Medical Simulation Training Center (MSTC)
Ribbon cutting of the new MSTC facility in April 2019.
The Fort Stewart MSTC provides comprehensive training in several formats: the classroom setting, practical hands-on training, simulation, trauma lanes and distance learning. Our Staff combines the expertise of 68W Combat veterans with the experience of instructors who have prepared thousands of Soldiers for deployment.
Join our Teams to view the Training Calendar, turn in enrollment forms and more!
Medic Tables I-VIII
Medic Tables I-VIII
Fort Stewart MSTC
TC 8-800 Medical Education & Demonstration of Individual Competence (MEDIC) Tables is a 48 hour, 9 day course that includes Tables I-VII and skills validation Table VIII.
These are individual tasks and skills used for treating patients in medical and military environments.
This combined with Table VIII Testing (ACMS-VT) meets the Surgeon General of the Army’s Intent.
- Completing Tables I-VII provides the 68W with 48 hours towards NREMT recertification.
- Students are only allowed to miss 1 hour of POI, including appointments.
- SM who are on profile will test out Table VIII via oral board.
- Uniform is OCPs, with a notebook and pen.
- Table VIII Validation uniform is OCPs, IOTV, ACH, eyepro, gloves, and earpro.
- During the NREMT recertification window (October to March) SM who need to recertify will take precedence.
- Do NOT enroll in Medic Tables if you have attended Medic Tables within the past 6 months.
- Bring copies of BLS Certification and physical profile (if on one).
- We will call to verify enrollment the last business of the week preceding the class date.
- If you cannot attend the class after enrolling, please call the MSTC.
Medical Table VIII -Validation Only
Combat Life Saver -TC3 Tier 2
Combat Life Savers
Fort Stewart MSTC
This 5 day course serves as a bridge between the self aid/buddy aid training given to all Soldiers, and the medical training given to the combat medic.
The CLS is a non-medical Soldier who provides lifesaving measures as his primary mission allows, who can assist the medic in providing care and preparing casualties for evacuation.
Tactical Combat Casualty Care Tier 2, offered for non-healthcare providers or units without medical personnel. If you are a 68W interested in the CLS Train the Trainer Course, please see the enrollment form in the additional courses folder.
Student limit of 10 SM per unit unless deploying or other extenuating circumstance.
- 24 Student max.
- CLS is currently a 4 day course but will become a 5 day course starting on 24JUN.
- Class begins 0845.
- Do not enroll SM who are on a temporary profile or have appointments that will conflict with the class. Students are only allowed to miss 1 hour of POI.
- Uniform is OCPs, notebook and pencil.
- Test Out uniform will be OCPs, IOTV, ACH, eyepro, gloves, and earpro. Bring a water source.
- Please leave enrollment form in the MSTC Teams folder or drop off at the MSTC.
- We will call to verify enrollment the last business of the week preceding the class date.
- If you have SM that cannot attend the class after enrolling, please call the MSTC. You are able to swap SM before the class start date without turning in a new enrollment form.
All Service Members -TC3 Tier 1
All Service Members Course
Fort Stewart MSTC
Target: All Service Members
ASM is a 7-hour course for all service members that teaches TCCC concepts and lifesaving skills to render basic medical aid to a trauma casualty.
- ASM is TCCC Tier 1 and required by all Service Members.
- 24 students per class.
- Uniform is OCPs with a notebook and pen.
- Class begins at 0845.
- Please leave enrollment form in the MSTC Teams folder or drop off at the MSTC.
- We will call to verify enrollment the last business of the week preceding the class date.
- If you have SM that cannot attend the class after enrolling, please call the MSTC. You are able to swap SM before the class start date without turning in a new enrollment form.
Improved First Aid Kit (IFAK) Famliarization
CPR/AED for non-healthcare providers (Heart Savers)
American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED -“Heart Savers”
Fort Stewart MSTC
- Offered for non-healthcare providers, enlisted and commissioned
- Class size of 3-9 students
- AM classes begin 0900 Monday – Thursday, 0830 on Friday
- PM classes begin 1300 Monday – Thursday, 1230 on Friday
- Uniform is OCPs, no special equipment needed
- Please leave enrollment form in the MSTC Teams folder or drop off at the MSTC
- We will call to verify enrollment the last business of the week preceding the class date
- If you cannot attend the class after enrolling, please call the MSTC
Basic Life Support (healthcare providers only)
American Red Cross Basic Life Support
Fort Stewart MSTC
This course is designed to provide the skills to sustain life until more advanced lifesaving measures are available. Certification is a 4 hour course and covers adult and child CPR, adult and child 2-rescuer CPR, bag-valve mask technique, choking, automated external defibrillation (AED), special situations, rescue breathing, and stroke.
- Offered for healthcare providers, enlisted and commissioned
- Class size of 3-6 students
- AM classes begin 0900 Monday – Thursday, 0830 on Friday
- PM classes begin 1300 Monday – Thursday, 1230 on Friday
- Uniform is OCPs, no special equipment needed
- Please leave enrollment form in the MSTC Teams folder or drop off at the MSTC
- We will call to verify enrollment the last business of the week preceding the class date
- If you cannot attend the class after enrolling, please call the MSTC
Basic Life Support -Instructors Course
BLS – Instructor Course
Fort Stewart MSTC
- The BLS – I Course is taught annually or as needed, students are designated by their Brigade Senior Medic.
- Students attending the course will need to be available to teach at least 1 course a month at the MSTC or will be dropped from the MSTC Instructor Roster.
- No students who are expecting to PCS, ETS, or retire within a year after the course completion.
- Students are required to have a valid BLS card prior to the course start date.
- BLS – I is a 3 part course, if any part is not completed correctly it will result in a fail of the course overall.
Advance Life Support and Refresher
American Red Cross Advanced Life Support
Fort Stewart MSTC
Advanced Life Support courses are designed for professional healthcare providers who participate in the assessment and management of critical patients, including those working in in-hospital, pre-hospital, and out-of-hospital medical facilities.
The only prerequisite for enrollment is that you must be proficient in adult basic life support (BLS) skills.
- Offered for healthcare providers, enlisted and commissioned
- Original Certification Course is a 2 day in person class
- Recertification is a 1 day blended (online/in person) class
- Class size of 3-6 students
- Class begins 0830
- Uniform is OCPs, recommended to bring a notebook and pencil
- The MSTC has student books available to sign out 2 weeks preceding your class
- Please leave enrollment form in the MSTC Teams folder or drop off at the MSTC
- We will call to verify enrollment the last business of the week preceding the class date
- If you cannot attend the class after enrolling, please call the MSTC
Corps Senior Medic Course
Canine Tactical Combat Casualty Care
Canine Tactical Combat Casualty Care Course
Fort Stewart MSTC
- K9TCCC is a 1 day course taught by Veterinarian Major Decker.
- You do not have to be 68W or medical personnel in order to attend the course, but a good understanding of TCCC guidelines is recommended.
- Occasionally there will be live MWD in attendance, do not enroll if fearful of live dogs or allergic.
- Uniform is OCPs with a notebook and pen.
- Please leave enrollment form in the MSTC Teams folder or drop off at the MSTC
- We will call to verify enrollment the last business of the week preceding the class date
- If you cannot attend the class after enrolling, please call the MSTC
CLS Train the Trainer
Combat Life Savers Train the Trainer Course
Fort Stewart MSTC
- CLSTTT Course is an opportunity for 68W to observe how the FSGA MSTC instructs CLS through didactic and hands-on training.
- The goal of CLSTTT is to give 68W an example of how to run their own CLS program at their respective units and teaches 68W how to properly fill out administrative paperwork to certify their own CLS personnel.
- CLSTTT runs concurrently with CLS, which is currently a 4 day program but will be increasing to a 5 day program starting 24JUN.
- 3 68W slots per CLS class.
- CLSTTT students do not need to be an NCO.
- Please leave enrollment form in the MSTC Teams folder or drop off at the MSTC
- We will call to verify enrollment the last business of the week preceding the class date
- If you cannot attend the class after enrolling, please call the MSTC