parkspd-logo.pngThe PRFTA Police Department is a professional organization dedicated to maintaining community partnerships which promote a high quality of life for the PRFTA community. The department is committed to treating all people with dignity, fairness and respect, protecting their rights and providing equal protection under the law.


  • Move your vehicle safely to the right (out of traffic) and well off the roadway.
  • Keep your hands visible at all times, preferably on the steering wheel. (Especially in low light conditions, you may want to turn on your dome light.)
  • Let the officer know what you are doing before entering any pockets, purses, compartments or the glove-box.
  • Display your driver's license, registration and proof of insurance upon the officer's request (this is State Law) and allow the officer the opportunity to explain why the stop was made.
  • Do not be argumentative or debate the stop, allow the officer the time to describe the violation and what will occur as a result of the stop. (Controversy and debates are for the courtroom)
  • Remain in the vehicle unless the officer asks you to get out of your vehicle. If you are asked to exit your vehicle, keep your hands out of any pockets and visible to the officer.
  • Avoid the use of cellular telephones and smoking during the traffic stop.


  • Provide Uniformed Police Services and Public Safety: This is accomplished through Access & Entry Control, proactive patrols, security checks and community oriented policing. These are the core daily functions of your police department (24/7).
  • Weapons Registration: AR 190-11, Paragraph 4-5 states that Privately Owned Weapons and Ammunition (POWA) are not authorized unless approved by the Commander. The Commander has clear authority and responsibility to regulate privately owned weapons, explosives, and ammunition on Army Installations.
  • Child Safety Seat Installation: Our agency has 4 AAA certified child seat installation technicians available to assist citizens with the installation of child safety seats. This service is performed at the police station. Please call for an appointment at (925) 875-4720.
  • Home Security Checks: The PRFTA PD offers this service during your vacations, TDY, deployments or just weekend get-away's. Officers will periodically check the exterior of your home while your home is unoccupied. This may offer you a peaceful mind while you're away.
  • Community Service Outreach: Your Community Service Officers within the PRFTA PD can be reached at (925) 875-4735. They will work directly with all Partners, Tenant Commands and Residents for the various projects and events that take place here on the installation. 
  • Bike Patrol - Bicycle Safety: This Department has patrol officers that can perform their duties by riding a police mountain bike. This has proved to be a huge mechanism to bridge the gap between the community and our agency. Please reach out to these officers with any questions and/or concerns you may have.
  • Ride-Along Program: This program is designed for those individuals that may potentially be interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. This is available to those 18 years of age or older. Please call for an appointment at (925) 875-4735.