Housing Eligibility

Eligibility Dates and Waiting Lists

Eligibility for Housing is determined by the date that you leave your last permanent duty station. Sponsors may be placed on a waiting list prior departing their losing installation, by submitting a DD 1746 (Housing Application) and by providing us a copy of your PCS orders.

Sponsors must sign-in at the new duty station (CPF) to receive an eligibility date and before assignment is made to quarters. Upon in-processing a copy of your leave request/approval will be required to substantiate your date departed last permanent duty station. Families are not jumped or skipped on any waiting list. However a family can be displaced by another family that has a higher eligibility date.

In processing with housing must be completed within 30 days of arrivals or receipt of command sponsorship to maintain your original eligibility date of date departed last duty station or date of command sponsorship approval. Beyond 30 days, or service members making tour changes, the effective date on the waiting list will be date of application.

What can I do before arrival?

Upon receipt of orders, email a copy (with all amendments) and a completed DD 1746 - Application for Housing (instructions in Housing In/Out-Processing section below) to the Housing Services Office.

Active Duty?

  • Yes - Placed on applicable waitlist; provide personal details via email
  • No - Provided “routing sheet” upon completion of virtual in-processing tasks

After receipt of orders, attend the virtual Housing In-Brief

  • Can be accessed from any smart device
  • GS customers will be provided a "routing sheet" and can commence house hunting

Following in-brief, Active Duty must schedule a personal in-processing appointment via the USAG Stuttgart app or appointments page.

  • Also recommended ahead of arrival
  • If after arrival, customers can select virtual or in-person appointment

Successful completion of the above steps can result in on-post move-in immediately, even on day of arrival.

Mandatory Assignment to On Post Housing for Accompanied Service Members

Unaccompanied Housing (UH)

E-7 and above:

All unaccompanied personnel (Permanent Party and Reservist) E-7 and above, contact the Housing Office for availability or projected BOQ/BEQ. Most senior enlisted quarters (SEQ) and bachelor officers quarters (BOQ) are small one bedroom, furnished apartments with kitchenettes or a common kitchen per floor.

ALL E6 and below:

Regardless of branch of service, ALL E6 and below are required to live in the barracks with shared or private bedroom with either a shared bath or common latrine.

Upon arrival Unaccompanied Personnel E-6 and below please report to your Barracks Managers:

  • EUCOM: SGT Bertotti, Bldg. 2308 Patch, DSN 430-7779 CIV 0711-680-7779
  • 52nd Signal: SGT James, Bldg. 2313 Patch, DSN 592-5802/5800
  • 1/10 SFG: SGT Grandowicz, Bldg. 2960 Panzer DSN 431-3244 CIV 07031-15-3244554
  • MP: SGT Almeida, Bldg. 2914 Panzer DSN 431-2780
  • AFRICOM: Mr. Laguna Bldg. 3306 Kelley, DSN 421-4247 CIV 0162-6432906
  • MARFOR: SGT Vonhindenfalken, Bldg. 2900 Panzer DSN 431-3578 CIV 07031-15-3578
  • HHC: SFC Fields, Bldg. 2974 Panzer DSN 596-3110

Shipping Full JFTR HHG Allowance

  • Grades E–9, CW3, CW4, CW5, O–3 and above: 400 square feet net living area: living room, bedroom, private bath, and access to kitchen
  • Grades WO1, CW2, O–1, O–2: 250 square feet net living area: sleeping/living room, private bath
  • Grades E–7 & E–8: 270 square feet net living area: private room, private bath
  • Grades E–5 & E–6: 135 square feet net living area: private room
  • Grades E–1-4: 90 square feet net living area, not more than two per room.

It is recommended that unaccompanied SMs do NOT ship their full JFTR HHG allowance as your personal items will not fit in barracks rooms. Service members who DO elect to have full JTR allowances shipped will be required to locate Non Temporary Storage (NTS) and pay for the storage out of pocket (please note that storage facilities are extremely limited in Germany and having full JTR HHG is not adequate justification for CNA approval).

If upon arrival it is determined that adequate barracks space is not projected to be available for a service member within 60 days, the service member will be issued a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) to reside off post. Service members may at that point contact transportation and have their full JFTR allowance shipped to them.

For more information email the Unaccompanied Housing Office: usarmy.stuttgart.id-europe.mbx.dpw-hsg-uph@army.mil or call DSN 314-596-2420/2287.

Civilian Personnel Housing

The Civilian Personnel Office (CPAC) is the first point of contact for U.S. Government Civilians or DAC personnel concerning housing entitlements and allowances.

Email: usarmy.stuttgart.hqda-cpac.mbx.stuttgart-cpac@mail.mil

Military Reservist

All military reservists on per diem for six months or more must contact the UH office for assistance with short-term furnished off-post apartments.


Assignment to Housing ahead of PCS is possible and preferred.

Sponsors should be familiar with the process for incoming personnel and assist in scheduling key steps like virtual viewing, furniture delivery, and move in inspection.

Additionally, sponsors can help incoming personnel by ensuring they have downloaded the USAG Stuttgart App and explored the Housing links available, to include Housing Appointments, Housing In-Processing, Housing FAQs and On-Post Virtual Tours.

For additional sponsorship resources, visit the garrison's sponsorship page.

Housing In/Out-Processing

Housing In-Processing

All personnel on permanent change of station orders (PCS) to Stuttgart (both Military and Civilians) email a copy of your orders (with all amendments) and the completed DD1746-Application for Assignment to Housing to the Housing Services Office. Military Personnel include any applicable leave documentation.

Housing Office Email

View the In-Processing videos that the Central Processing Facility provided and attend the Housing In-brief (Tuesdays and Thursday at 0830) referenced in your in-processing documents.

Schedule required appointments via the USAG Stuttgart App.

Online Appointment Scheduler

For more information on housing, please call the numbers in the sidebar at right or email: usarmy.stuttgart.id-europe.mbx.dpw-hso@army.mil.

Housing Application DD 1746

Click to open DD1746 Housing Application

Both military and civilian personnel must complete the DD1746 housing application form. Information will be used to update and or create personnel housing records and helps determine eligibility dates.

DD 1746 Mandatory Fields Blocks 2 -14:

  • Block 6: A Hotel Name & Room # can be used
  • Provide US cell phone or German cell phone numbers or both.
  • Block 13: Use unit/organization assigned
  • Block 21: Provide both .com and .mil emails and list date of birth

Send the complete and signed DD1746 along with a complete set of orders to the AHO at usarmy.stuttgart.id-europe.mbx.dpw-hso@army.mil or hand carry to the office during walk-in hours.

After completing the DD1746 and attending the virtual Housing In-brief (Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.), eligible DoD Civilians can begin their off-post house hunting search and utilize the services of the off-post housing contractor.

Military Personnel must first schedule and attend a one on one in-processing brief following the virtual Housing In-brief. Appointments are scheduled via the USAG Stuttgart app or appointments page and can be conducted virtually or in person by selecting preference when making the appointment.

An AHO Housing Assistant will provide vital information, to include a "routing sheet," to be used for off-post house hunting once eligible personnel have been properly in-processed. The off-post housing referral contractor will not assist you until these processes have taken place.

Submit the completed routing sheet via usarmy.stuttgart.id-europe.mbx.dpw-hsg-off-post@army.mil.


Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA)

**NOTE** During COVID-19 restrictions, all incoming Service Members required to quarantine will be issued a DD1610 for the quarantine period. TLA will commence thereafter.

Per AE 37-4, Service Members must in-process with a housing counselor (virtually or in-person) within 2 calendar days of coming out of quarantine or arrival to USAG Stuttgart. Failure to do so will result in TLA ineligibility.

Regardless of branch of service, Service Members required to live in On-Post Quarters are required to check-in with the Housing Office on a weekly basis regarding their place on the waitlist. Service Members authorized to seek off-post quarters must prove an AGGRESIVE housing search in order to continue authorization of TLA (ensure Housing approval is granted first).

Aggressive private rental search is categorized as viewing 3 homes within the first 15 days of arrival, following issuance of CNA, and 6 houses each 15 day period thereafter.

Authorization is given by way of Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA). If after 30 days you have not signed a tentative/valid rental contract with a projected move-in date prior to the 60th day of TLA, you will be required to obtain a temporary month to month type of lease while you continue house hunting.

Every effort should be made for soonest possible move in date.

TLA may be denied if homes, meeting family requirements, with prior move in dates are available, yet Service Member elects to wait for a later available home purely for personal preference and/or convenience.

TLA is reimbursed in 15 day increments--updated Nov 2020 Provide hotel bill to housing to receive “TLA Document” to turn in to finance for payment/reimbursement

For off-post hotel, statement of non-availability (SNA) number is required; issued by on-post hotel with dates specific to your stay.

AirBnBs are NOT authorized.

Temporary Quarters and Subsistence Allowance (TQSA): Civilian

The purpose of TQSA is to assist with temporary lodging, meals, laundry and dry cleaning in a foreign area when an employee first arrives at a new post and permanent quarters are not yet available, or when an employee is getting ready to depart the foreign post permanently and must vacate residential quarters. An employee cannot receive the post (cost-of-living) allowance when receiving the TQSA. An employee may receive TQSA and Living Quarters Allowance at the same time when departing post only with agency permission for unusual circumstances described at DSSR 124.1 and DSSR 132.41a.

Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance

The Civilian Personnel Office (CPAC) is the point ofcontact for U.S. Government Civilians or DAC personnel for all TQSAmatters.

Email: usarmy.stuttgart.hqda-cpac.mbx.stuttgart-cpac@mail.mil

Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA): Military

Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA): Military

While stationed overseas and living off-post, military personnel will receive OHA instead of Basic Allowance Housing (BAH).

Rent caps for off-post housing are established by rank. A service member will either receive OHA based on rent or the rent cap, whichever is less. Service member will also receive a monthly utility allowance that will help offset utility costs.


Living Quarter Allowance (LQA): Civilian

Living Quarters Allowance (LQA): This allowance is granted to an employee to help defray the annual cost of suitable, adequate living quarters for the employee and his/her family at a foreign post where government-leased or -owned housing is not provided. The LQA rates are designed to substantially cover the average employee's costs for rent, utilities, required taxes levied by the local government, and other allowable expenses. Living quarters allowance rates are categorized by "quarters groups" based on the employee's grade level or rank and his/her family size. Additional amounts of up to 10%, 20%, or 30% above the LQA rates may be allowed for larger families. For further information on LQA see DSSR 130. DSSR 136 contains guidance for employees occupying personally-owned quarters.

Living Quarters Allowance

Advance Housing Allowance (Army only)

Take a signed copy of the USAG Stuttgart rental contract to your unit personnel administration (S1) to request an advance Advance Housing Allowance form to pay the first month rent and security deposit, that typically equals two months rent.

For details, contact your unit finance office.

Housing Out-Processing

On post residents and off post residents (MIL and DoD) are required to clear through the USAG Stuttgart Housing Office, Housing Services Branch, located in Bldg. 2913, Panzer Kaserne.

On post: Schedule preinspection as soon as possible (45 days ahead of departure preferred), final clearing by visiting the office during walk-in hours, phone, or email

Bachelor Officer and Senior Enlisted Quarters’ occupants are required to clear through the USAG Stuttgart Housing Office, UPH Branch Bldg. 2913, Panzer Kaserne.

Single Soldiers, occupying barracks, must clear their barracks room through their unit.


For additionally information concerning Out-Processing, Contact the Central Processing Facility.

Housing Appointments

The appointment website is operated by a third-party and is provided as a convenience to assist with scheduling appointments. The privacy policy of the appointment web site may differ from that of USAG Stuttgart. Links to non-garrison sites do not represent Federal endorsement of any commercial or private issues, products or services.

On-Post Housing

Help Desk Process (Demand Maintenance Orders)

Please click here for an introduction to the Demand Maintenance Orders (DMO) process and how to request maintenance support for on-post housing or government facility repair.


By phone contact the help desk at +49 (0) 9641-70-596-6200 or DSN 596-6200 to submit a work request.




Government-issued domestic appliances:
(refrigerators, washer, & dryers) On or Off post

Call toll free 0800-22 55 900

Hours of Operation:

7:30 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday

Floor Plans

Click here to view floor plans of on-post housing.

In order for the floor plans to load, you must select "Stuttgart" as your installation from the dropdown menu near the top right corner of the page.


Residents who are assigned to Army Family housing (AFH) are responsible for maintaining and controlling their pets in accordance with AE SUPPLEMENT 1 TO AR 420-1, Appendix DD.

No more than two dogs or cats or combination thereof, are authorize per dwelling unit. Other domestic pets including non-dangerous birds and aquarium fish, and non-snapping turtle are authorize in AFH. Exotic pets or farm animals (for example, snakes, ferrets, lizards, snapping turtles, pot belly pigs, chickens, goats, ducks etc.) are prohibited. Additionally, if required to move off post you will find that families with more than two pets have difficulty obtaining off post accommodations. Landlords typically require a substantial pet deposit for even one pet.

Sponsor and their spouses will ensure that pets are controlled so they do not become a public nuisance or menace. Animals that habitually bite, scratch, attack, or otherwise threaten people without provocation are a community health menace and will not be allowed in Government-controlled housing or facilities. A severe incident (for example, an animal attacking an individual) is cause for removal of the offending animal, regardless of the absence of prior incidents

Pet owners residing in AFH are subject to host nation (HN) laws governing the treatment of pets. HN law and Army in Europe policy prohibit inhumane and abusive treatment of animals. Inhumane and abusive treatment is define as any act or omission whereby an animal's physical or psychological wellbeing is compromised unnecessarily. Punishment for violation of HN law may be in the form of fines or removal of the pet from the owner's possession. In cases where inhumane and abusive treatment is defined as any act or omission whereby an animal's physical or psychological wellbeing is compromised unnecessarily. Punishment for violation of HN law may be in the form of fines or removal of the pet from the owner's possession. In cases where owners are negligent in pet care or supervision, immediate action will be taken to have the pet removed from the area.

Breeding pets and the construction and maintenance of kennel-type operations are prohibited in Government-controlled housing When outside the owner's quarters; animals must be kept on a leash and accompanied by an individual capable of controlling the pet. Dogs shall not be left alone in quarters overnight or for any period more than 8 hours. Children under the age of 12 without adult supervision are considered incapable of properly controlling pets.

Please review AE SUPP 1 TO AR 420-1 Appendix DD on Pet Policy in Family Housing.

For additional information, restricted breeds, andhost nation rules visit the Stuttgart Veterinary Clinic.

Self Help

Q: Who is Self Help for?
A: On-Post Housing Residents & Building Coordinators


Patch Barracks Building 2333

  • Hours of operation: Mon-Wed-Fri 0900-1300 Tue-Thur. 1100-1500 Sat 1000-1400
  • Call: 0711-6868-9475

Robinson Barracks / Mobile Ship Store (Community Club parking lot.)

  • Hours of operation: Tue & Thur. 1100-1500

Q: What items can be found at Self Help?
A: painting supplies; wire brushes; light bulbs; light covers; bathroom & shower supplies; screws, nails, anchors, washers; basic hardware items; kitchen exhaust hood filters; recycling bins; faucet filters; sponges for stove tops; de-humidifiers.

To request an item to your installation, contact the Service Order Desk at (0) 9641-70-596-6200 or DSN: 596-6200.

Q: Can people donate items to Self Help?
A: No, but items can be taken to each installation Coordinator for disposal or to the Central Receiving Point on Panzer Kaserne, Building 2958 DSN 596-2071.

  • Paint
  • Light Bulbs
  • Car cleaning supplies
  • Household Cleaning supplies
  • Car Batteries
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Tires

Stuttgart Military Housing Resident Handbook

Trash & Recycling

To ensure compliance with host-nation laws regulating household waste. U.S. personnel living outside of U.S. installation housing areas must abide by host-nation laws, in keeping with the NATO Status of Forces Agreement, and supplemental agreements.


Off-Post Housing 

Contact the Housing Office prior to beginning your search for off-post housing.

Housing Referral Services (contracted service by Mission Essential)

Mission Essential operates the contracted Housing Referral Services office for USAG Stuttgart. Services are free to military and U.S. government civilians. Housing referral services are not available to contractors.

Their offices are located on Panzer Kaserne, Bldg 2913, 2nd Floor, across the hall from the Housing Office.

Email: usarmy.stuttgart.imcom-europe.mbx.dpw-hsg-off-post@army.mil

Housing Referral Services will assist military members and authorized civilian employees with scheduling appointments and provide up to three escorted home tours, and Off-Post Housing inspections. Housing Referral Services will not provide specific information (addresses and contact details) on the dwelling units at HOMES.mil in advance of arrival date nor in advance of the mandatory in-processing.

Service members and U.S. government civilians should not enter into a rental contract (written or verbal) in advance of the housing brief or in-processing step. The USAG approved Housing Rental Contract must always be utilized.

The Housing Referral Services office provides in-and out-check inspections for military and DOD civilians, regardless of how the private rental unit was found, and even if the property is on the non-referral list. It is highly recommended that all military and civilian personnel have an assignment (in-check) and termination (out-check) home inspection. Initial in-check and final out-check inspections will be conducted with the service member or employee (tenant), the Landlord and an inspector from the Housing Referral Services office. Schedule all inspection appointments at the earliest possibility; available appointments book quickly during peak PSC season.

Important Documents:

Pre-Inspection Checklist

Clearing Off-Post Housing Pamphlet

Off-post Rental Contract Termination Guide

Off-Post Housing Rental Contracts

The official Off-Post Housing website is HOMES.mil. All HOMES.mil properties are guaranteed to have an equipped kitchen and light fixtures. Use caution when using external websites such as Bookoo, Immobilienscout24, and Facebook. A non-referral list is available from the Housing Office.

All landlords listed with HOMES.mil have agreed to use USAG Stuttgart Housing rental contract.

Email the Housing Office for a copy of a blank USAG Stuttgart approved contract. ALL eligible DOD civilians and military members, are highly encouraged to utilize the USAG Stuttgart approved contract. This dual language contract includes the 30-day military clause which is not common in host nation contracts. Do not sign a rental contract until it is reviewed by the Housing Office. Rental contract becomes a legal document once signed by both parties.

Schedule a contract review appointment utilizing USAG Stuttgart Garrison App. Avoid making a verbal agreement. Although the Housing Office does not provide legal advice, if utilizing a German contract or other like type housing rental contract, it is highly recommend to have Legal review the rental contract. For customers who would like to rent properties on the non-referral list, the Housing Office will review the contract, however, a waiver is required and any support will need to be addressed with the Legal Office.

Off-Post Housing Website (Homes.Mil)

The off-post housing website, HOMES.mil contains the housing referral listings in Stuttgart. All homes listed on the website are equipped with a furnished kitchen and light fixtures, and managed by landlords that accept the housing contract rules. Other external websites such as Bookoo, Immobilienscout24, eBay, and Facebook can be used, but customers are advised to use caution.

Please contact the Housing Referral Services office with questions:

Call: (0)9641-70-596-2318/3782 or DSN: (314) 596-2318/3782


Off-Post Housing Search Tips

Prior to arrival, and only if eligible for off-post housing, visit the HOMES.MIL website to get an idea of the types and sizes of homes in Stuttgart. This may also help customers determine the amount of furniture to ship and leave in storage.

Please keep in mind that German homes can be a lot smaller compared to homes in the states. Average room sizes are smaller, and may be spread out over 2-4 floors. The yards are usually small to medium-sized and some homes do not have closets. Free-standing, single-family homes are significantly more expensive and harder to find than apartments.

Large apartments near all the bases in the Stuttgart area are available. Some are spread out over two floors, giving the feeling of a house.

The Housing Referral Services office will assist military members and authorized civilian employees with scheduling appointments and provide up to three escorted home tours, and Off-Post Housing inspections.

The Housing Referral Services office will not provide specific information (addresses and contact details) on the dwelling units at HOMES.MIL in advance of arrival date nor in advance of the mandatory in-processing.

U.S. Government Civilians: The housing brief is a mandatory requirement. Please bring a copy of PCS orders and a completed DD 1746 form to the housing brief.

The housing office will use the DD 1746 to update or create the customer housing record. After record is updated, civilians may download the required landlord detail request form and email the two forms directly to the housing referral office to begin house hunting.

Reminder: Service members and U.S. government civilians should not enter into a rental contract (written or verbal) in advance of the housing brief or in-processing step.

Off-Post Housing Inspections

It is highly recommended that all military and civilian personnel have an assignment (in-check) and termination (out-check) home inspection.

Schedule your in-check inspection appointment with the Housing Referral Services office only after your contract is finalized by housing.

Initial in-check and final out-check inspections will be conducted with the service member or employee (tenant), the Landlord, and an inspector from the Housing Referral Services office.

Call: (0)9641-70-596-2318/3782 or DSN: (314) 596-2318/3782

Email: usarmy.stuttgart.imcom-europe.mbx.dpw-hsg-off-post@army.mil

Move In Housing Allowance (MIHA)

Move In Housing Allowance or MIHA is an allowance for off-post rentals for military personnel only.

There are several types including miscellaneous and in special cases the realtor fee.

Miscellaneous allowance is a one-time payment designed to defray the setup cost for an off-post rental, such as transformers, curtains and other items.

Service Members may be authorized reimbursement for realtor fees in these special circumstances:

  • Large family with need of five or more bedrooms
  • ADA compliant home for handicapped family members
  • Family members enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program
  • Circumstances that are deemed unique and unusual by the Housing Chief or Garrison Commander

MIHA will not reimburse for redecorating or repainting. Both are personal expenses.

German Laws & Quiet Hours

Landlord rental law

Landlords in Germany have the right to choose their tenants based on personal preference. A landlord or property manager may interview potential tenants and then choose their tenants.

German rental law allows for landlords to request to assess pets for behavioral concerns and fit in the neighborhood. For example, a landlord may ask the prospective tenant to meet his/her dog and then both landlord and tenant may take a walk with the dog. If the dog appears untrained or aggressive, the landlord may decide not to rent the building to the tenant. A landlord may ask for a pet deposit.

Quiet Hours

  • German law places limits on noise levels. Evening quiet hours are from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
  • Daytime quiet hours are from 1–3 p.m.
  • The use of lawn mowers and other gardening machines, or any noise making machine is from 7 a.m.–1 p.m. and from 3–7 p.m.
  • On Sundays and German Federal holidays, quiet hours are 24 hours - all day and night.
  • Special occasions, such as the World Cup or a wedding, are the exceptions to the quiet hours law.

Off-Post Housing Clearing

All Inspection requests have to be approved in advance. It's recommended to identify any outstanding issues or deficiencies in enough time to correct them prior to scheduling the final out-check inspection. A pre out-check should be completed in the presence of the landlord or the landlord's property manager.

Contact the off-post housing office to make an appointment: Commercial (0)9641-70-596-2318/3782 or DSN (314) 596-2318/3782


Appliances & FURNISHINGS

Military must be eligible for OHA/Government Quarters; Civilians must be eligible for LQA.

Government-issued domestic appliances

Domestic appliances: refrigerators, washers, and dryers are issued to on-post residents and eligible personnel living off-post.

Email the completed form:


For maintenance requests for issued refrigerators, washers, and dryers contact the Protec Service Help Desk.

PROTEC Service Order Help Desk
Call toll free: 0800-22 55 900
or via the Protec online form
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(Open American holidays; closed German holidays)


Most off-post German units have 220v, and many large U.S. appliances, such as washer and dryers are not compatible with the voltage.

Large U.S. appliances that cannot be used with 220v will be stored at the owner’s expense. It is recommended not to ship large appliances, such as refrigerators, washers, and dryers.

Transformers to convert the voltage from 220v to 110v can be purchased for small appliances.

Temporary Loaner Furniture

Email the Housing Services office for furnishing questions and requests.

Temporary or loaner furnishings are available for up to 90 days incoming and up to 60 days for outgoing personnel on and off post.

Refrigerators, washers, and dryers, along with wardrobe closets are issued to off-post housing residents for the duration of their tour or tour extensions.

All on-post unaccompanied personnel (UPH) units are furnished with bedroom, living room, and dining room furniture, depending on the Service member's rank and building assignment. All UPH residents are issued a refrigerator. Bona-fide bachelors residing off-post are authorized basic living, dining, and bedroom furnishings for their entire tour.

Army Community Service Relocation Readiness Program

Army Community Service's Relocation Readiness Program

Lending Closet

When relocating to a new installation, you can borrow basic household goods from your ACS Lending Closet. Keep in mind that item availability varies from garrison to garrison. Some of the items you may find are:

  • Pots and pans
  • Dishes
  • High chairs and car safety seats
  • Kitchen appliances

*Items vary based on installation availability

Temporary Lodging

Army Lodging provides hotel accommodations to service members, families, retirees, and civilians.  Guests include Department of Defense travelers on official business, as well as military members and their families traveling on Permanent Change of Station orders. Retirees and military families can also make reservations when the facilities are not required for official travelers.

Service Members must obtain a Statement of Non-Availability from the on-post hotel prior to staying at an off-post hotel in order for TLA purposes.  Use of Airbnbs is approved only under specific conditions.  Customers are advised to discuss with Housing or familiarize themselves with the Federal Travel Regulation at 41 CFR § 301-11.12(a)(4).

Panzer Kaserne - Panzer Hotel

Kelley Barracks - Kelley Hotel