Pōhakuloa Training Area, commonly referred to as PTA, is located between Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea and the Hualalai Volcanic Mountains.
PTA can be reached from Oahu either by direct military helicopter or military fixed wing flights to PTA's Bradshaw Army Airfield, or by commercial airlines to either Hilo or Kona.
From Hilo or Kona, PTA is reached by driving on Saddle Road, with the main gate at mile marker 36.
For a listing of phone numbers, visit our phone book, or send a message to our public affairs office online.
Mailing Address
USAG Pōhakuloa Training Area
P.O. Box 4607
Hilo, HI 96720-0607
About PŌHAKULOA Training Area
Pohakuloa Training Area provides a quality joint/combined arms facility that provides logistics, public works, airfield support, and environmental and cultural stewardship in support of the U.S. Army Pacific training strategy while maintaining an enduring partnership with the local Hawaiian community.
Office: (808) 787-7144