But not like "zero-in" with your weapon, put it down Rambo.

Career Exploration & Planning Track


  • 2-day class
  • Want to go to a technical school?  Consider education, apprenticeship, certifications and licensure requirements. 
  • Define + create achievable career goals, identify credentials, find training and tailor your job search to align with your interests and aptitudes
  • Personalized development strategies
  • Veteran resources & education benefits



Talk to corporate, like a boss. Approve memos, like a boss.

SBA Entrepreneurship Class, aka:  Boots to Business


  • 2-day class
  • Whether you want to start your own business now or in the future, learn the benefits & realities of entrepreneurship
  • Develop initial components of your business plan
  • Take advantage of FREE resources available to you now and in the future.  Again…we said FREE!
  • Connect with a small business owner to mentor & guide you through your start up



Imagine this...you're going to school...not missing class because you have to go to a field problem...grades are good...life is great.

Accessing Higher Education Class


  • 2-day class
  • Choose your degree program + select a College/University
  • Create a customized plan + submit your application
  • Funding considerations
  • Meet an academic counselor & connect with a student Veterans organization on campus.



Because writing a federal resume shouldn't be as time-consuming as clearing CIF.

Federal Resume Class


  • What is a competitive federal resume?
  • Identify your skills & accomplishments to be the Best Qualified
  • Learn the key points to the federal hiring process



Because people hire other people with skillz...

Skills Development Class



  • Understand "skills" v. "skill sets"
  • Identify skills pertinent to your goals
  • What is your employer looking for and how do you get there?
  • Next class:  TBA –check back with your counselor to be scheduled



Yo, you've been wearin' that uniform for a minute...

Dress for Success Class


  • What is appropriate for the Civilian workforce? 
  • Business suit v business casual.  Suit up or dress down?
  • What to wear at the hiring fair, interview, first day and beyond…
  • Next class:  TBA –check back with your counselor to be scheduled



Yah, if you could go ahead and pay me more, that'd be great.

Interview Techniques & Salary Negotiations Class


  • Why should they hire you?
  • Highlight your skills, talents and experiences with tact and confidence
  • Salary negotiations & techniques
  • Next class:  TBA –check back with your counselor to be scheduled



That look your mom gives you when she finds out you didn't take a free class on resumes.

Advanced Resume Writing Class


  • Develop your resume to stand out
  • Identify key areas & techniques for writing & submitting
  • Next class:  TBA –check back with your counselor to be scheduled