
- Army Emergency Relief
- Navy/Marine Relief Society
- Air Force Aid Society
- Coast Guard Mutual Assistance
- "Operation USO Care Package"
- American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services
- The Fisher House
- Volunteer at a VA Hospital
DoD Officials ask that citizens do not flood the military mail system with letters, cards, and gifts. Due to security concerns and transportation constraints, DoD Organizations can not accept items to be mailed.
How do I find the records of a friend or relative who served in the Armed Forces?
How do I join the Army?
Thank you for your interest in joing the United States Army! To join the Army you may visit your local Armed Forces Career Center. Please click here to visit our website where you can find a local recruiter and obtain information on what it takes to become a Soldier.
Where can I find information on the background and history of an Army unit?
There are numerous agencies that may have the information you seek. Please visit the website of one of the following agencies:
- U.S. Army Center for Military History
- Military History Institute
- Center for Army Lessons Learned
- Combat Studies Institute Historical Services
Where can I get information about the mission and personnel in the Department of Defense?
The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country. The Department of Defense is a Cabinet-level organization under which fall three Military Departments - the Department of the Army, the Department of the Air Force, and the Department of the Navy. Each of the Armed Services falls under a Military Department - the United States Army falls under the Department of the Army, the United States Air Force falls under the Department of the Air Force, and the United States Navy and United States Marines fall under the Department of the Navy. The Military Services are responsible for recruiting, training, and equipping their forces while operational control of those forces is assigned to one of the Unified Combatant Commands.
For more information please click here to visit the official Department of Defense website.