The following flag etiquette guidance is from Fort McCoy Regulation 350-2, (Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security) Training Support and Services, (Feb. 1, 2012), pages 4-5. (NOTE: there is no cannon-firing simulation at Fort McCoy.)

Questions can be directed to the Fort McCoy garrison command sergeant major at 608-388-3605.

Reveille 6 a.m. (0600)

Military personnel in uniform, in formation or a group: Senior person brings group to attention and present arms during "Reveille." Hold salute until the last note of "Reveille." When music stops, formation brought to order arms.

Military personnel in uniform, not in formation or a group: Stop, face the flag (or in direction of the music), come to attention, and present arms during "Reveille." When music stops, come to order arms and carry on.

Military or civilian personnel in civilian clothes: Stop, remove headgear (if necessary), face the flag (or in direction of the music), come to attention, and place right hand over heart. When music stops, continue on your way.

All personnel in vehicles: Stop in a safe area, exit vehicles, face the flag (or in direction of the music), and render honors as described above.

Retreat 5 p.m. (1700)

Military personnel in uniform, in formation or a group: Senior person brings unit to attention and parade rest on the first note of "Retreat." On the last note of "Retreat," bring unit to attention and present arms. Hold salute until the last note of "To the Colors." When music stops, formation brought to order arms and carry on.

Military personnel in uniform, not in formation or a group: Stop, face the flag (in direction of the music), and come to attention during "Retreat." At the first note of "To the Colors," present arms. Hold salute. When music stops, come to order arms and carry on.

Military or civilian personnel in civilian clothes: Stop, remove headgear (if necessary), face the flag (in direction of the music), and come to attention during "Retreat." At the first note of "To the Colors," place right hand over heart. When music stops, continue on your way.

All personnel in vehicles: Stop in a safe area, exit vehicles, face the flag (in the direction of the music), and render honors as described above.

In accordance with the National Defense Authorization Act 2008, Section 594, military personnel, including veterans, who are not in uniform may render a hand salute during the raising or lowering of the National (U.S.) Flag at "Reveille" and "Retreat."