627 HC History


627hc.pngFirst activated Nov. 15, 1965, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, as the Headquarters, 627th Hospital Center. The unit was moved to Camp Zama, Japan, in 1966 where it assumed command and control of four large hospitals, a medical laboratory, a medical depot and ground and air ambulance units. The 627th Hospital Center had a combined strength of almost 4,000 personnel in support of operations in the Republic of Vietnam. The 627th Hospital Center developed a centralized funding system that permitted better standardization of equipment, reducing maintenance, minimizing repair parts inventories, and equipping the hospitals at minimum cost. The 627th Hospital Center was awarded the Meritorious Unit Commendation Aug. 11, 1970, for its actions in Camp Zama. On Oct. 13, 1971, the Headquarters 627th Hospital Center was inactivated in Japan. The 627th Hospital Center was reactivated as the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 627th Hospital Center, June 16, 2017, at Fort Carson, Colorado.


Maroon and white are the traditional colors of the Army Medical Department. White signifies the purity of the unit’s intentions and commitment to save lives. Purple suggests creativity, wisdom, dignity, peace and good judgement. The Spartan sword is a symbol of battle. Spartans were known for their prestigious military fighting force. The olive and mint herbs were commonly used by these ancient Greeks for medicinal purposes and signified the personnel responsible for medical care in their professional Army. The sword and serpent united allude to the Staff of Asclepius, a Greek God of medicine. The heraldic dancette refers to the mountains of Fort Carson, Colorado. The lotus is the national flower of Vietnam, symbolizing the unit’s participation during the Vietnam Conflict, in which the unit received a Meritorious Unit Citation. The red cross denotes the unit’s mission in medical care, aid and health. The motto in Latin “Servireet Cura Conservat” translates to “To Serve by Preserve and Care.”