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Hurricane Banner


Hurricane season 2024 officially begins on June 1 and runs until November 30. Coastal Georgia's forecasts cover the Atlantic Basin—the area encompassing the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico.  Every year, several hurricane forecasts are issued from April to August the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) When it comes to hurricanes, there are many indicators related to atmospheric and oceanic conditions that indicate what to expect.  Just remember: It only takes one hurricane making landfall! As coastal residents, we should be prepared for every hurricane - every season.


Aug 8, 2024.jpg


CSU researchers predicting well above-average 2024 Atlantic hurricane season

May 15, 2024

Given the combined hurricane-favorable signals of an extremely warm Atlantic and a likely developing La Niña, the forecast team has higher-than-normal confidence for an April outlook that the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season will be very active. This is the highest prediction for hurricanes that CSU has ever issued with their April outlook. The prior highest April forecast was for nine hurricanes, which has been called for several times since the university began issuing April forecasts in 1995. However, the team stresses that the April outlook historically has the lowest level of skill of CSU’s operational seasonal hurricane forecasts, given the considerable changes that can occur in the atmosphere-ocean between April and the peak of
the Atlantic hurricane season from August–October.



 Forecast for 2024 Hurricane Activity
                                                                          Issue Date: 8 August 2024
Forecast Parameter and 1991–2020   Average 2024 Forecast
Named Storms (NS) 14.4 17-24
 Named Storm Days (NSD) 69.4 115
 Hurricanes (H)    72 8-13
Hurricane Days (HD)   27..0    45
Major Hurricanes (MH) 3.2      4-7
 Major Hurricane Days (MHD)    7.4     13
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)   123 210
 ACE West of 60°W    73 125
Net Tropical Cyclone Activity (NTC)    135% 220%



CSU Tropical Weather and Climate team predicts 23 named storms in 2024

The CSU Tropical Weather and Climate team is predicting 23 named storms during the Atlantic
hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to Nov. 30. Of those, researchers forecast eleven to
become hurricanes and five to reach major hurricane strength (Saffir/Simpson Category 3-4-5)
with sustained winds of 111 miles per hour or greater.

The team bases its forecasts on a statistical model, as well as four models that use a
combination of statistical information and model predictions of large-scale conditions from the
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, the UK Met Office, the Japan
Meteorological Agency, and the Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici. These
models use 25-40 years of historical hurricane seasons and evaluate conditions including:
Atlantic sea surface temperatures, sea level pressures, vertical wind shear levels (the change in
wind direction and speed with height in the atmosphere), El Niño (warming of waters in the
central and eastern tropical Pacific), and other factors.

So far, the 2024 hurricane season is exhibiting characteristics similar to 1878, 1926, 1998, 2010
and 2020.

“Our analog seasons were all very active Atlantic hurricane seasons,” said Phil Klotzbach, senior
research scientist in the Department of Atmospheric Science at CSU and lead author of the
report. “This highlights the somewhat lower levels of uncertainty that exist with this outlook
relative to our typical early April outlook.”

The team predicts that 2024 hurricane activity will be about 170% of the average season from
1991–2020. By comparison, 2023’s hurricane activity was about 120% of the average season.
The most significant hurricane of the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season was Hurricane Idalia. Idalia
made landfall at Category 3 intensity in the Big Bend region of Florida, causing $3.6 billion
dollars in damage and resulting in eight direct fatalities.

In addition to the various hurricane metrics that CSU has used for many years, the forecast
team introduced a new metric last year. Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) occurring west of
60 degrees west longitude is an integrated metric accounting for storm frequency, intensity and
duration in the western half of the Atlantic basin. ACE generated west of 60 degrees west
correlates better with landfalling storms in the Atlantic basin than basinwide ACE, since virtually
all hurricane-prone landmasses in the Atlantic Ocean are located west of 60 degrees west.
Generally, a slightly lower percentage of basinwide ACE occurs west of 60 degrees west in El
Niño years relative to La Niña years. Since the team anticipates La Niña as the most likely
outcome in 2024, the percentage of basinwide ACE occurring west of 60 degrees west is
predicted to be higher than last year.

The CSU team will issue forecast updates on June 11, July 9 and Aug. 6.

This is the 41st year that CSU has issued an Atlantic basin seasonal hurricane forecast. Professor
Emeritus Bill Gray originated the seasonal forecasts at CSU and launched the report in 1984. He
continued to author them until his death in 2016. The authors of this year’s forecast are Phil
Klotzbach, Professor Michael Bell, Ph.D. candidate Alex DesRosiers, and Research Scientist Levi
Silvers. The CSU Tropical Weather and Climate Team is part of the Department of Atmospheric
Science in the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering at CSU and is one of the top ranked
Atmospheric Science programs in the world.

The CSU forecast is intended to provide a best estimate of activity in the Atlantic during the
upcoming season – not an exact measure.

As always, the researchers caution coastal residents to take proper precautions.

“It takes only one storm near you to make this an active season for you,” Bell said.
Hurricane landfalling probability included in 2024 report

The report also includes the probability of major hurricanes making landfall:
  • 62% for the entire U.S. coastline (average from 1880–2020 is 43%).
  • 34% for the U.S. East Coast, including the Florida peninsula (average from 1880–2020 is21%).
  • 42% for the Gulf Coast from the Florida panhandle westward to Brownsville (average from 1880–2020 is 27%).
  • 66% for the Caribbean (average from 1880–2020 is 47%).
The forecast team also provides probabilities of named storms, hurricanes and major
hurricanes tracking within 50 miles of each county or parish along the Gulf and U.S. East Coast,
as well as hurricane-prone coastal states, Mexican states, Canadian provinces and countries in
Central America and the Caribbean. These probabilities for regions and countries are adjusted
based on the current seasonal forecast.


Tropical Weather Track 

National Hurricane Center - Miami, FL.

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Winter Storms Tab Banner

Winter Weather

While the danger from winter weather varies across the state, most Georgians are likely to face some type of severe winter weather at some point in their lives. That could mean snow or subfreezing temperatures, as well as strong winds or even ice or heavy rainstorms. Winter storms  can result in extreme cold, downed power lines and blocked roads and highways.

Before Winter Weather

A storm can occur when family members are in different places, so develop a family communications plan.

  • Make a Ready kit for at least three days of self-sufficiency.
  • Familiarize yourself with the terms that are used to identify winter weather.
  • Keep space heater safety in mind: Use electric space heaters with automatic shut-off switches and non-glowing elements. Remember to keep all heat sources at least three feet away from furniture and drapes.

Prepare your home:

  • Make sure your home is well insulated and that you have weather stripping around your doors and window sills to keep the warm air inside.
  • Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector.
  • If you have a wood burning fireplace, consider storing wood to keep you warm if winter weather knocks out your heat. Also, make sure you have your chimney cleaned and inspected every year.
  • Have at least one of the following heat sources in case the power goes out:
  • Extra blankets, sleeping bags and warm winter coats
  • Fireplace or wood-burning stove with plenty of dry firewood, or a gas log fireplace
  • Kerosene heater, with proper ventilation.

Prepare your vehicle:

  • Fully winterize your vehicle: Have a mechanic check antifreeze, brakes, heater and defroster, tires, and windshield wipers to ensure they are in good shape. Keep your gas tank at least half full.
  • Keep an extra Ready kit in the trunk of your car. In addition to the basic essentials, consider adding a portable cell phone charger, ice scraper, extra blanket, sand for traction and jumper cables.
  • Make sure you have a cell phone with an emergency charging option (car, solar, hand crank, etc.) in case of a power failure.
  • People who depend on electricity to operate medical equipment should have alternate arrangements in place in case power is out for an extended period of time.
  • Plan to check on elderly/disabled relatives and neighbors.
  • Plan to bring Pets inside.
  • Know where the manual release lever of your electric garage door opener is located and how to operate it in case you lose power.
  • Fill a gallon container with water and place them in the freezer to help keep food cold.

During Winter Weather:

  • Listen to NOAA Weather Radio to stay informed of winter weather watches and warnings. Also monitor commercial radio, television, and the Internet.
  • Check on elderly/disabled relatives and neighbors.
  • Bring pets inside.
  • Keep in mind that during a severe winter storm it could be hours, or even days, before emergency personnel are able to reach you. Don’t call 911 for information or to report a power outage.
  • Allow faucets to drip a little during cold weather to avoid freezing.
  • Open cabinet doors to allow heat to get to un-insulated pipes under sinks and appliances near exterior walls.
  • Winter storms are often accompanied by power outages. Always exercise caution when using alternative light and heating sources:
    • Use flashlights during power outages instead of candles to prevent the risk of fire, and have plenty of extra batteries on-hand.
    • Never use an oven to heat your home. Never bring portable generators, camp stoves and grills into your home; they should only be used outside. Keep them at least 20 feet away from your home’s windows, doors and vents to prevent deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Follow tips for keeping food safe in an emergency.
  • Watch for frostbite. Warning signs include white or grayish-yellow skin, numbness and skin that feels unusually firm or waxy. If symptoms are detected, get medical help immediately. If medical help is not available, get the victim to a warm location and immerse the affected area in warm water. Frostbitten areas are numb and can be easily burned so avoid using heating pads, fireplaces or radiators for warming. Do not rub the frostbitten area; this could cause more damage.
  • Watch for signs of hypothermia, including shivering, memory loss, fumbling hands, slurred speech and drowsiness. If the victim’s body temperature is below 95 degrees, seek medical help immediately. If medical help is not available, get the victim to a warm location, remove wet clothing, warm the center of the body first using an electric blanket and if conscious, give the victim warm, non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Follow directions from local officials about driving during snow and ice storms, and drive with caution.


Winter Weather Driving :

Minimize travel during winter weather. If you can postpone your trip or if it is non-essential, stay in when the weather is really bad. If you don’t have somewhere you have to be, watch the snow from indoors.
Learn more about winter weather driving…


Winter Weather Terms:

Knowing winter weather terms helps you know when to put your personal preparedness plan into action. There are three key winter weather terms to know: winter storm watch, winter storm advisory and winter storm warning.

Learn more about winter weather terms…


*Source: Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency -


Tornadoes Banner
A Tornado is a violent rotating column of wind speeds that can reach over 200 mph. They are normally formed in thunderstorms. Tornadoes are capable of completely destroying well-made structures, uprooting trees, and hurling objects through the air like deadly projectiles. Tornadoes can occur at any time of day or night and at any time of the year.  Although tornadoes are most common in the central plains and the southeastern U.S., sometimes refered to as Tornado Alley, they have been reported in all 50 states. 


Tornado Watch /Tornado Warning issued by the National Weather Service (NWS)

Tornado Watch:  Be Prepared! Tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.  Review and discuss your emergency plans and check supplies and your safe room. Be ready to act quickly if a warning is issued or you suspect a tornado is approaching. Acting early helps to save lives!  Watches are issued by the NWS-Charleston for the Fort Stewart-HAAF surrounding areas. 
Tornado Warning:  Take Action! A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. There is imminent danger to life and property. Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If in a mobile home, a vehicle, or outdoors, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Warnings are issued by NWS-Charleston and relayed out by local media, Stewart-Hunter emergency alert system, sirens and loudspeakers. 
 Be prepared! Don't let Tornadoes Take You by Surprise

Be Weather-Ready:

Check the forecast regularly to see if you're at risk for tornadoes. Listen to local news or a NOAA Weather Radio to stay informed about tornado watches and warnings.

Create a Communications Plan:

Have a family plan that includes an emergency meeting place and related 'what to do if...' information. If you live in a mobile home or home without a basement, identify a nearby safe building you can get too quickly, such as a concrete or brick structure.

Pick a safe room in your home:

A safe room can be a basement, storm cellar, or an interior room on the lowest floor with no windows. Make your family plan at:

Practice Your Plan:

Conduct a family severe weather drill regularly, so everyone knows what to do if a tornado is approaching. Make sure all members of your family know where to go, when tornado warnings are issued. Don't forget your pets.

Prepare Your Home:

Consider having your safe room reinforced. You can find plans for reinforcing an interior space on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website

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Lightning Banner
Lightning is a naturally occurring electrostatic discharge between two opposed electrically charged regions of atmosphere or ground that temporarily equalize themselves, causing the instantaneous release of as much as a gigajoule of energy.  A gigajoule is equal to one billion joules. That enough energy to make a navy aircraft carrier pass an F-15 in flight on afterburner!  


Lightning Safety

The best way for you to protect yourself from lightning is to avoid it. You simply don’t want to be caught outside in a thunderstorm.  Have a plan and cancel or postpone outdoor activities early, if thunderstorms are expected.  Watch the weather conditions and get inside before the weather becomes threatening.  Houses, public buildings and hard-topped vehicles are safe options.  Rain shelters, small sheds, and open vehicles are not safe. When inside, do not touch anything that is plugged into an electrical outlet, plumbing, and corded phones. Cell phones and cordless phones are okay, but keep away from outside doors and windows and do not lie on a garage floor.

Lightning Threat

The probability of someone being struck by lightning depends on their behavior when thunderstorms are present. People are struck by lightning because they don't think there is a danger or they have plenty of time to react. The threat of lightning increases as a thunderstorm approaches, reaches a peak when the storm is overhead, and then gradually diminishes as the storm moves away. It’s people’s behavior that determines the risk of a fatal lightning strike. While some people move inside at the first signs of a thunderstorm, many people wait too long to get to a safe place. Some wait until the thunderstorm is overhead and it starts to rain. Others are caught outside and can’t get to a safe place. Although most people get inside, some put themselves at risk by touching items that could become electrified by a nearby lightning strike. As the storm passes, people go outside too soon, sometimes only waiting for the rain to become lighter or end. It is all of these unsafe behaviors that put people at risk when thunderstorms are in the area.  If you hear thunder, you are likely within striking distance of the storm. Just remember, “When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!” 

Minimizing Lightning Risk

To minimize your personal risks of being struck by lightning when going outside, plan ahead, so that you can get to a safe place quickly, if a thunderstorm threatens. If the sky looks threatening or if you hear thunder, get inside a safe place immediately. Once inside, avoid contact with corded phones, electrical equipment, plumbing, windows and doors. Finally, wait 30 minutes after the last lightning strike or thunder before going back outside. If everyone followed these simple rules, the number of lightning casualties in this country could be greatly reduced. 

Lightning Strike Victims

If someone is struck by lightning, they need immediate medical attention. Lightning victims do not carry an electrical charge and are safe to touch. Call 911 and monitor the victim. Start CPR or use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) if needed. Treat for shock if necessary.
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Flooding Banner
Floods / Flash floods/ Coastal flooding
Heavy rainfall can cause localized flooding in low lying areas and can occur during any season, if heavy rainfall occurs. “Turn Around, Don’t Drown” is a warning from the National Weather Service (NWS) to not walk, wade or drive thru standing water.

  Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield 

Here in the Coastal Georgia area, coastal floods are caused by extreme sea level, which arise as combinations of four main factors: waves, astronomical tides, storm surges and relative mean sea level. The additional influence of river discharge may also be important in some estuaries.  A storm surge is a short-lived, large-scale rise in water level driven by low atmospheric pressure and strong winds associated with tropical and sub-tropical storms and enhanced locally by coastal topography. The worst coastal flooding occurs when the peak storm surge coincides with high Spring tide. Local or remote storms produce large wind or swell waves, which can overtop coastal defenses/beaches and cause flooding and erosion.  When a local watch is issued by the NWS in Charlieston, SC, you should begin to gather more information about the situation and determine what actions you will need to take.  
Take action when a watch, warning and advisory are issued:

Flash Flood Watch

A Flash Flood Watch is issued to indicate current or developing conditions that are favorable for flash flooding. The occurrence is neither certain nor imminent. A watch is typically issued within several hours to days ahead of the onset of possible flash flooding.

Flood Watch

A Flood Watch is issued to indicate current or developing conditions that are favorable for flooding. The occurrence is neither certain nor imminent. A watch is typically issued within several hours to days ahead of the onset of possible flooding. In situations where a river or stream is expected to be the main source of the flooding, forecast confidence may allow for a Flood Watch to be issued several days in advance.

Flash Flood Warning

A Flash Flood Warning is issued to inform the public, emergency management and other cooperating agencies that flash flooding is in progress, imminent, or highly likely. Flash Flood Warnings are urgent messages as dangerous flooding can develop very rapidly with a serious threat to life and/or property. Flash Flood Warnings are usually issued minutes to hours in advance of the onset of flooding.

Flood Warning

A Flood Warning is issued to inform the public of flooding that poses a serious threat to life and/or property. A Flood Warning may be issued hours to days in advance of the onset of flooding based on foretasted conditions. Floods occurring along a river usually contain river stage (level) forecasts.

Flood Advisory

A Flood Advisory is issued when a flood event warrants notification but is less urgent than a warning. Advisories are issued for conditions that could cause a significant inconvenience, and if caution is not exercised could lead to situations that may threaten life and/or property.

Coastal/Lake shore Hazard Message

Coastal/Lake shore Hazard Message provide the public with detailed information on significant coastal/lake shore events. Coastal/Lake shore events impact land-based and near shore interests along much of the United States coastline. This product can be issued as a watch, warning or advisory and follows the same "Be Aware, Be Prepared, Take Action" definitions as with other National Weather Service (NWS) Watches, Warnings and Advisories (WWA). A Watch is issued when flooding with significant impacts is possible. Warnings are issued when flooding posing a serious threat to life and property is occurring, imminent or highly likely.

Special Weather Statement

Special Weather Statements provide the public with information concerning ongoing or imminent weather hazards, which require a heightened level of awareness or action, but do not rise to the level of watch, warning or advisory.

"Be Aware" when these products are issued:

–Hydrologic Outlook

Two types:

1. Short-term (1 to 7 days) Hydrologic Outlooks can be issued to alert thepublic of the potential for flooding in the near-term such as when heavyrainfall is forecast that could result in flooding or aggravate an existingflood if it occurs.

2. Long-term (weeks to months) Hydrologic Outlooks may also provide river orreservoir level and/or flow information. This information could be used forwater supply concerns or projection of snowmelt flooding.

–Hazardous Weather Outlook

TheHazardous Weather Outlook is a single source of information regarding expectedhazardous weather through seven days. It can include information on severestorms, heavy rain, flooding, tropical storms, winter weather, high winds, fireweather and marine hazards.

GDOT Flyer

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Closing Tab

After The Storm

After the Storm
Power Outage bt.jpg
Post Storm Events
After a severe storm assess your situation. If you did not evacuate account for yourself and family members. Notify authorities of your condition, location and any safety issues. Military, DoD Civilians and dependents contact the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS). Contact distant family or friends. Let them know you’re ok, location and plans, but don’t hang on the phone (might not be able to charge your mobile phone for some time).
As soon as any severe weather event has past (with in hours) local authorities surge emergence services composed of fire police units to assess local environmental hazards. The units look for any hazard that creates a danger to the population and damage to infrastructure.  The will be looking for people needing help, any fire, structure damage, high water, power lines down, roads blocked, bridges damaged and loss of local utilities. The emergency services is normally heavy engaged post storm so if you are safe. Stay put and remain vigilant.
If you did evacuate the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency has stated a five phase re-entry for affected areas. (
It is recommended:
  • ·        Continue listening to your local radio station for news and the latest updates.
  • ·        If you evacuated, return home only when officials say it is safe.
  • ·        Once home, drive only if necessary and avoid flooded roads and washed-out bridges. If you must go out, watch for fallen objects in the road, downed electrical wires, and weakened walls, bridges, roads, and sidewalks that might collapse.
  • ·        Walk carefully around the outside of your home to check for loose power lines, gas leaks, and structural damage.
  • ·        Stay out of any building if you smell gas, if floodwaters remain around the building, if the building or home was damaged by fire, or if the authorities have not declared it safe.
  • ·        Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the leading causes of death after storms in areas dealing with power outages. Never use a portable generator inside your home or garage. Review generator safety.
  • ·        Use battery-powered flashlights. Do NOT use candles. Turn on your flashlight before entering a vacated building. The battery could produce a spark that could ignite leaking gas, if present.
Closing Tab


UPDATE 5pm January 24, 2025:

UPDATE 5pm January 24, 2025: As we recover from Winter Storm Enzo, our gates and facilities will begin resuming normal hours starting tomorrow. Roads on the installation are better but may still have ice and snow on them. Georgia Highways 119 and 144 are still restricted routes. If you must travel, exercise extreme caution on the roads. Bridges and overpasses can freeze quickly, and you may encounter ice on the roads. The installation will resume normal operations Jan. 27. Follow our digital platforms and download the My Army Post App for updated installation status and near real time updates.

UPDATE 6pm January 23, 2025:

Jan 22-24 A.jpeg Jan 22-24 B.jpegUPDATE 6pm January 23, 2025: On Friday, Jan. 24, Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield will remain closed due to snow and icy conditions from Winter Storm Enzo. Stay home and stay safe. The installation will resume normal operations Monday, Jan. 27. A determination will be made regarding the weekend operations of our gates, AAFES, DECA and FMWR services tomorrow. Regarding Winn Army Community Hospital, Tuttle Army Health Clinic, Richmond Hill Medical Home, and Troop Medical Centers:

  • The clinics and pharmacies remain closed Friday.
  • The Emergency Department, Labor & Delivery, Mother-Baby, and inpatient ward remain open 24/7.
  • Outpatient services will resume Monday at 7:30 a.m.
  • In-person appointments are being rescheduled, and virtual appointments will be used where possible.
  • If you must travel, exercise extreme caution on the roads. Bridges and overpasses can freeze quickly and expect formation of black ice on the roads.
  • Follow our digital platforms and download the My Army Post App for updated installation status and near real time updates.

UPDATE 11am January 23, 2025:

Update.jpgUPDATE 11am January 23, 2025:  On Friday, Jan. 24, Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield anticipates a delayed open at 11 a.m. for Soldiers and civilian workforce. Key and essential personnel will report at 10 a.m. Leaders are empowered to support their Soldiers as mission dictates based on individual situations. Contact your first line supervisor or chain of command for reporting instructions. If you must travel today, exercise extreme caution on the roads. Bridges and overpasses can freeze quickly and expect formation of black ice on the roads. Follow our digital platforms and download the My Army Post App for updated installation status and near real time updates.

UPDATE 11pm January 22, 2005:

Closures Jan 22-23.jpegClosures Jan 22-24 .jpegClosures Jan 22-25 .jpegUPDATE 11PM January 22, 2025: Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield will remain closed tomorrow, Jan. 23 due to snow and icy conditions. See the updated facility information below for details. Should snow or icy conditions continue to impact the installation and surrounding areas, we will provide updates here regarding any additional delays or closures. Contact your first line supervisor or chain of command for reporting instructions. Follow our digital platforms and download the My Army Post App for updated installation status and near real time updates. Stay safe!

UPDATE 12pm January 22, 2025:

UPDATE 12pm January 22, 2025: Thursday, Jan. 23, Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield will remain closed due to snow and icy conditions resulting from Winter Storm Enzo. Stay home and stay safe. On Friday, Jan. 24, Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield anticipates a delayed open at 9:30 a.m. for Soldiers and civilian workforce. Leaders are empowered to support their Soldiers as mission dictates based on individual situations. Should snow or icy conditions continue to impact the installation and surrounding areas, we will provide updates here regarding any additional delays or closures. Contact your first line supervisor or chain of command for reporting instructions. If you must travel, exercise extreme caution on the roads. Bridges and overpasses can freeze quickly and expect formation of black ice on the roads. Follow our digital platforms and download the My Army Post App for updated installation status and near real time updates.

UPDATE 6am January 22, 2025:

UPDATE 6am January 22, 2025: Our Directorate of Emergency Services has directed emergency vehicle movement only on the installation as road conditions are hazardous at this time. Due to snow accumulation and icy areas there is limited emergency response. Stay safe and stay inside.

WINTER WEATHER ALERT: 12pm January 21, 2025

WINTER WEATHER ALERT: Weather forecasts are predicting the potential for winter conditions in our area beginning this evening. We are closely monitoring the situation to ensure the safety of our Soldiers and Families at Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield. If you must travel, exercise extreme caution on the roads. Bridges and overpasses can freeze quickly and expect formation of black ice on the roads. Follow the official Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield and 3rd Infantry Division digital platforms and download the My Army Post app for updated installation status and near real time updates.

  • On Tuesday, Jan. 21, Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield Soldiers, and civilian workforce will be released no later than 4 p.m. Please plan accordingly. All AAFES facilities and the commissaries will also close at 4 p.m. Leaders are empowered to release Soldiers as mission dictates based on individual situations, as necessary.
  • On Wednesday, Jan. 22, Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield will be closed due to anticipated snow and ice. Stay home and stay safe.
  • On Thursday, Jan. 23, Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield anticipates a delayed open at 1 p.m. for Soldiers and civilian workforce. Contact your first line supervisor or chain of command for reporting instructions. AAFES facilities and the commissaries are planning to reopen at noon Thursday. Should snow or icy conditions continue to impact the installation and surrounding areas, we will provide updates here regarding any additional delays or closures.


Avoid using Highways 119 & 144 beginning at 7 p.m. tonight through 8 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 23. Highways 119 and 144 are off-limits for military personnel with the exception of official duties and emergencies.


Fort Stewart On-Post Housing: 912-408-2466

Hunter AAF On-Post Housing: 912-459-2147

Barracks both at FS and HAAF: 571-802-0001




Jan. 21:

  • DFACs: Regular hours of operation, Closes at 4:30 p.m.
  • Kiosks: Close at 7 p.m.

Jan. 22:

  • DFACs & Kiosks: Closed, MREs available at DFACs & through BDEs

Jan. 23:

  • DFACs: Holiday hours of operation
    • Brunch: 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
    • Supper: 5-6:30 p.m.
  • Kiosks: 9:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.

Winn ACH / Tuttle AHC / Richmond Hill Medical Home / Troop Medical Clinics:

  • Jan. 21: All clinics and pharmacies close at 4 p.m.
  • Jan. 22: All outpatient services unavailable
  • Jan. 23: Outpatient services resume at 1 p.m
  • 24/7 Care: Emergency department, labor and delivery, mother-baby and inpatient care remain open
  • Appointments: Rescheduled or shifted to virtual. Call Winn appointment line to reschedule 571-801-0394

Child & Youth Services:

Jan. 21:

  • FS-HAAF CDCs / FCC: 6 a.m.-4 p.m. Last child must be picked up by 4 p.m.
  • FS School Age Center: Children will be picked up from Liberty Co. Elementary and DoDEA schools. Last child must be picked up by 4 p.m.
  • HAAF School Age Center: 6 a.m.-4 p.m. Last child must be picked up by 4 p.m.
  • FS-HAAF Youth Centers: Closed
  • FS-HAAF Youth Sports & Fitness / SKIES: 7 a.m.-4 p.m. All practices/classes canceled
  • FS-HAAF Parent Central Services: 7 a.m.-4 p.m.

Jan. 22:

  • All FS-HAAF CYS Facilities CLOSED

Jan. 23:

  • FS-HAAF CDCs / FCC: Noon-6 p.m.
  • FS-HAAF School Age Centers: Noon-6 p.m.
  • Stewart Youth Center: 1-6 p.m.
  • HAAF Youth Center: 1-6 p.m.
  • FS-HAAF Youth Sports & Fitness / SKIES: 1 p.m. to close Practices/classes resume
  • FS-HAAF Parent Central Services: 1-4 p.m.

DFMWR Facilities:

Jan. 21:

  • Taylors Creek / Hunter Golf Courses: Close at 3 p.m.
  • FS-HAAF Physical Fitness Centers: Close at 1 p.m., 24/7 access remains open
  • All other FS-HAAF DFMWR facilities: Close at 4 p.m.

Jan. 22:

  • All FS-HAAF DFMWR facilities: Closed
  • 24/7 Fitness Centers: Closed

Jan. 23:

  • Newman / Johnson / Tominac Fitness: Open at 1 p.m.
  • 24/7 Physical Fitness Centers: Open
  • Pet Boarding: Open
  • FS-HAAF Clubs, Leisure Travel, Golf Courses, Bingo, Marne Lanes Bowling, Corkan Recreation and Auto Skills: Closed

FS-HAAF Army Community Service:

  • Jan. 21: Closes at 4 p.m.
  • Jan. 22: Closed
  • Jan. 23: All ACS facilities resume normal operations at 1 p.m.
  • Domestic Violence/ Victim Advocate Services: 571-802-7474
  • Child abuse/neglect: 571-802-0025
  • Red Cross (Army Emergency Relief): 877-272-7337 

FS-HAAF AAFES Facilities:

  • Jan. 21: Close at 4 p.m.
  • Jan. 22: Closed
  • Jan. 23: Open at noon
  • 24/7 Fuel Kiosks will remain open

FS-HAAF Commissaries:

  • Jan. 21: Close at 4 p.m.
  • Jan. 22: Closed
  • Jan. 23: Open at noon

Army Community Service:

  • Jan. 21: Close at 4 p.m.
  • Jan. 22: Closed
  • Jan. 23: Open at 1 p.m.
  • Domestic Violence / Victim Advocate Hotline: 571-802-7474
  • Child Abuse / Neglect Reporting POC: 571-802-0025
  • Red Cross (for Army Emergency Relief): 877-272-7337

FS-HAAF Access Control Points:

Jan. 21:

  • FS-HAAF Visitor Control Centers: Close at 4 p.m.
  • Britt Gate (#3): Close at 6 p.m.
  • Barkley Gate (#8): Close at 6 p.m.
  • Rio Gate, HAAF: Close at 6 p.m.
  • Wooldridge Gate (#1): 24/7
  • Marshall Gate (#4): 24/7
  • Miyamura Gate (#5): 24/7
  • Wright Airfield Gate (#9): 24/7
  • Wilson Gate, HAAF: 24/7
  • Montgomery Gate, HAAF: 24/7 beginning at 6 p.m.
  • All other gates: Closed

Jan. 22:

  • FS-HAAF Visitor Control Centers: Closed
  • Wooldridge Gate (#1): 24/7
  • Marshall Gate (#4): 24/7
  • Miyamura Gate (#5): 24/7
  • Wright Airfield Gate (#9): 24/7
  • Wilson Gate, HAAF: 24/7
  • Montgomery Gate, HAAF: 24/7
  • All other gates: Closed

Jan. 23:

  • Visitor Control Centers and gates resume normal operations at 6 a.m.
  • Rio Road Gate resumes operations at 1 p.m.

School Closures:

For additional updates follow your districts website and social media platforms.

DoDEA Schools- Fort Stewart

  • Jan. 21: 2 p.m. early release, after school activities cancelled
  • Jan. 22: Closed
  • Jan. 23: Closed

Daily monitoring for additional closures

Liberty County Schools

  • Jan. 21: Half day instruction
  • Jan. 22-23: Remote learning

Daily monitoring for additional closures

Bryan County Schools

  • Jan. 21: 1-hour early release, after school activities cancelled
  • Jan. 22: Closed

Daily monitoring for additional closures

Chatham County Schools

  • Jan. 21-23: Remote learning

Daily monitoring for additional closures

Long County Schools

  • Jan. 21-22: Closed

Daily monitoring for additional closures

Hurricane Milton Updates

Access Control Point Update:

Gate4c Close sm.jpg

ACCESS CONTROL POINT UPDATE: The Rio Gate at Hunter Army Airfield will be closed from 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Friday, October 11. The gate will be closed to support debris clean up from Hurricane Milton on Rio Road. Rio Road will also be closed during this time.

Hurricane Milton Update:

Hurricane Milton Update 12am: 9 Oct 2024

Hurricane Milton wind 20241009-8pm.jpgAs of 12 a.m., Hurricane Milton is currently 75mi SW of Orlando FL, moving ENE through Florida. The Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield area is expecting an an inch or less of rainfall throughout the morning with sustained winds of 23 MPH and gusts up to 35 MPH.While impacts to our area are expected to be minimal, keep an eye on your property and on treelimbs and branches that could still be low from previous storms. In the event you must report a power outage or other damage to your on-post home or facility, call the DPW non-emergency line at 571-802-0001.
A reminder that Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield Soldiers and civilian workforce will work at normal report times today, Thursday, Oct. 10. Tenant unit commanders, organization leaders and directors may maximize telework at their discretion due to school closures and other storm-related circumstances. Contact your first line supervisor or chain of command for reporting procedures.
Extended family members impacted by Hurricane Milton and requesting access to the installation can visit here for access instructions:
  • Holbrook Campground and Lotts Island will remain closed today and Child Development Centers will operate on a regular schedule. Follow the Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation social media platforms for additional updates.
  • DODEA schools will operate on a regular schedule today.
  • AAFES and the commissaries will open at scheduled times today.
Follow our social media platforms for future Hurricane Milton updates affecting Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield.

Hurricane Milton Update 11pm: 8 Oct 2024

Hurricane Milton 20241009-8pm.jpgAs of 11 a.m., Hurricane Milton is 190 miles SW of Tampa, moving east towards Florida. Forecasted effects for our area include an inch or less of rainfall starting tonight through tomorrow with sustained winds at 23 mph and gusts up to 30 mph from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow.
Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield Soldiers and civilian workforce will work at normal report times tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 10. Tenant unit commanders, organization leaders and directors may maximize telework at their discretion due to school closures and other storm-related circumstances. Contact your first line supervisor or chain of command for reporting procedures.
Extended family members impacted by Hurricane Milton and requesting access to the installation can visit here for access instructions:
  • Holbrook Campground and Lotts Island will close today in preparation for the storm and will remain closed tomorrow. Child Development Centers will operate on a regular schedule tomorrow. Follow the Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation social media platforms for additional updates.
  • DODEA schools will operate on a regular schedule tomorrow.
  • AAFES and the commissaries will open at scheduled times tomorrow.
Follow our social media platforms for future Hurricane Milton updates affecting Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield.

Hurricane Milton 1330: 8 Oct 2024

Hurricane Milton 20241008-10am.jpg8 Oct 2024-1330hrs. As Hurricane Milton approaches its critical to stay informed and prepared. Some impacts from Hurricane Milton include: strong winds, rain and localized flash flooding.
Expect precipitation Wednesday evening with roughly an inch of rain with wind speeds between 25 – 30 mph.
Here are some tips to keep you and your loved ones safe:
1. Stay Updated: Follow your local news and the official Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield social media accounts for the latest information on the storm’s path and local impacts.
2. Prepare your Emergency Kit: Ensure you have an emergency kit ready with water, medications, flashlights batteries and important documents.
3. Secure Your Home: Bring in outdoor furniture and check your emergency supplies.
Remember, safety comes first! Let’s look out for one another during this time.
Stay safe, Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield! #safetyfirst #hurricaneprepardness

Hurricane Helene Informantion

Hurricane Helene Assistance: Closed 6 Nov 2024

Hurricane Helene Assistance.jpg

Hurricane Helene Relief:

Hurricane Relief 01.jpg

HURRICANE HELENE-RELIEF GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR SOLDIERS, RETIRED SOLDIERS, ARMY FAMILIES -  Army Emergency Relief Headquarters approved disaster assistance to eligible individuals impacted by Hurricane Helene.
Eligible Army personnel may be provided financial assistance to assist with expenses associated with basic essential needs to sustain oneself after the storm.

Those eligible include:
- Soldiers on active duty and their eligible Family members
- Soldiers retired from active duty because of longevity and their eligible Family members
- Retired Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers receiving retired pay and their Family members
- Medically retired Soldiers and their dependents, including those placed on the Permanent Disability Retired List or Temporary Disability Retirement List
- Surviving spouses and children of Soldiers who died while on active duty (including those on Title 10 Orders) or in an eligible retired status
- Members of the Reserve Component of the Army (National Guard and Army Reserve under Title 10 U.S.C) on continuous active duty for more than 30 consecutive days and their eligible Family members
How to get help:
Contact your local AER office:
- Fort Stewart, Georgia: 912-767-5058
- Those who aren’t located near an AER office, but are located within 50 miles of a Navy or Marine Corps base can reach out to that installation’s Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.
- Outside the 50-mile radius of an Army installation or Navy/Marine Corps base: contact the American Red Cross at 1-877-272-7337. AER distributes emergency financial assistance through the Red Cross where or when an AER office is not available.

Debris Removal:

Debris Removal.jpgThe Directorate of Public Works is actively removing storm debris and trees on the installation. Motorists are asked to exercise caution while traveling, especially around the 3rd Infantry Division Headquarters (Bldg. 1), GA HWYs 144 and 119 on Fort Stewart, and Rio Road on Hunter Army Airfield, as this work will continue over the next several days.
If you have storm debris or fallen trees in or around your home or facility on post, there is no need to contact the DPW service order line for removal unless it poses a threat to life, health, or safety. DPW has a comprehensive plan in place for the removal of debris and is diligently following it as they progress throughout the installation.
Continue to follow us right here for updates as we work around the clock to keep you informed and safe.

Tropical Storm Helene 8 a.m. 27 Sep. 2024 update:

5am 27Sep24.jpgTropical Storm Helene 8 a.m. update:
At 5 a.m. EDT, the center of Tropical Storm Helene was located near latitude 32.8 North, longitude 83.0 West. Helene is moving toward the north near 30 mph. A turn toward the north is expected this morning, taking the center over central and northeastern Georgia. After that, Helene is expected to turn northwestward and slow down over the Tennessee Valley later today and Saturday.
Maximum sustained winds have decreased to near 70 mph with higher gusts. Continued weakening is expected, and Helene is expected to become a post-tropical low this afternoon or tonight. However, the fast forward speed will allow strong, damaging winds, especially in gusts, to penetrate well inland across the southeastern United States, including over the higher terrain of the southern Appalachians.
Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 275 miles mainly to the east of the center. The Marine Corp Air Station at Beaufort, South Carolina, recently reported a wind gust of 75 mph.
All Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield Emergency Essential personnel (Soldiers and Civilians) should report to their already scheduled shifts for today, Sept. 27. All other personnel are asked to shelter in-place until further notice. For questions regarding your work status, contact your chain of command.
Miymura Gate (5), Marshall Gate (4), WAAF Gate (9), and HAAF Montgomery Gate remain the only gates open for DOD Civilians, military personnel and authorized civilians. A shelter in place is in effect until it is determined safe to travel. Stay tuned to our official channels for updates as we work around the clock to keep you informed and safe.

Friday, Sept. 27 Installation Work Call Update:

Update.jpgFriday, Sept. 27 Installation Work Call Update:All Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield Emergency Essential personnel (Soldiers and Civilians) should report to their already scheduled shifts for the day. All other personnel are asked to shelter in-place until further notice. For questions regarding your work status, contact your chain of command.

Hurricane Helene Update - 26 Sep 2024 1PM:

3pm 26Sep24.jpgHere are the latest updates on the impacts from Hurricane Helene.
There is a high risk for tornadoes associated with Helene. The risk for tornadoes will increase this afternoon and peak tonight into early Friday morning.
Expect tropical storm force winds, with gusts between 40 to 60 mph. Wind speeds should peak late tonight as the center of Helene moves across central Georgia.
Clusters of showers associated with Helene are impacting the region.
Expect an increase in rain intensity throughout the remainder of the evening.
Installation status follows:
Avoid using State Road 119 & 144 during the hours of 10 p.m. until 7 a.m. Highways 119 and 144 are off-limits for military personnel with the exception of official duties and emergencies.
Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield - Bingo canceled tonight.
Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield - Golf Courses are closed today.
Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield – Bowling Centers to close at 4 p.m.
Club Stewart and Hunter Club closing at 4 p.m.
iSportsman activities/ registration closed at 4 p.m.
Fort Stewart Auto Skills Center is closed.
Fitness Centers - Johnson, Tominac, Newman – close at 4 p.m. (24/7 service still available)
Fort Stewart Corkan Recreation Area closed.

Hurricane Helene Update: 10AM 26 Sept. 2024

Earliest Reasonable Arrival Time of Tropical-Storm-Force Winds.jpgHurricane Helene Update: 10AM 26 Sept. 2024

Here are the latest updates on the impact from Hurricane Helene.

A tornado watch has been issued until 9 p.m.

There is a high risk for tornadoes associated with Helene. The risk for tornadoes will increase this afternoon and peak tonight into early Friday morning.

Expect tropical storm force winds, with frequent gusts of 40 to 60 mph. Wind speeds should peak late tonight as the center of Helene moves across central Georgia.

Both Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield Education Centers will close today at 4 p.m. All evening classes will be canceled at both locations.

The Marne Chapel will close today at 3 p.m. Religious services are canceled this evening.

No after school activities for DODEA

Commissary is operating on a normal schedule and will close at 8 p.m.

Hunter Army Airfield will close Rio and Wilson gates at 6 p.m.

The Montgomery Gate will be open 24 hours.

The following gates on Fort Stewart will be closed at 6.p.m.

Gate 3 - Britt Gate

Gate 4B – 2ABCT PT Gate

Gate 4C – 2ABCT PT Gate

Gate 7 – McGarr Gate

Gate 8 – Barkley Gate

Continue to monitor the official social media channels of Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield for

Tropical Storm Helene, maximum telework

Severe Weather Update.jpgDue to Tropical Storm Helene, maximum telework is authorized for U.S. Army Garrison personnel and other tenant organizations. U.S. Army Garrison directorates will continue to provide customer service to our Soldiers and Families both Thursday, Sept. 26 and Friday, Sept. 27. Contact your chain of command or first-line supervisor for reporting information. DODEA schools are open Thursday, Sept. 26 and will recognize a student holiday, Friday, Sept. 27.Medical Treatment Facility personnel will stand by for reporting guidance. A decision is expected soon for MTF personnel. If you have a question regarding operating status of a facility tomorrow or Friday, it is recommended to call the facility beforehand. AAFES and DECA facilities will operate with normal hours Thursday, Sept. 26.

Tropical Storm Watch: Tropical Storm Helene:

7am 26Sep24.jpgWe are currently under a Tropical Storm Watch as Tropical Storm Helene approaches the United States. Helene is expected to strengthen into a major hurricane as it moves across the Gulf of Mexico, making landfall Thursday evening and moving into Georgia overnight into early Friday.
NOW is the time to get prepared for this storm!
Here are some potential impacts:
  • 4-6 inches of Rainfall
  • Strong winds with gusts above 40 mph
  • Possible Tornadoes.
In the video linked below: Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield Garrison Commander, Col. Marc Austin. shares best practices and useful information on how we can better be prepared for severe weather.
For more tips and up to date information, continue to monitor Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield official social media channels.

Information Source

Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System
Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Colorado State University (CSU)
Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Evacuation Routes
Georgia Emergency Management-Homeland Security Agency
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Nation Weather Services (NWS) Charleston, SC.
The Old Farmer’s Almanac