4ID Equal Opportunity Office

EO poster



Advise, train and educate Command Teams, Soldiers and Family members to understand, use and execute the Army equal opportunity program in order to sustain and/or improve leadership and unit cohesion that maximizes human potential and ensures fair treatment for all persons based on merit, performance and potential in support of unit readiness.

Office address:
4th Infantry Division Equal Opportunity Office
1853 O'Connell Blvd.
Building 1042, 3rd Floor
Fort Carson, CO 80913
Office: 719-526-4305
24-Hour Hotline: 719-331-2448
Email: usarmy.carson.4-id.mbx.4id-eo@army.mil

For information on sexual harassment please visit the Fort Carson SHARP website.

For Civilian Equal Opportunity information please visit the Equal Employment Opportunity website.

Are you in the right location?

Equal Opportunity Office: The Army will provide an environment that is free of unlawful discrimination for military personnel and Family members without regard to their race, color, sex (to include gender identity), national origin, religion or sexual orientation. Furthermore, the Army is a values-based organization where everyone is expected to do what is right by treating all persons as they should be treated — with dignity and respect. Hazing, bullying and discriminatory harassment of people or their property is prohibited.

SHARP Office: Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders. Sexual assault is a crime defined as intentional sexual contact characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent.

EEO Office: Provide quality EEO programs, services, training, and advice to the Fort Carson community that sustains a discrimination-free workplace.

Inspector General (IG) Office: Inspector General serves as an extension of the Commanding General by providing an independent and impartial assessment of the morale, welfare, and discipline of the Command and reports on other matters that impact upon the economy and or efficiency of the Command.

Office Guide

If you are ... And you believe ... You should contact ...
A military service member or a dependent family member.

You were treated unfairly based on race, color, sex (to include gender identity), national origin, religion or sexual orientation. You were hazed, bullied or the recipient of discriminatory harassment.

Your unit's EO leader or EO advisor (not confidential)

You were sexually assaulted

Your unit's SHARP specialist. 24/7 SHARP helpline: 719-338-9654 (confidentiality and privilege)

You were sexually harassed

Your unit's SHARP specialist (Limited confidentiality)

A DA/DOD employee, former employee, or applicant for federal employment. You were treated unfairly based on your race, color, religion, national origin, sex (includes sexual harassment), age (40 and up), disability (physical and mental), reprisal, or genetics. The Fort Carson EEO Office (not confidential)
A U.S. citizen You have a concern that pertains to an activity of the US Government, specifically the U.S. Army and/or its members. The Fort Carson IG Office (limited confidentiality)