Spiritually Leading Within The Army

Old Forge Chapel

Our garrison has an active Ministry Team under the oversight of the Garrison Chaplain.

The Ministry Team is organized to provide religious support and Chaplain presence at the unit level across the full spectrum of Army operations. The ministry team consists of: U.S. Army Chaplains and Religious Affairs Noncommissioned Officers; contractors; and carefully screened and selected chapel volunteers. Together, they provide a comprehensive and resilient spiritual support system for Soldiers, Families, and many others who choose a chapel as their place of worship.

The Religious Support Office is located in the Olde Forge Chapel. For more information about services, contact the Religious Support Office at 973-724-4139 or usarmy.pica.usag.mbx.picatinny-chaplain-office@mail.mil.

Weekly Bible studies:

Monday  1200-1300       Conducted VIA Microsoft Teams, Search For Team Name:  Picatinny Arsenal Bible Study

Thursday 1200-1300      Conducted VIA Teleconference:  Dial in (978) 990-5452   Access Code : 3526921

Sunday SERVICE SCHEDULEHeld in-person at the Old Forge Chapel

08:00- Catholic Mass

10:00- Community Worship Service

11:15- Holy Eucharist Mass