Legal Assistance Services:The Fort Bliss Legal Assistance Office is located on the first floor of Building 1741, Marshall Road. Normal hours of operation are Monday thru Wednesday and Friday, 9-11:45 a.m. and 1-4:20 p.m.; and Thursday, 1-4:20 p.m. The LAO is closed every Thursday morning and on all military training holidays and federal holidays.
WALK-IN SERVICES FOR POWERS OF ATTORNEY AND SIMPLE NOTARIZATIONS ONLY are available during hours of operation. All other Legal Assistance services (to include notarization of house closing documents) are provided on an appointment basis only.
To schedule an appointment to speak with a Legal Assistance attorney, either e-mail the Legal Assistance Office during duty or non-duty hours at or call the LAO appointment phone line (915) 568-7141 during duty hours only.
When requesting a Legal Assistance appointment by e-mail, please include the following information:
- Your Name (and rank, if you are a military member)
- DoD ID number
- DoD ID expiration date
- Spouse’s name, if applicable
- Spouse’s DoD ID number, if applicable
- Your contact information (to include the phone number you want the attorney to contact you at for your appointment)
- A very general description of your legal issue
Appointments are usually scheduled within 5-10 business days. If you will not be available during your scheduled appointment, please contact the LAO 24 hours in advance to cancel so that we can assist other clients.
Scheduled appointments may be telephonic or in-person at the LAO (at the option of the client). If telephonic, the attorney will call the client at the scheduled appointment time using the phone number provided by the client. If in-person, clients should arrive to the LAO (1st floor, bldg. 1741) at least 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time.
Appointments must be made for estate planning counseling to have an attorney draft a will. After the counseling (whether in-person or telephonic), the servicing attorney will coordinate a date/time with the client for in-person will execution. Service members who are deploying can get a will done on a walk-in basis at the legal station in the Soldier Readiness Processing Center in Building 60, Doniphan Road on Fort Bliss.
Powers Of Attorney:
Walk-in clients for notarization/Powers of Attorney may be required to wear a mask in order to be admitted into the LAO building, depending on whether the current CDC COVID-19 Community Level is deemed HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW (IAW DoD Guidance dated March 1, 2022). The exterior LAO doors will post the most current guidance regarding mask requirements.
Powers of attorney will be completed only where the individual requesting the power of attorney provides sufficient documentation. Accordingly, in addition to a valid identification card, the individual requesting the power of attorney must provide all required information, such as such as the vehicle identification number for a vehicle power of attorney, or legal property description (found on title or deed), for a real property power of attorney. Be aware that not all businesses or organizations will honor the powers of attorney. Therefore, it is recommended that you check with your financial institution or place you plan on using the power of attorney for their acceptance.
The Legal Assistance Office provides general advice and assistance in the following areas:
Personal Civil Disputes: Tenant’s Rights, Auto Warranties, Lemon Law
Real Property Issues: Review of Contracts for Purchase/Sale of Home, Review of Leases, Mortgage Foreclosure
Economic Matters: Identity Theft, Insurance, Bankruptcy, Credit Reporting Issues
Family Matters: Adoption, Name Change, Child Support or Non-support, Child Custody, Divorce, Immigration
Civilian Criminal Matters: Advice Only
Military: OER/NCOER Appeals, FLIPL rebuttals, Suspension of Security Clearance, GOMOR Rebuttals, Non-punitive Chapter Discharges.
Legal issues related to Special Education Law or other Exceptional Family Member issues.
Limitations on Services: The Legal Assistance Office does not provide assistance in the following areas: Military Justice Matters, Punitive Chapter Actions, Article 15s, Private Business Activities of the Client, Litigation/Claims for or against the U.S., Employment Matters.