Service Locations. Our two locations provide walk-in services and appointments to Servicemembers, Family Members, and Retired Servicemembers.
- Our Fort Stewart Legal Assistance Office is located in Suite 119, Building 620. The building is behind the Jordan Fitness Center.
- Our Hunter Army Airfield Legal Assistance Office is located in the west end of Building 1211, the HAAF Legal Center. Hours vary by location.
Request Form. The best method of contact is through the Legal Assistance Request Form found here: Legal Assistance Request Form
Phone. Both offices are available by phone during Legal Assistance business hours. Personnel supporting the phones also provide service to our walk-in customers. If personnel are unavailable to take your call, please submit a Legal Assistance Request Form or call again later.
Need a notary, vehicle tax exemption form, or POA? Active duty servicemembers can get notary services, ad valorem forms, and POAs at their respective Brigade Legal Offices too.
General Information. BELOW, please see our “Legal Assistance Updates” and FAQs on a variety of subjects, including military matters, family law, estate planning, landlord-tenant issues, and more!
Legal Assistance Update
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Generally, any motor vehicle purchased and titled in Georgia is subject to a title ad valorem tax fee. Active duty service members and their dependents may qualify to be exempt from this tax. Legal Assistance Office can provide you with the proper documentation to provide Georgia Department of Revenue – Motor Vehicle Division for this exemption.
*Any active duty member of the armed services, who is not a Georgia resident, who is a citizen of the United States, and who is stationed at a military instrumentality within the State of Georgia solely by virtue of military orders. Qualified dependents means such servicemember’s spouse who is not a Georgia resident, such servicemember’s child who is not a Georgia resident, or an individual who is not a Georgia resident for whom the servicemember provided more than one-half of the individual’s support for 180 days preceding request for relief under the SCRA.
The registered owner of the vehicle (service member or dependent) must bring the service members most recent end of month LES and their Military ID card. If using a power of attorney (POA) bring the original POA.
Our attorneys assist clients with many areas of practice including family law (divorce, paternity, support, adoption). The majority of the family law filing forms can be received online and may require an attorney appointment.
No. They cannot represent you in court. LAO attorneys can only assist with uncontested divorce and helping our clients review understand legal documents. However, if you already have an attorney representing you on that matter LAO attorneys cannot assist you in any way.
A contested divorce is one in which the parties cannot agree, either about getting divorced or about the terms of the divorce, such as the division of assets, allocation of debts, alimony, child support, or the custody of children.
In an uncontested divorce, the spouses agree on everything and do not need the court to divide assets or make determinations about spousal or child support or custody. In general, an uncontested divorce will proceed through the system more quickly, be much less complicated, and less of a financial burden.
Click HERE for all family law related documentation to file in Georgia.
Army Regulation 608-99, Chapter 2 establishes guidelines for support of Family Members. If a court order or written agreement states the amount of support that must be provided, then the Soldier must provide the amount stated. However, if no court order or written agreement exists, then the minimum financial support requirements specified in AR 608-99 will dictate until the parties obtain an order or written agreement. Legal Assistance can provide you with the amount of BAH II WITH for the current year and help you determine your obligation under the regulation.
Please click HERE for more information.
Please click HERE for the current 2024 Non-Locality BAH Rates.
AR 608-99 applies to the:
(1) Active Army, including cadets at the U.S. Military Academy;
(2) The U.S. Army Reserve on active duty pursuant to orders for 30 days or more;
(3) All members of the Army National Guard of the United States on active duty for 30 days or more;
(4) Members of the Army National Guard on active duty for 30 days or more pursuant to orders under Title 32, United States Code, except for the punitive provisions of this regulation;
(5) Family members who are command sponsored and reside outside of the United States;
(6) Soldiers receiving full or partial pay and allowances while confined at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks or other confinement facilities.
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act(“UCCJA”) has been adopted by 49 States (excluding Massachusetts). For initial custody matters, the UCCJA looks at the child or children’s “home State,” which is the State the child lived in with a parent (or a person acting as a parent) for at least six (6) consecutive months immediately before the commencement of a proceeding. However, there are other factors that may change initial jurisdiction. Legal Assistance can help you determine which State likely has jurisdiction.
Georgia law is specific in defining the rights and obligations of Landlords and Tenants. Because of these laws, military personnel and Family Members should know the consequences before they take any action.
Walk through the home or apartment (with the Landlord if possible) and document all pre-lease damage with photos. Afterwards, send photos to the Landlord via registered mail or other confirmation. Legal Assistance will review any lease agreements prior to you signing and discuss any concerns with the agreement.
The lease is a binding contract between the Landlord and Tenant. Moreover, a court will ensure that the parties to a contract abide by its terms. If the lease violates Georgia law or public policy, then a court will not enforce its terms.
If you want to add or delete terms from the lease, you should discuss the idea with the Landlord or manager before signing the lease. Once the parties sign the lease, they are bound by its terms.
Georgia law requires move-in and move-out inspections. Thoroughly inspect the premises before signing the lease and providing a security deposit. The Landlord is required to give the Tenant a list of any damages to the rental unit—before the Tenant moves into the unit. This list must be signed by the Landlord and the Tenant. Before signing, inspect the unit verify the accuracy of the list. If you do not agree with everything on the list, you must specify in writing any additional damages on the list and then sign. You may also want to take pictures when you move in.
The Landlord must refund to the Tenant within thirty (30) days of the termination of the tenancy. If the Landlord plans to retain part of the security deposit, the Landlord must give written justification for doing so and comply with the move-out inspection. The Landlord cannot charge Tenants for ordinary wear and tear.
The security deposit and any statements which accompany it must be sent to the last known address of the Tenant. If it is returned as undelivered and the Landlord is unable to locate the Tenant after a reasonable effort, the security deposit becomes the property of the Landlord ninety (90) days after it was mailed. This is why it is important to leave your Landlord a new address.
If your landlord is not allowing you terminate your lease and you provided all of the proper documentation come in to the Legal Assistance Office with your military id card and make an appointment so an attorney can review your case.
Georgia law (O.C.G.A. §44-7-22) allows a Servicemember to terminate a lease agreement with thirty (30) days’ written notice to the Landlord and a copy of military orders or a written verification signed by the Commanding Officer. A Servicemember can terminate a lease under this Georgia law if the Sercivemember:
Receives permanent change-of-station orders to a location at least 35 miles away;
Receives temporary duty or state active duty orders to a location at least 35 miles away from your rental premises for at least 60 days;
Is released from active duty, during which time he or she had leased the property, and the home of record is at least 35 miles away;
Is ordered to move into government quarters;
Becomes eligible for government quarters and will forfeit housing allowance if he or she does not move in; or
Receives orders to an area 35 miles or more distant before taking possession of the property.
Our attorneys provide general legal advice on estate planning and prepare simple wills, simple testamentary trusts, living wills, advanced medical directives and powers of attorney. Complex estate planning needs, including inter vivos trusts, estates with property in a US territory or foreign country, or matters involving estates valued at over 1 million dollars will be referred out.
Legal Assistance only performs simple wills. If you have a complex will you should hire a civilian attorney that is a subject matter expert on performing complex wills.
Legal Assistance should not draft your will if:
* Your estate (not including life insurance) is over $1 million dollars.
*You own property in a foreign country or US territory.
*You want to create any kind of non-testamentary trust (i.e. inter vivos trust or living trust)
* You want any kind of complex testamentary trust (place unusual strings/requirements on property or condition on disbursing funds)
* You have a beneficiary with special needs (incapacitated minor or adult)
Appointments must be made in person at the Fort Stewart Legal Assistance Office, Building 709, 1791 Gulick Avenue, Fort Stewart, GA 31314 or by emailing our inbox at “. Clients must bring a valid military ID card and a will worksheet completely filled out. Deploying servicemembers will get priority for will appointments.
Estate Planning Booklet -Children - Click to access the will worksheet with children (minor or adult). Print out and fold booklet in half.
Estate Planning No Kids Booklet - Click to access the will worksheet without children (minor or adult). Print out and fold booklet in half.
A complete will worksheet and bring your Military ID Card. Will worksheets MUST be completely filled out before we can scheduled an appointment.
Estate Planning Booklet -Children - Click to access the will worksheet with children (minor or adult). Print out and fold booklet in half.
Estate Planning No Kids Booklet - Click to access the will worksheet without children (minor or adult). Print out and fold booklet in half.
If you die without a will you die "intestate." Each state has laws that determine how your property and bank accounts (your "estate") is distributed in the event of your death. Generally, if you are unmarried and have no children your entire estate will go to your parents if they are alive. If you are not survived by any parents, the estate will go to your siblings, then grandparents, then aunts and uncles, then cousins. Only in the event of no surviving family member will the State receive your assets. If you are married or have children, generally the estate will go to your spouse and your children.
Our office provides a wide range of legal services under Army Regulation 27-3. Military administrative (Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss, OER and NCOER appeals, General Officer Memoranda of Reprimand rebuttals, Article 138 complaints, security clearances). These services will require an appointment. If you are having a legal issue with an upcoming suspense (example a FLIPL, GOMOR, or civilian court date), DO NOT wait to until the last minute to come into our office to make an appointment. Come as soon as you receive notice of the action or court date. We may not be able to assist you if you wait until the last minute to seek legal assistance.
Many military administrative matters have a timing requirement and need to be responded to within a few days. If you have been notified of any adverse administrative action against you then you need to come see Legal Assistance immediately. This includes GOMORs and FLIPLs. Do not wait to come into the office because it may take some time for you to get supporting documents together to respond.
Army and local policy require that Soldiers who have a DUI receive a GOMOR.
A GOMOR is a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand. A reprimand becomes a GOMOR in one of two ways:
1) A General Officer signs a memorandum reprimanding a Soldier or;
2) A General Officer directs that a reprimand be filed in a Soldier's Official Military Personnel File (OMPF).
There are many reasons why you might receive a GOMOR and most GOMORs are unique. There is no good way to provide general advice. Promptly come in to the office and inquire at the front desk about making an appointment if you have received the documentation. If not, start gathering evidence for your rebuttal (letters of support, awards, NCOER/OER, etc)
No. There are many factors that go into accessing liability for a FLIPL and just because you have signed a hand receipt for equipment does not mean that you are automatically required to pay for it. Bring the DD 200 and all accompanying paperwork to the Legal Assistance Office and one of our attorneys will sit down with you and go over what you may or may not be liable for.
Generally, the assessment of liability for a FLIPL is limited to one month's base pay in the absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct.
There are many reasons your security clearance may be revoked. You have the ability to submit a written response rebutting the revocation of your security clearance before it becomes effective. Bring all paperwork to the Legal Assistance Office and we will have an attorney go over your situation and how to respond to the revocation of your security clearance.
The Special Victim Counsel (SVC) is a licensed attorney in the Judge Advocate General's Corps who represents victims of sex-related offenses throughout the duration of the Military Justice or administrative process. The SVC works exclusively for the victim, not for the Army or any other person, organization, or entity.
If the victim requests an SVC, the SVC will work with the victim to aid in understanding the legal proceedings or administrative actions in the case and represent the victim at all times during a courts-martial. The SVC can accompany the victim to all interviews with the investigators, the Prosecutor, or Defense Counsel. The SVC can also provide legal assistance services as needed.
For more information, contact your Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) or Victim Advocate. You may also contact the Legal Assistance Office at 912-767-8819 and ask to speak to the Chief of Legal Assistance.
Per regulation, the following persons are eligible to receive legal assistance:
•Active Component members of the Armed Forces and their Family Members.
•Reserve Component members of the Armed Forces serving on active duty more than 29 days, and their Family Members.
•Active and Reserve Component members of the Armed Forces who are receiving military retirement or disability pay ("gray" card retired Reserve Component members are not eligible for assistance).
•Department of Defense civilian employees against whom pecuniary liability has been recommended under AR 735-5.
•Department of Defense civilian employees who are to deploy to a combat zone, but only for matters related to their imminent deployment.
Our office provides a wide range of legal services under Army Regulation 27-3. Powers of attorney and notaries are available on a walk-in basis during all office hours. Our attorneys assist clients with many areas of practice including family law (divorce, paternity, support, adoption), real and personal property (landlord tenant, housing), consumer law (debt collection, garnishment, SCRA), civilian administrative (name changes, immigration and naturalization), military administrative (Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss, OER and NCOER appeals, General Officer Memoranda of Reprimand rebuttals, Article 138 complaints, security clearances). Estate planning services (wills, health care directives, durable powers of attorney) are offered. Power of Attorney and notarial services are on a walk-in baisis. Most other Legal Assistance services require an attorney appointment.
Click on the link below to download a copy of a local attorney client referral list.
This non-exhaustive list is not an endorsement, referral, or recommendation as to the competence or abilities of any attorney. Click HERE to download.
We cannot go to court with you. In addition, under Army Regulation 27-3, the following are types of cases in which legal assistance is either not authorized or only offers limited services: military justice matters (Trial Defense Services represents servicemembers in military justice matters), private business activities, civil litigation, claims against the United States, civilian criminal matters including traffic tickets, employment matters (except those involving enforcement of USERRA), torts, contingent legal fee cases, prepaid legal representation cases, standards of conduct issues, and complex estate planning.
A Power of Attorney (“POA”) is a legal document that you can make to give authority to another person to act on your behalf. There are three (3) types of POAs: (1)General POA; (2) Special/Specific POA; and (3) Health Care POA.
A General POA allows a person to give broad powers to a person or organization to act on his or her behalf. The powers may include, but are not limited to, handling financial and business transactions, settling claims, and/or filing taxes.
A Special/Specific POA allows a person to specify exactly what powers an agent may exercise on his or her behalf. These powers may include selling property and/or managing real-estate.
A Health Care POA grants a person’s agent the authority to make medical decisions for him or her if he or she is unconscious, mentally incompetent, or otherwise unable to make decisions on his or her own.
A POA may be needed when a Soldier is deploying or if the Soldier, and/or his or her family, believes there may be unforeseen events occurring in the future that would require someone else to act on his or her behalf. It is important that the person you are giving authority to is someone you trust. Legal Assistance can help you tailor your POA exactly how you wish.
We provide general legal information over the telephone. We cannot provide legal advice or make appointments over the phone.
Appointments must be made in person at the Fort Stewart Legal Assistance Office, Building 709, 1791 Gulick Avenue, Fort Stewart, GA 31314 or by emailing our inbox at Clients must bring a valid military ID card with a DOD ID number.
Wait times can vary, but appointments are typically available within a few business days.
There are very few legal issues that we are able to assist you with that require seeing an attorney immediately or on the same day. If you notify our front desk that you must see an attorney immediately, an attorney will speak with you to evaluate your situation and determine whether a same day appointment is necessary. If you are having a legal issue with an upcoming suspense (example a FLIPL, GOMOR, or civilian court date), do not wait to until the last minute to come into our office to make an appointment. Come as soon as you receive notice of the action or court date. We may not be able to assist you if you wait until the last minute to seek legal assistance.
If you are located far away from our office, you can receive assistance at any legal assistance office (Army, Air Force, Navy or Coast Guard) in your area. We also provide limited legal assistance services in Army military administrative matters to Soldiers located in Florida or outside the greater Fort Stewart area. If you call or email our office and are determined to be eligible for services, we may be able to assist you remotely with your defense in military administrative matters over the telephone and email. Please call or email our office for more information.
A Family Care Plan is mandatory under AR 600-20, paragraph 5-5, when:
(1) a Soldier has a child or children and no spouse;
(2) a Soldier has a child or children, has a spouse, but is not living with the spouse; and
(3) the family is dual military. If a required Soldier does not have a Family Care Plan, the Army may separate the Soldier under AR 635-200, paragraph 5-8.
The Military Lending Act (“MLA”) is a program that provides certain protections in lending for service members who are called to Active Duty. The MLA standards affect (1)Payday Loans; (2) Vehicle title; (3) refund anticipation, deposit advance, and installment loans (4) unsecured open-end lines of credit; and (5) credit cards.
The MLA caps financial products’ interest at 36%, which is called the Military Annual Percentage Rate (“MAPR”). The MLA Rule makes it so that banks will no longer: require service members to submit to mandatory arbitration and tedious legal requirements; require Soldiers to waive their Service members Civil Relief Act rights; require Soldiers to provide a payroll allotment; allow continual refinance of a payday loan; allows institutions to obtain a post-dated check; and allows institutions to access a bank account or a car title.
These new rules are intended to help Service members, but it is strongly recommended that all Service members become better educated about the types of credit he or she can receive.
3ID Holiday Guidance 2024
Fort Stewart
Primary: (571) 801-5149
Secondary:(571) 801-5113Secondary: (571) 801-5113

Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 0900 - 1600 |
Tuesday | 0900 - 1600 |
Wednesday | 0900 - 1600 |
Thursday | 1300-1600 (Closed for Training 0900 – 1300) |
Friday | 0900 - 1500 |
Saturday | Closed |
BLDG 620
944 William H. Wilson Ave ,Suite 119
Fort Stewart GA 31314
NOTICE: Walk-in Services include Notary, POA, Ad Valorems, appointment scheduling, and general questions. Active Duty personnel can also get notaries, POAs, and vehicle tax exemption forms from their respective Brigade Legal Offices, which will have different hours than the installation legal assistance offices.
Hunter AAF
Primary: (571) 801-5149

Sunday | CLOSED |
Monday | CLOSED |
Tuesday | 0930 - 1130 and 1300 – 1600 (Walk-In Services) |
Wednesday | 0900 – 1430 (Appointments Only) & 1430 – 1600 (Walk-In Services) |
Thursday | CLOSED (Except for Scheduled Appointments) |
Friday | CLOSED |
Saturday | CLOSED |
BLDG 1211
638 Horace Emmet Wilson Blvd
Hunter Army Airfield GA 31409
NOTICE: Walk-in Services include Notary, POA, Ad Valorems, appointment scheduling, and general questions. Active Duty personnel can also get notaries, POAs, and vehicle tax exemption forms from their respective Brigade Legal Offices, which will have different hours than the installation legal assistance offices.