Directorate of Public Works (DPW)-Mission-Provide a full range of Public Works functions to Sustain, Restore and Modernize Installation Facilities and Infrastructure to maintain quality facilities supporting Garrison Operations, Tenant Unit Missions and the living environment for soldiers, civilians, and families working and residing on the installation.
· Operations & Maintenance Division
· Business Operations & Integration Division
· Housing Division
· Environmental Division
· Engineering Division
· Master Planning Division
· Real Estate / Real Property Management
· Facilities Maintenance
· Facilities Engineering
· Custodial Services
· Grounds Maintenance
· Master Planning
· Sand Removal
· Maintenance of Surfaced & Unsurfaced Areas
Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH)-A three story building with 10 comfortable rooms on each floor. Rooms are configured with a bedroom on one side, a pass through bathroom area, and a sitting room/kitchenette on the other side. The building also houses a community lounge, kitchen and laundry room.
Environmental-A high priority for the Environmental Sciences Division is to promote open communication and coordination on environmental issues- sharing information and success stories, increasing involvement and commitment among all parties. The YPG military community must be "environmentally sustainable," which means we must go beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations towards long-term reduction of our overall environmental footprint.
Air Management-The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has primacy to regulate compliance with CAA requirements in Arizona. Regulations for the implementation of construction permitting programs are mandated under Title I of the CAA, and regulations for operating permit programs are mandated under Title V of the CAA. ADEQ has combined these programs and requires that a facility with emissions obtain a construction/operating permit for all existing stationary sources of air emissions and any future stationary sources of air emissions.
Currently, YPG is classified as a major source with potential air emissions of criteria air pollutants and operates under a Title V permit (Permit #43492) issued by ADEQ in June of 2010. Permit conditions require YPG to track emissions of NOx, (nitrogen oxides), carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, hazardous air pollutants, and ozone depleting chemicals. An annual report detailing these emissions is prepared and submitted to ADEQ.
Cultural Resources Management-The primary goal of the cultural resources program is to protect and preserve historically and culturally significant features.
Army Regulation 200-1 prescribes Army policies, procedures, and responsibilities for meeting cultural resources compliance and management requirements. The scope of the regulation includes policies designed to ensure Army installations make informed decisions regarding cultural resources under their control in compliance with public laws, in support of the military mission, and consistent with sound principles of cultural resources management.
If you have any questions concerning Cultural Resources within the YPG Community, please contact the YPG Cultural Resources Manager or one of our Archaeologists. “Once a site is destroyed, the record of what those individuals did in the distant past can never be recreated.”- BIA archeologist Garry Cantley
Defense Environmental Restoration-Program (DERP)-The DERP is administered under Section 211 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). SARA §211 was codified in Title 10 of the United States Code (USC) §2701. DERP provides for the cleanup of Department of Defense sites under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense. The scope of the DERP is defined in 10 USC §2701(b), which states that the: “Goals of the program shall include the following:
(1) The identification, investigation, research and development, and cleanup of contamination from hazardous substances, and pollutants and contaminants.
(2) Correction of other environmental damage (such as detection and disposal of unexploded ordnance) which creates an imminent and substantial endangerment to the public health or welfare or to the environment.
(3) Demolition and removal of unsafe buildings and structures, including buildings and structures of the Department of Defense at sites formerly used by or under the jurisdiction of the Secretary.”
The Army has two restoration programs under DERP, the Installation Restoration Program (IRP) and the Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP), as described below.
Installation Restoration Program- The IRP is a comprehensive program to identify, investigate and cleanup hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants at active/operating Army installations. Hazardous waste investigations conducted at IRP sites follow various federal and state laws and regulations, including Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, also know as Superfund, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986, and Resource Conservation and Recover Act (RCRA) of 1976, as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984.
Military Munitions Response Program-Congress established the MMRP under to address unexploded ordnance (UXO), discarded military munitions (DMM) and munitions constituents (MC) located on current and former defense sites. Sites eligible for management under the MMRP non-operational ranges where UXO, DMM, or MC are known or suspected and the release occurred prior to September 30, 2002. Properties classified as operational military ranges, permitted munitions disposal facilities, or operating munitions storage facilities are not eligible for the MMRP. For more information on the Military Munitions Response Program please visit the United States Army Environmental Command website.
National Environmental Policy Act-The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to analyze environmental impacts of their proposed actions. The Army’s policy and procedure for compliance with NEPA are detailed in 32 CFR 651, Environmental Analysis of Army Actions (AR 200-2). The YPG NEPA process provides an opportunity to consider potential environmental and long-term sustainability aspects and to incorporate ways to avoid, minimize or mitigate negative impacts.
When a project or activity is first proposed (testing, training, garrison, or outside organization), the proponent or project manager should contact the YPG NEPA Program Manager to determine what documentation and agency coordination is necessary prior to initiating or implementing any project activities. Particularly if there will be any ground disturbance, as these type of activities may require field surveys that require lead times to leverage the appropriate subject matter specialists.
Natural Resources Management-YPG management of natural resources evaluates the status of land, water, wildlife, and threatened and endangered species. The major requirements for this program are to develop an Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) and to maintain an inventory of known threatened and endangered species within the area. In addition, this program addresses the requirements to protect soil and groundwater and the habitat of identified threatened and endangered species.
The primary goal of natural resource management is to minimize human impacts on the natural environment and to ensure the long term protection of our habitat and ecosystems. The Yuma Proving Ground has an INRMP to guide and document the manner in which the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground sustains the military mission on the installation while managing the ecological health of our natural resources area.
Management of natural resources on and around the installation requires coordination and cooperation between the U.S. Army Garrison Yuma Proving Ground (Garrison) Manager, the YPG Commander, the Regional Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Region 2; and the State of Arizona, by and through the Arizona Game and Fish Commission and its administrative agency, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD).
Through the YPG INRMP, YPG is able to ensure the continued protection and monitoring of natural resources while sustaining the YPG mission and ensure continued environmental stewardship.
Pollution Prevention Management-The YPG Pollution Prevention (P2) Program aims to reduce toxic substances at the source, minimize the generation of hazardous waste, and prevent the release of pollutants to the environment. YPG P2 means making cost-effective changes that reduce the creation of waste and release of pollutants to the environment. Through the P2 program, YPG can reduce environmental burden AND facility costs--- all while creating a safer, more efficient work place!
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act-Providing a safe and healthy environment in which civilians, servicemen and contractors work is a matter of the highest priority to the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground. Our employees should be able to go about their daily activities knowing that hazardous waste on our post is managed and handled safely, with competence and with the utmost concern for our health and a commitment to protect our environment.
HAZMART-The HAZMART is a Government-owned and Contractor-operated facility that manages all hazardous material (HM) and Hazardous Waste (HW) throughout its life cycle on YPG. This facility meets a full range of legal reporting requirements to satisfy Executive Order 12856,”Federal Compliance with Emergency Planning and Community Right-TO -Know Act (EPCRA) and Pollution Prevention Requirements." For additional information please contact HAZMART personnel at x2828.
Safe Drinking Water Act-​Under the provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974, the Federal Government has established, through the EPA, national standards of safe drinking water. States are responsible for the enforcement of these standards and for the supervision of public water supply systems and sources of drinking water. Water purveyors are responsible for compliance with the provisions of the SDWA, to include an implied lifetime warranty that water quality provided by this provision is in conformance with the EPA standards at the source, and is delivered to the customer without a compromise of quality as a result of its delivery through the distribution system.
There are three public water systems at YPG; 1) a Community water system that serves the Howard Cantonment Area, 2) a Non-transient Non-community (NTNC) water system that service the Walker Cantonment Area, and 3) a NTNC water system that serves Kofa Firing Front, Castle Dome Annex, and Castle Dome Heliport. The YPG drinking water program monitors the quality of water distributed through our public water systems to ensure the water provided to consumers on the installation meets the established water quality standards. Groundwater is pumped and treated at the three water treatment plants to produce drinking water and the supply wells for each of the systems are monitored periodically to evaluate the chemicals or constituents in the source water.
Solid Waste Management-The Solid Waste Program is responsible for the planning, management and regulation of solid waste. Operations include recycling, waste reduction, household hazardous waste, and pollution prevention and management of special wastes such as waste tires, used oil, batteries and mercury devices. Everything we do leaves behind some kind of waste. Households create ordinary garbage. Industrial and military processes create solid and hazardous waste.
Environmental Sciences Division (ESD)- is responsible for tracking regulated materials used and managed on the installation and spill response, in conjunction with the Fire Department, and for management and remediation of contaminated soils in areas where releases have occurred. The ESD is also responsible for completing any regulatory reporting requirements related to spills and releases. To ensure that reporting information is correct and regulatory timeframes are met the ESD should receive copies of all spill reports within 24 hours. Copies of the response plans and spill report forms are provided in the document library found on this page. If you require additional information or have question please contact the ESD Spill Response Manager at (928) 328-6061.
Waste Water Management-This program addresses guidelines to control and regulate the discharge of waste waters into surface waters. This includes, but is not limited to, domestic and industrial waste water discharges, storm water and pollutants from indirect discharges. Water pollution degrades surface waters making them unsafe for drinking, fishing, swimming, and other activities; and can potentially pollute groundwater sources. Proper treatment and reuse or disposal of domestic waste water is essential for protecting one of our most vital resources - water. Water is vital to our environment, our economy, and our future.
Waste water generated at YPG is managed/treated by pumping domestic sewage with brine water from multiple facilities into High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) lined evaporation lagoons. Through exposure to sun/ambient temperature, the waste water evaporates and the sludge is removed and disposed of in a state-approved landfill in accordance with state and federal waste disposal rules and regulations.
There are currently four facilities dedicated to the evaporation of waste water at YPG (HCA, WCA, KFR and LAAF). These lagoons are managed and operated in compliance with Arizona's Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) for each individual facility. Analytical samples are collected (monthly, quarterly and annually) and analyzed for specific parameters set forth by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) for nitrogen surrogates, metals, semi-volatile organic compounds and volatile organic compounds.
Due to the extreme Sonoran Desert setting YPG resides within, waste water evaporation lagoons are the most cost effective alternative for waste water treatment. The evaporation lagoons are moderately easy to operate and are designed to operate with gravity flow (with applicable lift stations) to facilitate the transfer of waste water into the evaporation lagoons. The quantity of material removed after evaporation is relatively small when compared to other secondary treatment processes and is further minimized when ambient temperatures are high and humidity is low (two primary factors in Yuma's climate). Maintenance of the lagoons consists of analytical sampling, vegetation removal (to keep insect populations down and maintain integrity of the liners), monitoring of the flow rate and removal of sludge/waste following evaporation. If you have any questions concerning waste water management within the installation, please contact the Waste Water Manager.
YPG Hunting Program-Select areas of YPG are is open to hunting from the first day of dove season in Arizona through the last day of quail season in Arizona. There are fourteen (14) designated hunting areas on the installation. The information links covers rules and regulations, hunting safety, procedures, and description of the hunting areas including a downloadable map (viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader).
YPG is using iSportsman as our site for administering hunting permits on the installation. The site provides a secure online portal for hunters to register for the free YPG hunting permit and register firearms. The site also features an interactive map showing the hunting areas on YPG.
As always, all persons hunting on YPG are required to have a valid Arizona Hunting License and any associated tags. All members of the hunting party must obtain a YPG Hunting Access Permit. All firearms must be registered. When hunting on YPG, all persons must have the following:
1. Hunting Access Pass. Required for all members of hunting party. A copy must be in your possession, electronic or paper, and must be presentable to law enforcement.
2. Weapons Registration. All weapons, including rifles, bows and side arms must be registered. A copy of the registration must be with the weapon while on YPG. Only persons who are hunting and have a valid AZGFD hunting license with necessary tags may carry a weapon on YPG.
3. Range Clearance (daily). All persons hunting on YPG are required to contact range control to obtain range clearance each day.
4. Questions? Call (928) 328-2125 Below are a few helpful links to help you get a permit and start planning your hunt.
Yuma Proving Ground iSportsman-
Online interactive Hunting Area Map-