Ammunition Supply Point
Hours: 0730 - 1600, Monday - Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3227
Building: 1093
Barber shop
Hours: 1000 - 1700, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3416
Building: 157
Hours: 0730 - 1600, Monday - Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3671
Building: 821C
Child Development Center (Daycare)
Phone: (509) 577-3037
Building: 160
Community Services
Hours: 0730 - 1600, Monday - Friday
Phone: (253) 967-7166
Directorate of Public Works
Hours: 0730 - 1600, Monday - Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3730
Engineering: (509) 225-8091
Environmental Compliance: (509) 577-3545
Operations and Maintenance: (509) 577-3186
Work Order Control: (509) 577-3400
Building: 810
El Mirador YTC
0700-1900, Monday - Saturday
Sunday hours vary (call to verify)
Phone: (509) 577-3881
Building: 135
Garrison Headquarters
Hours: 0730 - 1700, Monday - Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3205
Building: 140
Hazardous Waste Accumulation Yard (One-Stop Yard)
Hours: 0700 - 1600, Monday - Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3830
Please call for an appointment
Building: 450
ID card Office
Please schedule your appointments online:
Phone: (509) 577-3207
Building: 221
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
0530 - 2000, Monday - Friday
0800 - 1600, Saturday, Sunday
Phone: (509) 577-3208
Building: 502
One-Stop Yard (Hazardous Waste Accumulation Yard)
Hours: 0700 - 1600, Monday - Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3830
Please call for an appointment
Building: 450
Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office
Hours: 0730 - 1600, Monday - Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3327
Post Exchange
1000 - 1700, Monday - Friday
1000-1500 Saturday
Phone: (509) 577-3416
Building: 157
Postal Services
Hours: 0800 - 0900, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3207
Building: 221
Public Affairs
Hours: 0730 - 1600, Monday - Friday
YTC: (253) 967-0148
JBLM: (253) 967-0148
Range Operations
Hours: 0730 - 1600, Monday - Friday
Range Control Desk: (509) 225-8100 - available 24 hours
Range Officer: (509) 225-8569
Range Safety: (509) 225-8104
Scheduling: (509) 225-8230
Building: 1805
Religious Services
Phone: (253) 967-3718
Vagabond Army Heliport
Hours: Available 24 hours
Phone: (509) 577-3271
Building 396
Vehicle Dispatch
Hours: 0730 - 1600, Monday - Friday
Phone: (509) 577-3410 / 3411
Building: 319