The Army's Equal Employment Opportunity program exists to ensure a discrimination-free Army environment. The Equal Employment Opportunity program provides employees with a right and a procedure for redress in cases where they feel they have suffered discrimination.

Active duty Soldiers can find information on the U.S. Army Hawaii Equal Opportunity webpage.


Eliminate unlawful discrimination in Hawaii Army activities.


A workplace where people trust that they are treated fairly and empowered to achieve their best.

Who Can File A Complaint?

If you are:

  • A United States citizen,
  • An Army civilian employee, or
  • An applicant for employment with the U.S. Army in Hawaii

And you feel you have been discriminated against because of:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Sex (including sexual harassment)
  • National Origin
  • Age (over 40)
  • Mental or Physical Disability
  • Genetics
  • Reprisal

Complaint Timeline

A complainant must contact the EEO counselor within 45 calendar days unless otherwise stated.

The counselor tries by working with the complainant and an organization to affect an informal resolution.

The complainant may choose an alternative dispute resolution method such as mediation by an outside party.

If the counselor or mediation does not resolve the situation, the complainant then has the right to file a formal complaint.

The complainant makes a complaint in writing and submits it to the EEO office not later than 15 days after a final interview with the counselor.

The EEO officer will review complaints for acceptance and request a Department of Defense investigation.

The complainant may request an EEO commission hearing, or a final decision from the Department of the Army.

The complainant may withdraw from the administrative process and go to Federal District Court after 180 days since the filing of a formal complaint.

Note: If there is a resolution at any stage, the complaint process is terminated. The complainant may withdraw the complaint at any time.



  • Anti-Harassment
  • Army Equal Employment Opportunity Regulations
  • Army Regulation 690-600: Complaints Process
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Intranet Site
  • No Fear Act

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