Sick Call
2ABC’s sick-call Procedures
What sick-call is for:
- Acute illness/injury screening and evaluation
- Appointment scheduling (acute or chronic)
- Determine appropriate level of care (i.e. self-care, senior medic, or PA)
- Follow up after ER visits
Location /Time /Primary Care Manager
- BLDG 521
- Time: 0530-0600
- PCM: CPT Stark
- BLDG 8411, HHC Conference Room
- Time: 0530-0600
- PCM: CPT Gracia
- BLDG 8422, RM 1006 & 1010
- Time: 0545-0615; 1400-1500
- PCM: 1LT Leuders
- BLDG 8427, RM 1077
- Time: 0530-0600; 1300-1330
- PCM: 1LT Mastromarino
- BLDG 8406, Medic Hallway
- Time: 0530-0600
- PCM: 1LT Schiller
- BLDG 8416, RM 1002
- Time: 0530-0600
- PCM: CPT Sheffield
- BLDG 8392, RM 122 &123
- Time: 0530-0600
- PCM: CPT Soboleski
Location: BLDG 813
Time: 0545-0615
Location: Tuttle Clinic (Team Falcon)
Time: 0840-1130 and 1300-1530 (Monday-Friday)
HHB DIVARTY’s sick-call procedures are
- Location: HHB DIVARTY, Building 617
- Time: 0600-0630
HHBN’s sick-call procedures are
- Location: Building 223
- Time: 0545-0615
Location: Hawks TMC
Time: 0630-0730 (Monday-Friday)
63 ESB’s sick-call procedures are
- Location: Hawks TMC, Building 412 OR HHB DIVARTY, Building 617
- Time: Hawks TMC at 0630 sharp OR HHB 0600-0630
92 EN BN’s sick-call procedures are
- Location: Building 4401, HHC building (must see company medics first)
- Time: 0550-0620 or UTC
83D CBRN BN’s sick-call procedures are
- Location: 83D COF, Bldg 4440
- Time: M,T,W, & F: (0545-0615); TH: (1245-1315)
"How do I schedule medical training?"
"How do I prepare for the new PT test?"
"What are the limitations of my profile?"
You've got questions, we've got answers!
The Division Surgeon's office can answer your questions on:
- Physical profiles
- Medical supplies & training
- Pregnancy PT
- Behavioral health
- The new AFCT
- Physical therapy
- The list goes on!
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I find the COCOM pre-deployment and theater entry requirements?
COCOM theater entry reference link is below
Link is temporarily out of service
I'm on permanent profile. What are the alternate events for the AFCT?
Right now, there are none.You'll be expected to perform all events as established until further guidance is published.
The Army is working on some alternate cardio events, such as a rowing, stationary bicycling, and swims.Here’s the official Army press release about the alternate events. It says
"The events selected for further testing include a5,000 meter row, a 15,000 meter stationary bike and a 1,200 meter swim. Each event will be completed in a set time, targeted at 25 minutes or less. If approved, Soldiers with a permanent profile will be required to successfully complete at a minimum the 3-Repetition Maximum Deadlift, the Sprint-Drag-Carry and one of the aerobic events. The alternate events measure minimum attributes Soldiers need to fight, render aid to others and decrease risk to themselves in a combat environment."
Read more here:
Can my commander send me to the field on a no-field-duty profile?
Bottom line, no. Commanders may not override dutyinstructions and limitations on DA3349. However, a commander can request thatyour treating provider clarify the language of the profile to articulate whattasks can be performed and what tasks should be avoided. We want to avoidbroad, vague, and overly restrictive language in our profile writing.
I am not on a profile, but when I went through SRP, I was told that I was non-deployable to EURCOM?
There are several conditions and medications that do notrequire a profile but will require a waiver in order to deploy.
I am currently on profile and unable to perform my military occupation. Can I be assigned to the Warrior Transition Battalion?
There’s two answers here….one for Active Soldiers, and another for Reserves.
For Active Component and Active Guard Reserve:
WTB is for Soldiers that are on a profile, or about to receive a profile, that will last for more than 6 months and limit their duties from “training or contributing to unit mission accomplishment”.
WTB is also for Soldiers that have a psychological condition that their provider believes poses a “substantial danger to self or others if the Soldier remains in the unit.”
For Reservists (not on AGR status):
WTB is for Soldiers who have incurred or aggravated a medical condition in the line of duty during duty “active duty status(contingency or non-contingency) or inactive duty status (inactive duty training, funeral honors duty)…”.
WTB is for Reservists that require definitive care.
Where do I go if the behavioral health clinic is closed and I am having an emergency?
Winn Army Community Hospital Emergency Department after business hours, weekends and on holidays. A behavioral health provider is on call during these periods. Behavioral health clinics are open from0730-1630.
Can I receive my behavioral health records?
Yes,requests must be made in writing through the Patient Administrative Department at Winn Army Community Hospital. Records requests require a release of information (ROI) form to be completed that specifies what records are needed and over what period of time.
Does my family member need a referral to receive behavioral health services?
No. They can self-refer for off post services.
My PCM referred me to a specialty provider. What is the next step of the process?
If your specialty appointment can be booked on-post, you can expect a call from the specialty clinic at Winn ACH.
If your specialty appointment must be referred off-post, you should expect a phone call or letter from Tricare within 7 business days notifying you of the clinic and location of
your specialty care appointment.
Ensure your mailing address and phone number are up to date in DEERS.
What events are in the new PT test?
Here’s a link to everything you need to know about the test:
How can I get myself and my Soldiers ready for the new AFCT?
Here’s a full training guide for the new AFCT!
I don’t have weights or a pull up bar at home. What should I do?
First, check the training guide!
It shows strength-building exercises for each event. For example, page 2 – To get ready for the Deadlift,do sumo squats, staggered squat jumps, forward lunges, power jumps, and more.
For the leg tuck event, do the leg tuck-and-twist and V-up exercises. These will prepare you for the new Leg Tuck event.
Those too easy? Hold something above your head like a suitcase! Okay, it’s not the best idea, but it’s something.
When is the next EFMB competition?
All of the dates and locations can be found here:
How can I access the Division Surgeon sections RAV/ MIP checklists?
All checklists can be accessed on the Marne SharePoint under "Personal Staff/ IG". Once on the IG page, click on the"checklists" box. Scroll down and click on the "Division Surgeon" folder and all checklists will be present.
How can I schedule medical training at the hospital?
Call the 3ID Medical Operations at (912) 767-7179
I am interested in receiving professional development guidance; how do I go about scheduling a time for this?
Feel free to contact the Division Surgeon cell SGM at 912-435-9582 or stop by Building 1, second floor,surgeon cell section.
I was just confirmed pregnant. How do I sign up for Pregnancy PT?
Once you’re confirmed pregnant, you'll receive a prfile from you medical provider. Take your profile to Preganacy PT the next day to start the program at Newman Gym. Newcomers briefs are weekly on Thursdays.
Also, FYI, Pregnancy PT is also called P3T (Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training).
What do I bring to Pregnancy PT?
Note: Make sure you bring your profile (DA 705) with you until you’re officially registered (every Thursday).
Here’s some things you might want to bring:
Water! Cold water, it’s hot,so so hot.
PT belt
What do I wear to Pregnancy PT?
You’ll wear your PT uniform until it doesn’t fit.
After that, wear workout clothing that match the coverage of the PT uniform. For example, all tops must be short or long sleeve (no tanks tops). Bottoms have to be the same length or longer than the PT shorts.
Where is Pregnancy PT held?
Newman Gym 6:30-8am. Go to the basketball courts inside the Gym.
Note: There are locker rooms inside Newman Gym with showers and space for changing.
Is Pregnancy PT held on holidays?
No! There is no Pregnancy PT on Training or Federal Holidays.
More info: (912) 767-0305.
DA 4856 for Pregnancy PT
Department of Behavioral Health
USA MEDDAC Fort Stewart / Winn Army Community Hospital
Embedded Behavioral Health Clinics – Soldier Care:
- 1BCT EBH (BLDG 707): (912) 767-2345
- 2BCT EBH (Marne Medic TMC): (912) 435-9353
- 3SB/DIVARTY EBH (BLDG 607): (912) 767-2335/2670
- 3CAB/SOF EBH (HAAF, BLDG 1228): (912) 435-3600/3601
- All Embedded Behavioral Health Clinics (EBH) have walk-in hours during normal business hours 0730-1630
Multi-Disciplinary (Tenant Units) (Winn ACH Liberty Wing, 2nd Floor): (912) 435-7321/7322/7323
Child and Family Behavioral Health Clinic: (Winn ACH Liberty Wing, 2nd Floor): (912) 435-5707/5715