Our Mission
The Public Affairs Office supports USAG Stuttgart by communicating on behalf of the installation and its leadership - providing clear, accurate, timely information to internal & external audiences. We employ a variety of communication strategies- including internal news and information products, media engagement, and public outreach.
Media Relations
The Media Relations section assists members of the news media in reporting on USAG Stuttgart, ensuring the Stuttgart Military Community and the German public has access to the information they need to understand the military's role in the community, in support of the United States Army and of the nation in its overseas mission.
- Releasing information, arranging interviews, responding to media inquiries, and coordinating access to the installation for news media representatives,
- Inviting reporters to significant events that highlight missions, programs, or issues of interest to the public,
- Providing media awareness and media engagement training to members of the USAG Stuttgart community.
Reporting on USAG Stuttgart
High-profile military missions, high-tech military equipment, high-intensity training opportunities, our innovative installation and family support programs, and easy access are among the many reasons local, national, and international news organizations cover activities at Stuttgart on a regular basis.
Media Escort Requirements
USAG Stuttgart is a closed military installation. For security reasons, installation access rules require a public affairs escort to be present any time members of the media conduct news-gathering activities on post. For invited events, media should RSVP in accordance with the instructions provided in the news release to coordinate a public affairs escort onto the installation.
For other stories, news media representatives may request assistance from the Media Relations section. Requests are granted when service and DoD regulations as resources allow.
Service members and military family members who are interested in engaging the media are encouraged to contact our office for assistance. If the story is of limited official interest, we may suggest meeting with the reporter off-base (where a public affairs escort is not required).
For stories not related to the subject's military affiliation, we can generally provide an escort onto the installation only if the story cannot be adequately reported without such access.
Policy Notice
Our office does not facilitate "reaction" stories (stories seeking service member or military family member reactions to issues of current interest or events) and "person-on-the-street" interviews - reporters may solicit military personnel and their families for their reactions to current events via other means, but we will not use military resources to provide an escort onto the installation for these types of stories.
Possession of a military-issued ID card or visitor pass does not constitute permission to conduct news gathering activities on any part of the installation - including family housing - without a public affairs escort. Pass-holders and/or the visitor's military sponsor may be held responsible if a pass or military ID is misused.
Command Information
The Command Information section provides news and information to members of the Stuttgart Military Community by producing an assortment of command information products for our internal audiences which include a print publication, websites, and a variety of social media platforms.
The Stuttgart Citizen
The Citizen is a monthly publication under contract between a civilian publisher and U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart.
Subscribe to The Citizen's daily email summary of news
Stuttgartcitizen.com and garrison social media channels are the commander’s communications tools to transmit command information to the Stuttgart military community; therefore, most articles fulfill this objective. Culture and leisure features are used to lend variety and encourage military families to enjoy the communities outside their installation.
Social Media
You can email usarmy.stuttgart.id-europe.mbx.usag-stuttgart-media@mail.mil for requests to post community announcements to the USAG-Stuttgart's official social media sites.
USAG Stuttgart App
Download the USAG Stuttgart App for all of your in-processing needs and up to date information.
Available on iTunes and Google Play
Community Relations
The Community Relations section conducts programs to support and sustain relationships between leaders and service members at USAG Stuttgart and our neighboring community leaders and citizens.
Community Requests
Community Requests for things such as guest speakers, marching unit, honor guard, military equipment display, or military band need to be submitted using DD Form 2536
Please submit requests at least 60 days prior to your event as most requests require a legal review and direct coordination with units.
Email usarmy.stuttgart.imcom-europe.mbx.usag-stuttgart-media@mail.mil
Please note - Aviation requests are not reviewed by USAG Stuttgart. Contact the service component public affairs office for instructions.