Collage of various job opportunity types


The primary way to find a job with the garrison or one of its mission partners is by searching for vacancies on

USAJOBS provides a listing of available jobs for U.S. citizens. Click the linked text above to view jobs in Stuttgart, or type “Stuttgart, Germany” (or a specific country or community) in the search bar on any page of the website to find jobs in that area.

The Employment Readiness Program of Army Community Service (ACS), located at Panzer Kaserne, offers regularly scheduled classes/seminars on how to use USAJOBS, craft a federal résumé, and more.

To reach them by phone, call ACS at +49 (0) 9641-70-596-3362 and ask for the Employment Readiness Program.


Job opportunities for Local Nationals are posted at the website below:

A “Local National” is defined as (1) a EU citizen or someone that has a visa to work in the EU; (2) does not have American citizenship; and (3) has been living in Germany for the past 12 months.  On this site, click “Duty Station” at the top right to sort the jobs by city.

Für Informationen in deutscher Sprache, klicken Sie bitte hier.

The Stuttgart military community is comprised not only of U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart, but also a number of partner organizations. Learn more about them, and other types of job opportunities, below:


The garrison is like the city administration of the U.S. military bases in Stuttgart, ensuring that a wide range of basic services (such as police and fire protection, building construction and management, and utilities like water and electricity) are provided to the military commands and units located here.

Through its Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation division, it also operates a wide range of quality-of-life services ranging from gyms and childcare centers to hotels and coffee shops.

Jobs with the garrison are posted on USAJOBS (for U.S. Citizens) and the MNRS (for Local Nationals).

Defense Commissary Agency seal

U.S. citizens can find job listings with the Commissaries at USAJOBS.

Local Nationals can find jobs with the Commissaries advertised on the MNRS system.

The largest Commissary is located on Patch Barracks. Other commissaries are located on Panzer Kaserne (Böblingen), Kelley Barracks, and Robinson Barracks.

AAFES logo.png

U.S. Citizens can find jobs with the Exchange at

Local Nationals can use the following website:

You can work for AAFES if you are a U.S. citizen, a local national, or if you have both US and German citizenship.

DoDEA logo

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), through DoDEA Europe, operates the schools located on USAG Stuttgart installations.

Click here for more information about available vacancies.

Red Cross logo     USO

The American Red Cross and the United Service Organizations (USO) both have staff and operations at USAG Stuttgart in support of the members of our military community.

Contact them directly for information about services and volunteering.

Visit their websites for more information on available jobs:

Military personnel, DOD Civilian employees and their family members stationed in Europe may want to try their hand at starting a business in or out of their government quarters. All home-based businesses (HBB) owners, regardless of business or location, are subject to in-person sanitation reviews conducted by the Army and the German government.

DOD-sponsored personnel who operate unauthorized HBBs or violate Army regulation may face disciplinary action, loss of individual logistic support, denial of access to Army installations in Europe and removal from housing.

Army Volunteer Corps logo

Volunteering is a great way to gain experience, share a talent, fill a need, or just give back to the community. 

The garrison's volunteer program is run by Army Community Service.