Welcome to the Schofield Barracks Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO)/ Personnel Automation Section (PAS). Our mission is to manage installation personnel, accounting, strength reporting and the eMILPO database for data accuracy and accepted timelines within the Department of the Army standards. Act as a liaison between Human Resources Command (HRC) and installation units to address ongoing eMILPO issues, and provide possible solutions or feedback to the installation with technical and functional support. The Personnel Automation Services (PAS) section handles the management of and access to eMILPO and is the point of contact for military personnel accountability for the Pacific Rim.

  • FieldSystem Functional Guide eMILPO Version 4.7.15
  • eMILPO UserManual Version 4.7.8
  • Army Regulation 600-8-6: Personnel Accounting and Strength Reporting