Mandatory Face-to-Face training and Newcomers/On-Boarding Brief for USAG Fort Stewart – Hunter Army Airfield Soldiers and Civilians is available on the first Tuesday of each month at Pope Field Training Annex (Bldg. 372). Contact your Directorate Training Coordinator for information regarding training start times for brief and for scheduling OPEX Training. The below lists provide further information regarding AR 350-1, DoD, and IMCOM requirements for annual mandatory training, supervisor training, and employee newcomer requirements.
✪ Denotes an external link
⚠ Denotes a CAC enabled link
Mandatory Face-to-Face Training
- Army Substance Abuse (ASAP): ASAP training provides alcohol and drug education and prevention to Soldiers & Civilians. Training includes information regarding the USAG Liberty Employee Assistance Program (EAP). EAP is a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work related problems. Requirement: Annual; Time to Complete: 40 min
- Suicide Prevention: Training provides resources for assisting in saving another's life from self-harm. Requirement: Annual; Time to Complete: 30 min
- Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP): TARP is a DA requirement to report any incident of known or suspected espionage, international terrorism, sabotage, subversion, theft or diversion of military technology, information systems, intrusions, and unauthorized disclosure of classified information. Requirement: Annual; Time to Complete: 40 min
- Sexual Harassment / Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) Program: The SHARP refresher training is part of Army Directive 2018-23 and it identifies the prevention of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault as a critical readiness issue and asserts the importance of leadership building a positive command climate that emphasizes the Army Values and ensures all Soldiers and civilians are treated with dignity and respect. Requirement: Annual Time to Complete: 40 min
- Operation Excellence (OPEX) Customer Service Training: IAW IMCOM OPORD 22-051 Service Culture Campaign, OPEX training is required for both new employees and supervisors. New employees are required to take the initial OPEX training within 90 days of entry of duty and annually thereafter. Supervisors must complete both the employee OPEX and OPEX for Leaders. Training Coordinators can schedule with Training Integration Branch’s Training Program Support Specialist.
Supervisor Training
- Leader’s Safety and Occupation Health Course (LSC) ⚠ - Course required for all Military Commanders and USAG Leaders/Supervisors (AF/NAF). Register for LSC (Task Number: 2G-F107_DL) in ATRRS. Once registration is approved, complete training in ALMS. This course replaces: Commander Safety Course, Manager Safety Course, and Supervisor Safety Course .Requirement: One-Time; Time to Complete: 2 hrs
- Security Training - Annual Awareness: Managing Soldiers and Civilians with a Security Clearance/Access ✪ - This training is required for Civilian Supervisors, Officers, and Enlisted personnel in the grade of Corporal and above who manage personnel with clearances/access to classified information. For access, Security Training - Annual Awareness Managing Personnel with Clearances/Access to Classified Information in ALMS ⚠.
- Supervisor Development Course (SDC) ⚠ - Web-based course focused on supervising civilian employees. Course provides information with knowledge necessary to successfully manage work processes and lead in the Army environment. Requirement: within 1 yr of assignment as a supervisor of civilian employees and every 3 yrs thereafter.
- o Basic, Intermediate, Advanced CEScourse - Required for supervisors based on grade (see more informationbelow). o EEO Anti-Harassment & No Fear for Supervisors ⚠ - Provides education on Equal Employment Opportunity, Army anti-harassment policy, No FEAR and Prohibited personnel practices, including whistleblower protection laws. Register for the course in ATRRS ⚠ (EEO Anti-Harassment & No Fear for Supervisors EEO-203B). Once registration is approved, locate training located on ALMS website. Requirement:Annual; Time to Complete: 4 hrs o Operation Excellence (OPEX) Customer Service Training: IAW IMCOM OPORD 22-051: Service Culture Campaign, OPEX training is required for supervisors. Supervisors must take the initial OPEX training within 90 days of entry of duty. Supervisors must also complete OPEX for Leaders annually thereafter. Training Coordinators can schedule with Training Integration Branch’s Training Program Support Specialist. o Internal Control Awareness: HQ, IMCO Managers’ Internal Control Program (MICP): Training - Provides training on the process for internal control awareness and roles and responsibilities. Per IMCOM Policy Letter 11-2-1, training is required for AUMs, ICAs, evaluators, and selected managers in ALMs. Requirement:Annual
Required Training (as applicable)
- Contracting Officer Representative (COR) ⚠ Course available via DAU.
- CLM-003 Ethics Time to Complete: 1hr
- CLC-222 Time to Complete 1 hr
- CLM-003 Ethics Time to Complete: 1hr
- Defense Travel System (DTS) ⚠
- Passport is the Defense TravelManagement Office’s single sign-on portal to permission based applications relatedto DoD commercial travel.
- Each Garrison organization has aprimary POC to assist with travel authorization, vouchers, processing, rulesand regulation issues. Garrison ResourceManagement Office manages DTS and Government Travel Card (GTC)
- Passport is the Defense TravelManagement Office’s single sign-on portal to permission based applications relatedto DoD commercial travel.
- Personally Identifiable Information (PII): ✪Training includes information for identifying and safeguarding PII andProtected Health Information (PHI). Annual training requirement is for all Armypersonnel who maintain PII (includes contractors). Time to Complete: Less than2 hrs
- HIPAA Annual / Initial Refresher Training: ⚠Training provides an overview of the Health Insurance Portability andAccountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and The Privacy Act of 1974 and how the lawsare applicable to the Military Health System.
Additional Free Resources
✪ Designates an external link
o Skillport ✪Provides free individual training for Active Army, National Guard, Reserves, ROTC(MS III-IV), and DA Civilians. Receive access to:
- 3,500+web-based courses in Information Technology, Business Leadership, PersonalDevelopment, and Communication.
- ITCertification prep courses in MCSE, CISSP, C++, Cisco, Oracle, etc.
- ACEcollege credit course training modules
- 3,500+web-based courses in Information Technology, Business Leadership, PersonalDevelopment, and Communication.
o GovLoop Academy ✪ Provides anextensive suite of online training videos that are free for registeredmembers. Free Membership
o Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) ✪ Provides 30-60 mincourses on equal opportunity related topics:
- Ethics
- ConflictManagement
- Connectedness
- Trustin Leadership
- OrganizationsCommitment & Cohesion
- Ethics
o TRAIN Learning Network ✪ Provides nationallearning network that provides training for professionals who protect &improve the public’s health and courses may be helpful for professionals outsidepublic health. Most courses are free andinclude:
- 8Steps to Building & Sustaining Effective Coalitions
- AddressingUnconscious Bias in our Language
- Coaching& Mentoring
- Introto Design Thinking
- 8Steps to Building & Sustaining Effective Coalitions
o The MG Robert M. Joyce School for Family & MWR ✪ The school is a component of the Installation ManagementCommand for workforce learning & performance and provides web-basedinstruction and performance support through its virtual campus. Some courses provide college creditrecommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE).
o ✪ Provides free on-line learning opportunities. The Professional learning opportunities are self-paced allowing participants to explore new topics. Auditing courses is free, which means you will not complete graded assignments or receive credit. Certification requires payment (i.e. $49 to $325) depending on the instruction and completion of course requirements.
MANDATORY TRAINING (with Links to training)
One-Time Training only
(1) ConstitutionDay training: register and complete online at
(2) Ethics: register and complete online at by clickingon Legal Services, then selecting Initial Ethics Training for New Personnel underthe Ethics sub-heading.
(3) Foundation Course (DL-only): required for allCivilian Employee new hires in grades GS 1-15 and equivalent pay band/scale,hired after 1 October 2006.
(4) Operational Excellence (OPEX) for theWorkforce: Face-to-face training required for all Army Civilians(non-supervisors and supervisors). Generally available during the Garrison NewEmployee Orientation (NEO). Part of IMCOM’s Service Culture Initiative (SCI).Refresher training may be required.
(5) OPEX for Leaders: Face-to-face trainingrequired for all Army Civilian leaders (supervisors only). Available severaltimes per fiscal year by the Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO).Part of IMCOM’s SCI. Refresher training may be required.
Annual training requirements for all Army Civilians
(1) AntiterrorismTraining (AT) Level I: register and complete online at, then click on the Course Catalog tab, enterUS007 and click Search. Employees can then enroll in Level I Antiterrorism Awareness Training.
(2) Cyber Awareness Training: register and complete online at
(3) EEO Anti-Harassment and No FEAR Training:register online at Once logged in, search for the training by clicking Course Catalog and enter 203A (non-supervisors) or 203B (supervisors) in the Course Number section. Once the registration has been approved,employees will receive an email and the training will be conducted using the Army Learning Management System (ALMS) platform.
(4) Information Security (INFOSEC) Program Training: register and complete online at by clicking on the Mandatory Training link on the left-side menu, and selecting Launch next to Information Security Program Training.
(5) Operational Security (OPSEC) training:register and complete online at by clicking on the Mandatory Training link on the left-side menu, and selecting Launch next to Army OPSEC Level I (Newcomers and Refresher).
(6) Personal Readiness (formerly listed as separate courses of Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention training): register and complete Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention and Suicide Prevention training online at
.Once logged in, click the Course Catalog tab,enter the course code (US011 for ASAP training and US006C for Suicide Prevention training) and click Search.Select enrollment in the Joint Staff Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention training and the Joint Staff Suicide Awareness and Prevention– Civilian Only training. Completion of both of these courses constitutes completion of the Personal Readiness requirement as detailed in AR 350-1.
(7) SHARP (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention) training: IAW Army Directive 2018-23, Annual SHARP Refresher Training will be conducted face-to-face from a credentialed SHARP personnel. Available several times per fiscal year by the Army Community Services (ACS) office.
(8) Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP) course: register and complete online at by clicking on the Search Catalog link on the left-side menu, entering TARP into the Search field, changing the Location to Any Location, and clicking Search.That search will return the result of U.S.Army Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP) Course (Version: A). Click on the title of the course. On the next page, click the drop down arrow and select Current Registerable Initial Certification Path v2 which is found next to Select Path. A new drop down will appear entitled U.S. Army TARP Course#(date)-206. Once that has populated, click Register for Selected Path, and then Complete Registration on the next page. Complete the training by clicking Launch Content. Employees may also attend the course in a face-to-face training capacity when available. Only one version(online OR face-to-face) is required.
Annual training for OGE 450 Filers
Ethics: register and complete online at by clicking on Legal Services, then selecting Online Ethics Training under the Ethics sub-heading.
Required when appointed and then as prescribed
(1) Manager’s Internal Control Program (MICP) training: IAW AR 11-2, all designated MICP personnel will complete initial training within 30 days of duty appointment. Refresher training will be completed annually for Internal Control Administrators (ICAs), and biennially (every other year) for Senior Responsible Officers (SROs), Assessable Unit Managers (AUMs), and Evaluators. Register online at by clicking on the Search Catalog link on the left-side menu, entering Internal Control Program into the Search field,changing the Location to Any Location,and clicking Search. Select the appropriate training module, register, and launch the course.
(2) Safety Committee Members Safety Course: IAW 29 CFR 1960.58, all collateral duty Safety Officers on orders are required to complete this training when appointed. Register and complete online at by clicking on the Search Catalog link on the left-side menu, entering Safety Committee into the Search field, changing the Location to Any Location, and clicking Search.Select the Safety Committee Members Safety Course, register, and launch the course..
Civilian Education System
The CES program is the Army’s leader development program for all Army civilians. It provides progressive and sequential education for Army Civilians at key positions throughout their careers. Courses of instruction are provided through Distance Learning (DL) and resident instruction. CES courses are to be taken in sequence over a period of time as Army Civilians progress through their careers. Course applications are completed through CHRTAS.
(1) Foundation Course (DL-only): required for all Civilian Employee new hires in grades GS 1-15 and equivalent pay band/scale,hired after 1 October 2006.
(2) Basic Course (DL-only option available):Required for all Civilian Supervisors in grades GS 1-9 and equivalent pay band/scale. Non-supervisors at the appropriate grade levels can attend in a voluntary status.
(3) Intermediate Course: Required for all Civilian Supervisors in grades GS 10-12and equivalent pay band/scale. Non-supervisors at the appropriate grade level scan attend in a voluntary status.
(4) Advanced Course: Required for all Civilian Supervisors in grades GS 13-15 and equivalent pay band/scale. Non-supervisorsat the appropriate grade levels can attend in a voluntary status.
(5) Supervisor Development Course (SDC): The SDCis a DL-only course (for APF employees; NAF employees take a face-to-face course) that must be completed within the first year of placement in a supervisory position in accordance with the probationary period. Supervisors are required to complete this as re-certification within 3 years of previous completion.Employees enrolled in the SDC have 120 days to complete the course from the date of registration. If the course is not completed within this time frame,employees will be required to re-register and restart the course.
Civilian Education System (CES) is a progressive and sequential leader development program that provides enhanced educational opportunities for Army Civilians throughout their careers. For more Course information visit the COMBINED ARMS CENTER. ✪
Foundation Course
Foundation Course: Provides Army Civilians with an orientation to leader development concepts, building their careers, and becoming Army Civilian leaders. The course objectives are to understand U.S. Army leadership doctrine; increase self-awareness as it relates to one’s profession; understand team building, group dynamics, and effective communication; assess individual values and how they relate to professional ethics; understand how to manage professional advancement and leverage career potential; and complete administrative requirements expected of Army civilians.
- Required for all Army Civilians employed after Sep 30, 2006
- Available via Distance Learning Only
- Interns must complete the Foundation Course before completion of their intern program
Eligibility: Available to all civilians
Prerequisites: None
Frequency: One-time requirement (initial entry)
Time to Complete: 44.5 Academic Hours
Basic Course
This Course is designed for the Army Civilian leader who exercises direct leadership to effectively lead and care for teams.
- Required for supervisors grades GS 5-9 or equivalent
- Basic Course can be completed in one of two ways:
- (Course Number: 1-250-C60 DL) Primary options is a 100% online course (Basic Course DL). This course is offered continuously and space is readily available for all prospective students in grades GS 1-9 or equivalent. Time to Complete: Self-paced not to exceed 180 days (120 hrs).
- (Course Number: 1-250-C60) Prospective students may also request to attend a two-week online, virtual classroom format in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (Basic Course resident). The two-week virtual course will present the full resident curriculum through an entirely online distributed learning format using Blackboard with instructor facilitation.It is not a self-paced online distance learning course. Students are not required to be required to travel to Fort Leavenworth, KS.Each class will take daily for two weeks and classes are typically held during the scheduled workday for students in CONUS time zones. Students meet virtually between online sync sessions with the instructors and in small groups in order to complete group assignments. Individual work consists of briefings, writing assignments, and discussion board participation. May include limited out of class time to complete homework assignments. Time to Complete: Two weeks (76 hrs)
- (Course Number: 1-250-C60 DL) Primary options is a 100% online course (Basic Course DL). This course is offered continuously and space is readily available for all prospective students in grades GS 1-9 or equivalent. Time to Complete: Self-paced not to exceed 180 days (120 hrs).
- Army civilians in permanent appointments in grades GS 1-9 or equivalent.
- Army Appropriated Fund (AF), Non-appropriated Fund (NAF), Wage Grade (WG), Local National (LN) personnel.
Prerequisites: Foundation Course (required only for individuals hired after Sept 30, 2006).
Additional Information:
- Seats are quota-managed and limited to 240 students per year
- Army Civilians must have a current performance rating of successful or above and be in good conduct standing
- Students do not have to be serving in CST zone location, but they must be available to participate during the CST working hours (0800-1600) and have access to a location with high speed internet access, computer device with webcam and audio/microphone capabilities (headset recommended).
- Students are actively involved all 8 hours of the workday in class, working in small groups, and on individual assignments. Supervisors should consider them in a TDY status like they are attending a resident course even if they are taking the course at their desk.
Intermediate Course
- 3 Different Course Lengths requiring different weekly participation commitments: This will be a group participation course with resident course instructors facilitating the learning. It will not be a self-paced online distance learning course where students work alone.
- Intermediate Course: 12-week Facilitated DL - this option requires students to participate in regularly scheduled mandatory online video teleconference class sessions. The weekly 2-hour class session is held typically during the scheduled work day for students in the CONUS time zones. Students are also required to complete both group and individual assignments outside the scheduled online session. Students meet virtually with their small group in order to complete group assignments. Individual work consists of reading assignments, required discussion board participation, and various homework assignments. Students typically spend five to seven hours weekly on classwork outside of the scheduled online meetings.
- Intermediate Course: 6-week Facilitated DL - this option requires student to participate in regularly scheduled mandatory online video teleconference sessions with the entire class. The 2-hour online class session meets twice weekly. Class meetings are typically held during the scheduled work day for students in the CONUS Time zones. Students are also required to complete both group and individual assignments outside the scheduled online session. Students meet virtually with their small group in order to complete group assignments. Individual work consists of reading assignments, required discussion board participation, and various homework assignments. Students typically spend 10 to 15 hours weekly on classwork outside of the scheduled online meetings.
- Intermediate Course: 3-week Facilitated DL - this option requires student participation in three daily mandatory online video teleconference class sessions for three weeks. The one-hour online class session meets three times daily for the duration of the three-week course*. Class meetings are typically held during the scheduled work day for students in the CONUS Time zones. Students meet virtually between online sync sessions with their small group in order to complete group assignments. Individual work consists of reading assignments, required discussion board participation, and various evening and weekend homework assignments. Students typically spend four hours daily on classwork between the scheduled online meetings for a total daily work time requirement of seven to eight hours.*- This option requires student participation in two daily mandatory online video teleconference class sessions for three weeks. The 90-minute online class session meets twice daily for the duration of the three-week course.
- Intermediate Course: 12-week Facilitated DL - this option requires students to participate in regularly scheduled mandatory online video teleconference class sessions. The weekly 2-hour class session is held typically during the scheduled work day for students in the CONUS time zones. Students are also required to complete both group and individual assignments outside the scheduled online session. Students meet virtually with their small group in order to complete group assignments. Individual work consists of reading assignments, required discussion board participation, and various homework assignments. Students typically spend five to seven hours weekly on classwork outside of the scheduled online meetings.
- Meet eligibility requirement (GS 10 - 12 or equivalent).
Pre-requites for attendance:
- Meet eligibility requirement (GS 10 - 12 or equivalent).
- Completion of Phase I of the Intermediate Course.
- Completion the Foundation Course for those who were hired as an Army Civilian after Sep 30, 2006.
- This course involves online instruction in both a synchronous mode (real-time/simultaneous interface with instructors) and in an asynchronous mode (delayed/non-simultaneous participation).
- NOTE: Students do not have to be serving in a Central Standard Time (CST) zone location but they must be available to participate during the CST working hours (0800-1600). Have access to a location with high speed internet access, computer device with webcam and audio/microphone capabilities (headset recommended
Advanced Course
This Course prepares upper grade Army Civilian leaders (GS 13-15) to assume increasing levels of responsibility and leadership within organizations. Graduates are skilled in leading complex organizations in support of national security and defense strategies, managing organizational resources, leading change, inspiring vision and creativity, directing program management, and integrating Army systems.
The course is conducted through blended learning consisting of a distributed learning (DL) Phase 1 and an instructor-facilitated Phase 2.
Phase 1- DL
- Eligibility:
- The Advanced Course Phase 1 is available to all Army Civilians as a self-development tool.
- The Advanced Course Phase 1 is available to all Army Civilians as a self-development tool.
- Prerequisites:
- Foundation Course (required only for individuals hired after Sept 30, 2006).
- Foundation Course (required only for individuals hired after Sept 30, 2006).
Phase 2- DL
The six week course presents the full resident curriculum through an entirely online Distributed Learning format using This is a group participation course with resident course instructors facilitating the learning. It is not a self-paced online distance learning course where students work alone. Students completing the virtual classroom Phase 2 will receive full credit for the resident Advanced Course and will not be required to travel to Ft. Leavenworth, KS.
- This course requires a minimum commitment of 24 hours of organizational work time per week.
- This course involves online instruction in both a synchronous mode (realtime/simultaneous interface with instructors) and in an asynchronous mode (delayed/non-simultaneous participation).
- Students will be assigned to seminars that convene twice during each calendar week for 7.5 hours each session.
- Seminar sessions are on either a Monday/Thursday rhythm or on a Tuesday/Friday rhythm with Wednesday designated for individual/group work
- Eligibility:
- Army Civilians in permanent appointments in grades GS-13 – GS-15 (or equivalent).
- Army Non-appropriated Fund (NAF), Wage Grade (WG), Local National (LN)
- Army Civilians must have a current performance rating of successful or above and be in good conduct standing.
- Army Civilians in permanent appointments in grades GS-13 – GS-15 (or equivalent).
- Prerequisites:
- Foundation Course (required only for individuals hired after Sept 30, 2006).
- Advanced Course DL Phase 1 must be complete before the instructor-facilitated Phase 2.
- Foundation Course (required only for individuals hired after Sept 30, 2006).
- Selection Priority:
- Priority 1: Army Civilians in a permanent appointment to a supervisory or managerial positions.
- Priority 2: Army Civilians in a permanent appointment to a non-supervisory position.
- Priority 3: Military supervisors of Army Civilians, DOD, or other Federal agency leaders. Army Civilians in term or temporary appointments who are responsible for leading or supervising Army Civilians. Priority 3 attendees are not centrally funded and must be funded by their organization.
- Priority 1: Army Civilians in a permanent appointment to a supervisory or managerial positions.
- NOTE: Students do not have to be serving in a Central Standard Time (CST) zone location but they must be available to participate during the CST working hours (0800-1600). Have access to a location with high speed internet access, computer device with webcam and audio/microphone capabilities (headset recommended).
Additional Information:
- CES courses are centrally funded for most Department of the Army Civilians. Refer to AR 350-1 for specific requirements and eligibility.
- Courses are open to DOD employees and employees from other military departments. These employees are NOT centrally funded.
Accessing the Courses: Apply through CHRTAS ⚠ and follow the instructions provided in system-generated emails. The course is delivered through ALMS ⚠.
Delivery Methods: Includes distributed learning (DL), resident instruction, and blended learning - a mixture of both DL and resident instruction.