4th Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment was originally constituted on 23 April 1957 in the Regular Army as the 3d Aviation Company, assigned to the 3d Infantry Division. The Battalion was activated on 01 July 1957 at Fort Benning Georgia and later reorganized and redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Aviation Battalion, serving 10 faithful years before being inactivated on 05 June 1967 in Germany. Five years later, the Battalion was redesignated Aviation Company, 3d Infantry Division and activated in Germany. During the Army-wide drawdown, the Battalion was once again inactivated and relieved from assignment on 15 March 1991. On 01 October 2005, the Battalion was redesignated as 4th Battalion, 3d Aviation Regiment; the structure under which it serves to this day.

Leading up to its most recent deployment, 4th Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment served as a multifunctional aviation task force, embodying the enduring characteristics of Army Aviation, supporting various ground force elements during several battalion and brigade-level field training exercises and one rotation to the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) in June 2017. Task Force Brawler refined its skillset, training and operating within the Decisive Action Training Environment, focusing on the expeditionary deployment of aviation units, and overcoming austere conditions to remain a professional and effective maneuver element and combat multiplier.

In the latter part of 2017, Task Force Brawler demonstrated its constant state of readiness with the timely and effective deployment of 45 aircraft to Train, Advise, and Assist Command-East, North and Capital (TAAC-E, TAAC-N, TAAC-C), conducting operations in support of Resolute Support and Freedom’s Sentinel. In its first three months, Task Force Brawler flew over 2,300 hours in a demanding operating environment. Brawler’s 9 AH-64Ds, 7 HH-60Ms, 10 UH-60Ms, 8UH-60Ls, 11CH-47D/Fs, Aerial Response Force, Air Traffic Services section, personnel recovery team, and maintenance personnel made TF Brawler an essential component to all operations within the CJOA. The Task Force enabled our coalition partners to find, fix, and destroy the enemy and move essential force leaders throughout the battlefield to advise and assist our Afghanistan National Army and Security Force counterparts, further enhancing the governance and stability of Afghanistan.

The Soldiers of 4th Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment remain vigilant and ready to answer the nation’s call.