The SAAPM Poster Contest began Monday, February 6, 2023
This contest is open to all Soldiers and DA civilian employees ages 18 and older. Contractors are not authorized to participate. Submissions will be judged on message, theme, and creativity. These posters will show the unified support of employees against Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in the workplace through art.
Posters must include this year’s theme, "Intervene We Are a Team" and the following numbers must be included:
DoD Safe Helpline: (877) 995-5247
APG 24/7 SHARP Helpline: (410) 322-7154
Additionally, your design should be about prevention, intervention, reporting options, or a combination of all.
The following must be adhered to for submission:
1. Only original artwork is allowed
2. Artwork should be 8.5” x 11”
3. Artwork must be submitted in a digital file. Acceptable electronic formats include JPEG or PDF files and can be horizontal or vertical. All images must be 300 dpi.
4. No trademarked or copyrighted images or phrases are authorized
5. Themes and designs should be suitable for public display across Army facilities and platforms
6. Include your name, rank, unit and contact information
7. Submissions will be judged on message, theme and creativity
Participants may use the following resources to aid in their artwork:
1. Organizational SHARP professionals
Send all submissions to the APG Fusion Directorate mailbox – and Shariese Demby – using the subject line "SHARP Poster Contest 2023."
All submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Friday, March 3, 2023.
The winner’s poster will be printed and displayed in multiple locations and events, including the Teal Ribbon Ceremony, SHARP Summit, various APG building lobbies, and social media.