Fish & Wildlife Management - Support and manage fish and wildlife resources, game and nongame species alike, through surveying, monitoring, and specific management guided by research and experience to assist in the protection of those species and their habitats.

Endangered & Threatened Species Management - Benefit threatened, endangered and other sensitive species by identifying the presence, critical needs of, and threats to sensitive species, monitor/manage these species and their habitats and guide military activities to avoid disturbance.

Forestry Management - Via periodic timber harvest, stand improvement activities, and other forest management practices and monitoring/managing forest health to protect against fire, insects, disease, etc. staff will manage forests to support/enhance immediate and long-term military mission, sustain/improve ecology.

Pest Management & Nuisance Wildlife Response - Respond potential health and property damaging plant/animal pests IAW DoD Pest Management Program (DoDI 4150.07) and Integrated Pest Management Plan. Submit service requests via ARMA Portal or DPW Service Desk at (845) 938-2316. For nuisance wildlife e.g. bear, rattlesnake, etc. call NRB staff at (845) 938-7122 or -2314. Please report incident with specific time, date, location, and your name and phone number.

Hunting/Fishing Program Operation - Built and now operates/maintains program website, disseminate information; game bird and fish stocking; hunt control to ensure simultaneous goals of safety, military mission, resource conservation, and recreation. For more information, see West Point iSportsman website.

Invasive Species Management - Identify, map, monitor, and treat non-native species via physical, chemical, and biological means to maintain and improve installation lands and waters for military training, recreation use, and to maintain and improve ecological function of important habitats for fish, wildlife, and forestry resources.

Public Outreach & Education - Staff serve as important resource for U.S. Military Academy, training military and civilian employee personnel and the civilian community that resides at West Point. Topics include education on matters of nuisance wildlife and wildlife safety, hunting/fishing resource availability, etc.

Project Review and NEPA Compliance - As required by the NEPA, program staff review proposed projects to assess potential impacts of military mission or other projects to natural resources. Staff then work with project proponents and installation leaders to avoid/minimize potential impacts.

Consultation & Mitigation - When impacts are unavoidable, staff consults with appropriate state (e.g. NYSDEC) or federal agencies (e.g. USFWS, USMFS, etc.), external organization, interested parties, general public, etc. If decided upon and necessary, mitigation measures will be implemented to offset adverse effect, guided by NRB staff.

Training - Staff provide regular training to Army civilian and military personnel to enhance installation awareness of the Army’s legal and ethical responsibilities for environmental resources management and historic preservation. See Environmental Officer Training, Natural Resource Section.


PHYSICAL & MAILING ADDRESS:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      667A Ruger Road                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                West Point, NY 10996                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (845) 938-2314