627HC Units
2nd FST “Scalpel”
2nd FST “Scalpel”
Mission: The 2nd Medical Detachment (Forward Surgical) will provide a rapidly deployable resuscitative surgical capability forward in a designated theater of operations in order to conserve the fighting strength.
10th Field Hospital “Mountain Medics”
10th Field Hospital “Mountain Medics”
Mission: On order, 10th Field Hospital (10th FH) prepares for expeditionary deployment in order to provide Role 3 hospitalization, outpatient services, enhanced medical, surgical, laboratory and X-ray capabilities while providing mission command and sustainment support to all FH elements in support of unified land operations.
First activated July 6, 1942, at Camp Bowie, Texas, the 10th FH provided medical support in Tunisia, Italy, France and Germany during World War II. The unit was inactivated Nov. 4, 1945, and redesignated as the 10th Evacuation Hospital and later as the 10th Combat Support Hospital (10th CSH) in 1967. On Aug. 16, 1983, the unit became the 10th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (10th MASH) and realigned under the 4th Infantry Division Aug. 5, 1987. The 10th MASH deployed in support of Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and was redesignated as 10th Combat Support Hospital Dec. 16, 1992. The 10th CSH deployed in support of numerous operations: Operation Joint Forge, Operation Iraqi Freedom (three times), Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Spartan Shield.
The U.S. Army developed a new field hospital design to increase flexibility for combatant commanders while providing maximum responsiveness for those injured on the battlefield. Scalable, modular and flexible hospitalization units will enable combatant commands to tailor capability to best fit mission requirements. The new modular design is based on lessons learned from more than a decade of combat and will support dual-based operations. Execution of the field hospital design began in fiscal 2015 and was approved by the vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army July 17, 2014. The field hospital design also increases selective surgical and emergency medicine specialties and capabilities; improves essential clinical capabilities without growing personnel requirements; expands early entry trauma capabilities; increases intensive care; and adds computed tomography (CT) scanners and microbiology lab capabilities. The 10th Combat Support Hospital is the first unit to convert under the Force Design Update; in a reflagging ceremony June 16, 2017, 10th Field Hospital was reactivated at Fort Carson, Colorado.
84th Medical Detachment
84th Medical Detachment
Commander’s Intent: Be fully trained to provide lifesaving medical care to our warfighters. The 84th Medical Detachment is focused on providing realistic training that is mission focused, ensuring our Soldiers are ready to deploy on short notice.
193rd Medical Detachment
193rd Medical Detachment
Mission: On order, the 193rd Medical Detachment prepares for expeditionary deployment to augment any field hospital with 60 intermediate care ward (ICW) beds in order to provide additional hospitalization and nursing care in support of unified land operations.
Commander’s Intent: To train and develop a ready force able to provide hospitalization in support of large-scale ground operations.
The 193rd Medical Detachment was constituted Oct. 7, 1944, in the Army of the United States as the 193rd Medical Service Detachment. On Nov. 22, 1944, the unit was activated in England. On April 10, 1945, the unit was redesignated as the 193rd Medical Ambulance Detachment. The unit was inactivated Jan. 31, 1946, in England.
On Feb. 6, 1953, the unit was redesignated as the 193rd Medical Detachment and allotted to the Regular Army. The unit was activated again March 20, 1953, in Germany and again inactivated Dec. 3, 1954, in France.
On Feb. 1, 1968, the unit was activated at Fort Lewis, Washington, and subsequently inactivated Jan. 31, 1972, in Vietnam. On June 17, 2017, the unit was activated at Fort Carson, Colorado.
534th Medical Detachment
534th Medical Detachment
Mission: On order, the 534th Medical Detachment provides surgical, intensive care, microbiology, psychiatric/behavioral health, public health, physical therapy and casting services in support of the 32-bed field hospital.
Commander's Intent: Maintain sustained readiness and individual Soldier competency in order to provide world class health care to U.S. and allied forces in a constantly changing, dynamic deployed environment in support of large-scale combat operations.
Constituted Dec. 6, 1944, in the Army of the United States as the 878th Medical Supply Detachment. The unit was activated Dec. 15, 1944, at Camp Barkeley, Texas; inactivated Jan. 15, 1945, in the Northern Marianas; redesignated Nov. 15, 1950, as the 534th Medical Supply Detachment; and activated Dec. 15, 1950, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The unit was reorganized and redesignated Jan. 1, 1953, as the 534th Medical Detachment and allotted to the Regular Army. It was inactivated Feb. 14, 1955, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas; activated Nov. 1, 1966, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma; and inactivated Nov. 28, 1971 in Vietnam. The unit was activated Oct. 16, 2004, at Fort Hood, Texas, and inactivated Oct. 15, 2007, at Fort Hood, Texas. It was once again activated June 17, 2017, at Fort Carson, Colorado.
40th Forward Resuscitative Surgical Detachment “Vipers”
40th Forward Resuscitative Surgical Detachment “Vipers”
Mission: Provide forward damage control resuscitation and damage control surgery in support of unified land operations, either independently or as part of a future unified action partner coalition, for short and extended military health service support operations.
Commander’s Intent: Man, equip and train the 40th Forward Resuscitative Surgical Detachment (FRSD) as the premier medical detachment to provide forward expeditionary surgical services with multi-domain conflict during the range of military operations to include large scale combat.
During World War II, the Army activated a total of 103 Portable Surgical Hospitals in various theaters around the world. The first three portable surgical hospitals deployed to the Indian theatre from the U.S. were the 40th, 46th and 48th PSHs. The 40th participated in the China Defense Campaign from July 1942 to May 1945. Following this, the 40th PSH deactivated. In recognition of the increased demand signal for forward surgical care, the 40th reactivated as a Forward Resuscitative Surgical Detachment on Nov. 16, 2020, and held an official assumption of command ceremony for its first commander, Maj. Michael D. April, on April 9, 2021.
221st Medical Team (Optometry) “Hawkeye”
221st Medical Team (Optometry) “Hawkeye”
Mission: On order, 221st Medical Team (Optometry) provides world-wide optometry and optical fabrication support in any unified land operations and decisive action in order to minimize the impact of ocular injury and disease and maximize vision readiness.
Commander’s Intent: Be fully trained to rapidly deploy to any theater and establish medical optometry and optical fabrication services. The 221st will support the 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson by augmenting optometric support for the garrison health care mission, and provide comprehensive vision care through examination, diagnosis and treatment.
The 221st Medical Detachment (Optometry) was activated Oct. 17, 2007. The detachment is designed to perform split based operations and therefore can deploy as two, three-person teams. Each team has an optometrist (67F), an optometry technician (68WP3) and an optical fabrication specialist (68H).
In June 2009, the 221st Medical Detachment deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The detachment was initially assigned under the 421st Multifunctional Medical Battalion (MMB) and later aligned under the 61st MMB. The detachment provided optometry and optical fabrication support to Multinational Division-North (MND-N) which covered the northern third of Iraq. The detachment conducted split based operations at Contingency Operating Base Speicher and Forward Operating Base Diamondback (Mosul). The detachment provided far forward support to the warfighter by executing several optometry support jump missions to outlying forward operating bases within MND-N. Providing world-class combat optometry operations, the detachment executed 7,759 patient encounters and dispensed 4,677 optical devices during the deployment. The detachment redeployed to Fort Carson May 30, 2010.
223rd Preventive Medicine Detachment “Jackals”
223rd Preventive Medicine Detachment “Jackals”
Mission: On order, the 223rd Medical Detachment (PM) provides proactive field preventive medicine support in any unified land operations and decisive action in order to minimize or eliminate the impact of disease non-battle injuries (DNBI). On order, repositions to support battle space realignment. On order, redeploys.
Commander’s Intent: To fully prepare 223rd Medical Detachment (PM) for deployment to provide Role 3 area PM support to U.S. personnel as well as local nationals.
The 223rd Medical Detachment (Preventive Medicine) was constituted in the United States Army March 27, 1945, and was first activated and designated as the 223rd Malarial Survey Detachment June 18, 1945, in Paris. The unit was inactivated Nov. 22, 1945, in France.
The 223rd Medical Detachment (LB) was activated and subsequently assigned to the 6th U.S. Army June 22, 1973, and attached to the HQ&A (SPT) Company, 4th Medical Battalion, at Fort Carson, Colorado. On Aug. 16, 1988, the unit was attached to the 10th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (10th MASH). On Nov. 18, 1990, the 223rd Medical Detachment (LB) deployed to Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Desert Shield. During the Gulf War, the 223rd Medical Detachment (LB) provided preventive medicine support to the 7 Corps in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The unit redeployed to Fort Carson May 6, 1991.
On June 16, 1993, the 223rd Medical Detachment (LB) was redesignated the 223rd Medical Detachment (Sanitation). The unit deployed to Saudi Arabia Oct. 24, 1994, in support of Operation Vigilant Warrior and was assigned to Task Force One Medical. The 223rd Medical Detachment (Sanitation) provided preventive medicine support in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and it redeployed to Fort Carson Nov. 17, 1994.
The 223rd Medical Detachment (Sanitation) was deployed to the former Yugoslavia in support of Operation Joint Forge March 8, 1999. As a part of Task Force Medical Eagle, the detachment provided world-class preventive medicine support to the Multinational Division-North, headquartered in Tuzla, Bosnia, and the National Support Element, headquartered in Tazar, Hungary. The unit redeployed to Fort Carson Sept. 27, 1999.
On Oct. 16, 2001, the 223rd Medical Detachment (Sanitation) was redesignated the 223rd Medical Detachment (Preventive Medicine) and transitioned in structure and function according to the Army’s Medical Reengineering Initiative.
The 223rd Medical Detachment (Preventive Medicine) deployed to Kuwait in support of Operation Enduring Freedom March 9, 2003. The unit crossed the Iraqi border March 29, 2003, and provided comprehensive preventive medicine support to V Corps throughout Iraq. The unit redeployed from Iraq March 8, 2004, and received its first Meritorious Unit Citation for the deployment.
On July 14, 2004, the 223rd Medical Detachment (Preventive Medicine) was put on deployment orders and hand selected by U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) for a homeland defense and Global War on Terrorism mission. This mission was an on-call 24/7 mission to respond to a post terrorist attack; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosives (CBRNE) incident; or natural disaster in the continental United States. The unit was attached to Task Force Medical of the Initial Entry Force of Joint Task Force - Civil Support (JTF-CS) headquartered out of Fort Monroe, Virginia . This JTF-CS support was an additional mission to the units goes to war mission. The unit came off the mission in June 2005.
On Sept. 18, 2005, the 223rd Medical Detachment deployed once again in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The unit assumed the mission to provide preventive medicine support to Multinational Division - North (MND-N). The detachment was based at Forward Operating Base Speicher and covered a battle space consisting of 14 operating sites spread across 55, 000 square kilometers. The detachment redeployed Sept. 4, 2006, and later received its second Meritorious Unit Citation for the deployment.
The 223rd Medical Detachment (Preventive Medicine) deployed for a third time in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom Jan. 20, 2009. The detachment was assigned under the 111th Multifunctional Medical Battalion (MMB) initially and later fell under the 118th MMB. The detachment operated within MND-N and performed spilt-based operations from Joint Base Balad and Contingency Operating Base Speicher. The detachment performed world-class combat preventive medicine operations across a 105,000 square kilometer battle space and supported a population of 130,000 personnel. The detachment redeployed Jan. 3, 2010, and was later awarded a third Meritorious Unit Citation for the deployment as well as the U.S. Army Public Health Command Award of Excellence in the Deployed Unit Category.
418th “Medlog Warriors”
418th “Medlog Warriors”
Mission: To provide class 8 activities/operations, medical maintenance services/repairs and optical lens fabrication/repairs for the brigade combat teams and echelons above brigade units, to include augmented support to the Field Hospital.
Commander's Intent: The 418th MLC enables trust, in all facets of medical logistics, amongst all units residing on Fort Carson; and when deployed, across the entire area of operation that the 418th MLC WARRIORS are supporting. Leaders of the 418th MLC, at all levels, are charged with ensuring that all Warriors are Ready, Trained, Cared for, and Empowered.
Commander's Philosophy:
Readiness - If we received orders to deploy tomorrow, are we ready. I expect a high level of commitment in all aspects of personnel and equipment readiness. I expect leaders to anticipate and confirm all requirements are met within their section. Concurrently, I expect all Soldiers (at all levels) to manage their own individual readiness. I will not tolerate delinquency in individual readiness because a Solider was not told to meet their own requirements.
Training - We will train hard and to standard. I expect leaders to fully understand their strengths and weakness within their respective METL’s in order to develop training schedules that maximize time and resources. I expect all Soldiers to have the courage to ask questions when they do not fully understand a subject or task. We will live by the following motto: Don’t train to get it right, train until you cannot get it wrong!
Care - Taking care of Soldiers is a balance that must be constantly managed. Babying Soldiers is not taking care of them. You will train your Soldiers hard and enforce correct techniques. Leaders must prepare their Soldiers for the worst, being able to perform services or supply management in an office setting is different from being under high stress. Always pursue realistic training. Conversely, Leaders must be able to recognize tracer burnout and when training is no longer having an impact.
Empowerment - Organizations are successful when they work as a team to meet a clearly understood end-state. All Leaders will explain the purpose and end-state prior to all operations. Leaders will then empower their Soldiers by not giving them the “how-to guide” to carry out operations. Soldiers will use innovation, intellect, and ingenuity to meet their leader’s desired end state. It is okay to fail during training events, it is the only way to learn and develop. When we do fail, do not make the same mistake again. Give subordinates more leadership responsibility and grow your section from within.
438th Medical Detachment “Badger”
438th Medical Detachment “Badger”
Mission: The 438th Medical Detachment (Veterinary Services) supports force health protection by providing comprehensive veterinary services to include food safety/defense, animal health care, veterinary preventive medicine and stability operations to combined joint military and inter-agency operations in a garrison and deployed environment.
Commander’s Intent: An integral key player in the 1st Medical Brigade, 10th Combat Support Hospital, Fort Carson and FORSCOM mission priorities. To “Protect the Force,” we stay ever vigilant in availability, accessibility and constant diligence in veterinary public health, food safety and security, and veterinary medicine. We must be flexible, adaptable, integrated and synchronized in our efforts to maintain a combat effective, healthy force. In our area of responsibility, with issues involving animals, zoonotic disease threats, food safety or security, we are the “World Record” lead problem solving force; “Fearless Warriors, Compassionate Care.”
The 438th Medical Detachment is a modular-designed unit, which consists of a headquarters, food procurement team, veterinary medicine surgical team and five veterinary service support teams. The detachment’s mission is to provide area force health protection support through food safety and protection, animal care, and veterinary preventive medicine for up to 60,000 personnel and 50 military working dogs (MWDs) in a theater of operations. Each team can independently support up to 10,000 personnel and 10 MWDs and can be further divided into three mobile sub-teams as needed.
The 438th Medical Detachment was originally constituted on Dec. 4, 1945, in the Army of the United States as the 438th Medical Prophylactic Detachment. It activated Jan. 7, 1946, in Korea and inactivated Sept. 30, 1946, in Korea.
The detachment was redesignated as the 438th Medical Detachment June 1, 1966, allotted to the Regular Army and activated at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
The detachment arrived in Vietnam Sept. 15, 1966, and served mostly in the Qui Nhon area as an ambulance detachment. It received campaign participation credit for the following: Counteroffensive, Phase 2; Counteroffensive, Phase 3; Tet Counteroffensive; Counteroffensive, Phase 4; Counteroffensive, Phase 5; Counteroffensive, Phase 6; Tet 69/Counteroffensive; Summer-Fall 1969; Winter-Spring 1970; Sanctuary Counteroffensive; Counteroffensive, Phase 7.
The 438th Medical Detachment was inactivated March 15, 1971, in Vietnam.
It was activated June 26, 1972, and organized as a field ambulance unit at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and again inactivated Sept. 15, 1987.
The detachment was redesignated as the 438th Medical Detachment (Veterinary Service) Oct. 28, 2008, and activated Oct. 15, 2010, at Fort Carson, Colorado, and deployed to Afghanistan June 21, 2012, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom where it received its first Meritorious Unit Commendation award.